
  • 网络The Buddhist Association of China;The China Buddhist Association
  1. 该系统是由位于北京广济寺的中国佛教协会发起的。这个在线查询系统可以查询每位活佛的姓名、出生年月、教派、活佛证号和照片。

    Launched by the Buddhist Association of China at the Guangji Temple in the capital , it will include the names , dates of birth , sect of the religion , the numbers on Living Buddhas ' certificates and photographs of each Living Buddha .

  2. 于是该文在中国佛教协会《研究动态》1997年第2期上发表,引起了佛教界和有关方面的重视;

    So the article was published in the2nd issue of1997 of " Research Update " of the Buddhist Association of China , causing the attention of the Buddhist circle and relevant parties .

  3. 我们受文化部和中国佛教协会的委派,于1985年绘制了《玄中寺组画》。

    In 1985 , the Chinese Ministry of Culture and the China Buddhist Association entrusted us with the responsibility for the work .

  4. 我们受文化部和中国佛教协会的委派,与1985年绘制了《玄中寺组画》。

    In 1985 , the Chinese Ministry of Culture and the China Buddhist Association entrusted us with the responsibity for the work .

  5. 餐馆的李南和中国佛教协会的和尚圆持向学生捐赠了超过五万三千元的食物。

    May21st.Li Nan , left of Duyi ju restaurant , and Yuan Chi , a monk with the China Buddhist Association , received cheers from students .

  6. 中国佛教协会会长学诚表示,查询系统将很快扩展,将涵盖72000位中国佛教僧侣的信息。

    Venerable Master Xuecheng , the association 's president , said it is considering expanding the database soon to cover information about all 72000 Buddhist monks in Chinese Buddhism .