
  1. 二是他斗争失败后,皈依佛门,护僧取经,终至个性泯灭,丧失自我。

    He loses himself after his failure , when he is converted to Buddhism to escort the Monk seeking the sacred books .

  2. 曹雪芹晚年皈依佛门,佛家思想占其主流,道、儒思想淡出。

    His later years'convension to Buddhism , the mainstream of his thought at that time , in the meanwhile the Taoist and Confucian thinking fading out .

  3. 只要洗心革面,弃恶从善,皈依佛门,就能赎清罪孽,修成正果,脱离苦海,进入极乐世界。

    As long as you thoroughly reform yourselves and convert to buddhism , you will atone for what you had done , broken away from the sea of misery and went into the pure land .
