
guī yī
  • conversion;the ceremony of proclaiming sb. a Buddhist;be converted to Buddhism or some other religions;the ceremony of proclaiming sb.a Buddhist
皈依 [guī yī]
  • [the ceremony of proclaiming sb.a Buddhist] 佛教名词。信仰佛教者的入教仪式。因对佛、法、僧三宝表示归顺依附,故亦称三皈依

  • 始觉浮生无住着,顿今心地欲皈依。--唐. 李须《宿营么禅房闻梵》

皈依[guī yī]
  1. 他决心要使异教徒皈依。

    He set out to convert the heathen .

  2. 那种新宗教急于使异教徒皈依本教。

    The new religion was eager to convert the pagan world .

  3. 她也皈依了天主教。

    She , too , was a convert to Roman Catholicism .

  4. 他最近才皈依天主教,是一名狂热的信徒。

    He was a recent Catholic convert , and very zealous .

  5. 学者们就弥源太是否皈依进行过辩论。

    Scholars have debated whether or not Yagenta became a convert

  6. 公元586年,圣肯蒂格恩使特威代尔郡皈依基督教。

    In AD 586 St Kentigern evangelized Tweeddale .

  7. 他于1917年皈依天主教。

    He converted to Catholicism in 1917 .

  8. 那天,他皈依了基督教。

    He converted to Christianity that day .

  9. 很难相信他皈依了基督教。

    It 's hard to believe his conversion to Christianity .

  10. 很多人情愿皈依佛教。

    Many people willingly converted to buddhism .

  11. 他晚年退隐山林,皈依佛教。

    In his later years he retired from public life , converted to Buddhism and became a hermit .

  12. 二级-治疗地图上所有的友方英雄300点的生命,完全恢复皈依你的单位

    Level 2-Heals all allied Heroes for 300 HP . Fully Regenerates converted creeps .

  13. NPR新闻的迪娜·特姆普·拉斯顿报道这一案件牵涉到其中的是两名年轻的穆斯林皈依者和一位前空军老兵。

    NPR 's Dina Temple-Raston reports the case involved among others two young Muslim converts and a former Air Force veteran .

  14. 通过一个不识字的神婆作灵媒,这位住持发现,裘里乌斯凯撒(juliuscaesar)本人在永昌县度过了生命的最后时光,而且死前皈依了佛教。

    Through an illiterate woman who acts as a medium , the abbot has discovered that Julius Caesar himself spent his final days in Yongchang County and died a Buddhist .

  15. 书中的主角是弗朗索瓦,一个专门研究19世纪末法国小说家乔里-卡尔·于斯曼(Joris-KarlHuysmans)的专家,于斯曼是天主教的皈依者。

    The protagonist is Fran ç ois , a specialist on the 19th-century fin-de-si è cle French novelist Joris-Karl Huysmans , a convert to Catholicism .

  16. Itim每年处理多达150起类似案件——美国现代正统派犹太教皈依者在以色列争取婚姻权或经历其他与宗教权威相关的难题。

    Itim handles up to 150 cases a year of modern-Orthodox converts from the United States who are struggling to get married in Israel or are experiencing other issues with the religious establishment .

  17. 卢克斯坦在接受电话采访时称,他首次遇到这样的案例,不过他并不知道是否还有经他自己或KehilathJeshurun犹太会堂其他同事之手皈依犹太教的人曾尝试在以色列结婚。

    In a telephone interview , he said this case was a first for him , though he was not aware of anyone else who had been converted by him or his colleagues at Kehilath Jeshurun who then tried to marry in Israel .

  18. 他皈依了基督教,开始上教堂做礼拜。

    He converted to the Christian religion and began attending church .

  19. 一个华裔澳大利亚妇女告诉我他七年前皈依的故事。

    Chinese-Australian lady told me of his conversion seven years before .

  20. 但是决不皈依任何宗教

    but not buy into any one and only belief system .

  21. 一个新的皈依者;特别是非犹太教人更换信仰犹太教。

    A new convert ; especially a gentile converted to Judaism .

  22. 向新皈依者灌输教义。

    Indoctrination of converts in the ways of their new religion .

  23. 信者自有皈依的原因,不信者自有不信的原委。

    Both the believers and the unbelievers have their own reasons .

  24. 三是精神无处皈依。

    The third is the spirit of nowhere to convert .

  25. 如没有得益,我们当然不需要皈依。

    We should not go for refuge if there were no benefits .

  26. 那些企图使异教徒皈依的人都被处死了。

    Those who attempted to convert the heathen were put to death .

  27. 三皈依的第一条,在巴利文如何拼读?

    How do you recite the first refuge in Pali ?

  28. 你可以拉长脸教训人们皈依宗教。

    You can pull a long face and scold people into religion .

  29. 让我自我的返回成为向他立地的皈依。

    And let my return to myself be immediate return to him .

  30. 真正的信徒决不像皈依宗教者那么偏执。

    No true believer is so bigoted us a convert .
