
  • 网络Prodigy;talented
  1. 这位天资聪颖的小摄影家策划了一个课题:探查中国新与旧、传统与现代的碰撞。

    The talented young photographer has written her own project , in which she investigated the struggles between old and new , and traditional and modern , in China .

  2. 我年少时经常被那些看起来似乎天资聪颖的人吓倒,比如那些学习超棒或者设计水平一流的小孩。

    When I was younger , I was often intimidated by people who just seemed to be naturally talented at things , like the kids who excelled in academics or were really great designers .

  3. 她天资聪颖。

    She was endowed with intelligence and wit .

  4. 此人天资聪颖,这无庸置疑。

    The man had genius potential , no doubt of it .

  5. 这些学生确实天资聪颖、有上进心,应该得到这些机会。

    Yes , these kids are smart and motivated and deserving .

  6. 他天资聪颖,对家乡外部的世界充满了好奇心。

    He was bright and curious about the world outside his hometown .

  7. 我并不是天资聪颖,知识有无比得好奇心。

    I have no special gift . I am only passionately curious .

  8. 他因天资聪颖从三年级跳到了五年级。

    He skipped the fourth grade because of his aptitude .

  9. 比起天资聪颖,友爱仁慈和努力工作会带你走得更远。

    16.Kindness and hard work together will always carry you farther than intelligence .

  10. 这家人好像都天资聪颖。

    Intelligence seems to run in the family .

  11. 海伦天资聪颖,学得很快。

    Helen was smart and learned quickly .

  12. 在商学院,我曾经遇到过很多天资聪颖的人。

    In business school , I met a lot of people who were incredibly smart .

  13. 他说,学校无法满足天资聪颖的儿童的需要。

    Schools , he said , were failing to cater for the needs of gifted children .

  14. 另一方面,克林顿夫人天资聪颖,工作非常努力,而且具有不容质疑的明星效应。

    On the other hand , Mrs Clinton is intelligent and formidably hard-working and has undoubted star power .

  15. 它还将为天资聪颖的年轻人提供充足的奖学金,让他们得到上大学的机会。

    And it will provide generous bursaries to bright people who might otherwise find it difficult to attend university .

  16. 一个天资聪颖的人凭着一股热情在某个深夜脑子里突然蹦出一个伟大而具有革新性的想法

    An individual genius with some passion in the middle of the night coming up with that big transformative idea .

  17. 令人惊讶地,这名男童天资聪颖,十岁时便从大学毕业。

    Amazingly , the boy was so intelligent that he graduated from college when he was only ten years old .

  18. 焦氏天资聪颖,治学严谨,为后来写作《俗书刊误》打下了基础。

    The author 's intelligence and strictness in scientific studies has laid a solid foundation for the writing of this book .

  19. 不管多么天资聪颖,一个人总要有某些实实在在的技能,才可以有高人一等的职业地位。

    However gifted someone may be , he or she still had to develop those talents to achieve a lofty professional position .

  20. 凭着天资聪颖和在牙买加打下的教育基础,他们在阿克伦已经完成了高中学业,正在为上大学打工挣钱。

    What with native ability and good Jamaican schooling , they had already finished high school in Akron and were working to earn money for college .

  21. 但是母语人士就像溺爱孩子的父母一样,他们会觉得你每一次尝试说他们的语言都是你天资聪颖的客观证明。

    But native speakers are like doting parents : any attempt from you to communicate in their language is objective proof that you are a gifted genius .

  22. 即便你生于富贵之家,并不意味着你天资聪颖或者你一生都是幸福的。

    Even if you were born with a silver spoon in your mouth , it doesn 't follow that you are intelligent or you will be happy all through your life .

  23. “艾伦天资聪颖,是个非常机敏的人,”霍格伦德坦言。“他声誉颇佳,至少当时是如此。”

    " Aaron has a very high IQ . He 's a very smart individual ," says Hoglund . " He also has an incredibly good reputation , or he did at the time . "

  24. 我身边的人主要是大学里那些天资聪颖的学生,他们有的很有钱,有的没那么有钱,但现在他们都在担心毕业时能不能找到工作。

    For me , you know , it 's much more related to very bright , perhaps even fairly wealthy or not wealthy students here in the university now worried about finding jobs once they graduate .

  25. 他天资非常聪颖,真是幸运。

    He was blessed with great talent .