
  • collision of celestial body
  1. Shoemaker-Levy9号彗星与木星碰撞,是人类有史以来第一次有预报的天体大碰撞。

    It is the frst predicted great crash in human history that Comet Shoemaker-Levy 9 crashes into Jupiter .

  2. 这是人类有史以来首次预报到的太阳系天体重大碰撞现象。

    This is the first forecast of a magnificent collision phenomenon between celestial bodies of the solar system in human history .

  3. Aten-Apollo-Amor天体与地球的碰撞频率

    The collision frequencies between aten-apollo-amor objects and the earth

  4. 此外,文中还指出,天体之间的机械能流可能是太阳系中天体碰撞的重要原因之一。

    Applying the point of mechanical energy flow the paper has calculated the energy abtained by spaceship from the planet and given the condition making spaceship abtain the maximum velocity .

  5. 本文对Kuiper带天体的轨道分布特点进行简要归纳,着重讨论目前存在的几种解释Kuiper带天体分布的动力学演化机制,以及原始Kuiper带天体的碰撞演化。

    This paper induce orbital distribution properties of Kuiper belt objects simply , discuss dynamical evolution mechanisms existed currently to explain the distributions of the Kuiper belt objects and collision evolution of primal Kuiper belt objects .