
  • 网络chinese white dolphin;sousa chinensis
  1. 一头中华白海豚的病理解剖及死因分析

    Pathological Anatomy and Analysis of Death Causes for a Chinese White Dolphin

  2. 印度太平洋驼背豚〔中华白海豚〕

    Indo-Pacific humpbacked dolphin [ Chinese white dolphin ]

  3. 所以去年应NationalGeographic频道邀请,去看中华白海豚,觉得特别有意义。

    So when I was invited by National Geographic last year to see the white dolphins , it felt especially meaningful .

  4. 目前,中华白海豚已经被国际自然保护联盟(InternationalUnionforConservationofNature)列为“近危”(nearthreatened)物种。

    Chinese white dolphins are currently listed by the International Union for Conservation of Nature as a ' near threatened ' species .

  5. 中华白海豚的解剖学和C6、T8、Lc2的组织学研究

    Studies on anatomy of the spinal cord and histology of C 6 , t 8 , lc 2 of the Indo Pacific hump backed Dolphin

  6. 中华白海豚3个MHC基因座位遗传变异的初步分析(英文)

    A preliminary analysis of genetic variation at three MHC loci of the Indo-Pacific humpback dolphin ( Sousa chinensis )

  7. “它们是自然赐予我们的瑰宝,”海豚保育学会的负责人塞缪尔•洪(SamuelHung)说,“中华白海豚数量的减少反映了整体海洋生态系统的健康欠佳。”

    They 're a treasure of our natural heritage , ' says Samuel Hung , who heads the Dolphin Conservation Society . ' Their decline indicates the overall health of our marine ecosystem . '

  8. 它们是自然赐予我们的瑰宝,海豚保育学会的负责人塞缪尔•洪(SamuelHung)说,中华白海豚数量的减少反映了整体海洋生态系统的健康欠佳。

    ' They 're a treasure of our natural heritage , ' says Samuel Hung , who heads the Dolphin Conservation Society . ' Their decline indicates the overall health of our marine ecosystem . '

  9. 厦门中华白海豚的重金属含量

    Contents of heavy metals in Chinese white dolphins from Xiamen Harbour

  10. 厦门中华白海豚的分布和数量

    Distribution and abundance of Chinese white dolphins ( Sousa chinensis ) in Xiamen

  11. 北海海域中华白海豚体内重金属含量

    Heavy metal contents in Sousa chinensis in Beihai area

  12. 铜鼓航道工程建设对中华白海豚的影响分析

    Impacts of Tonggu Channel Constrction on Sousa chinensis

  13. 厦门港的中华白海豚Ⅴ.对水生生活的适应

    Chinese white dolphin ( Sousa chinensis ) in Xiamen Harbour ⅴ . Adaptation to aquatic living

  14. 生活在香港水域的中华白海豚,亦是香港的吉祥物。

    Chinese white dolphins living in Hong Kong waters , also a mascot of Hong kong .

  15. 珠江口海域4头中华白海豚的病理解剖及死因鉴定

    Pathological anatomy and identification of death causes for four Chinese White Dolphins in Pearl River Estuary

  16. 厦门港的中华白海豚Ⅰ.外部形态和内脏器官

    Chinese White Dolphin ( Sousa Chinensis ) in Xiamen Harbor ⅰ . Appearance and internal organs

  17. 中华白海豚堪称河口生活的专家广泛分布于印度洋和太平洋的中华白海豚

    Chinese white dolphins are estuary specialists . Found widely in the Indian and Pacific Ocean ,

  18. 黄海北部发现的中华白海豚Ⅰ.外形和内脏器官的测定结果

    The by-catching Chinese White Dolphins in North of Yellow Sea ⅰ . Measurement of morphology and organs

  19. 厦门港的中华白海豚Ⅱ.颅骨、耳骨及舌骨

    Chinese white dolphin ( Sousa Chinensis ) in Xiamen Harbour ⅱ . Skulls , ear bones and lingual bones

  20. 厦门水域中华白海豚栖息地选择的初步研究

    A preliminary analysis on the habitat selection of Chinese white dolphins ( Sousa chinensis ) in Xiamen waters , China

  21. 厦门海域两头中华白海豚体内铁的含量

    Concentration of iron in tissues and organs of two Indo-Pacific humpback dolphins ( Sousa chinensis ) from Xiamen waters , China

  22. 不过那时就有许多香港人指出,将数量少的惊人、并仍在持续减少的中华白海豚选为吉祥物实在是太讽刺了。

    Many locals at the time pointed out the irony of selecting a mascot whose ranks were alarmingly small and rapidly shrinking .

  23. 除了香港,中华白海豚还栖息在珠三角的其他水域,这些地方污染也很严重。

    Apart from Hong Kong , Chinese white dolphins are also known to inhabit other waters across the heavily polluted Pearl River Delta .

  24. 对厦门3头中华白海豚成体标本S6、S7、S10的脊柱、肋骨、胸骨及肢带骨进行了系统研究。

    The systematic study was conducted on the vertebrae , ribs , sternum and limbs of S_6 、 S_7 and S_10 from Xiamen Harbour .

  25. 观赏香港中华白海豚(由于它们的皮肤呈粉红色,所以又被称为粉红海豚)是一项深受游客喜爱的旅游项目。

    The city 's Chinese white dolphins ─ popularly known as pink dolphins for their skin 's rosy hue ─ are a beloved tourist attraction .

  26. 他说,“即使离开中国水域,情况也得不到改善,中华白海豚还是会面临同样的(污染)问题。”

    They aren 't going to be better off in Chinese waters , ' he says . ' They 'll face the same problems . '

  27. 中华白海豚数量锐减的问题在今年春天得到了格外的关注。一个海豚观赏团看见了一条成年海豚正努力抱住她死去的幼崽。

    The issue of pink dolphins ' decline got an extra burst of attention earlier this spring when one local dolphin-watching tour group spotted a dolphin mother clinging to her dead calf .

  28. 脑筋急转弯:把一颗白色的石头扔到红海中,石头发生了怎样的变化?珠江口海域4头中华白海豚的病理解剖及死因鉴定

    When you throw a white stone into the Red Sea , What will it become ? Pathological anatomy and identification of death causes for four Chinese White Dolphins in Pearl River Estuary

  29. 对厦门海域5头成体(9~30岁)、6头哺乳期幼仔的中华白海豚颅骨、耳骨及舌骨进行了比较研究。

    Comparative study was conducted between 5 mature Chinese white dolphins ( Indo-Pa cific Hump-backed Dolphin , Sousa chinensis , 9 ~ 30 a old ) and 6 newborn dolphins from Xia men .

  30. 中华白海豚利用回声定位信号进行水下目标的探测与识别,通过声学信号进行个体间的交流,声学信号是中华白海豚赖以生存的重要工具。

    They use echolocation signal for underwater target detection and recognition and use acoustic signal to communicate between individuals , which is an important tool for them to survive in their living environment .