
  • 【航空】temperature altitude 根据飞行中测出的大气静温,从标准大气表查得的高度。当温度低于-56.5°C
  1. 200km以上电子温度高度剖面不但由来自磁层的热流通量所控制,同时还受到场向O~+速度的影响。

    The altitude profile of electron temperature above 200 km is influenced by both downward heat fluxes and field-aligned O ~ + velocities , while the ion temperature and the electron density have their responses at altitudes higher than 250 km .

  2. 感染率分布与年平均降雨量和温度高度相关。

    The prevalence rates were all highly correlated with the annual average precipitation and temperature respectively .

  3. 并利用单片机的SPI和UART串口总线分别实现了温度、高度的实时显示及与上位机的通信。

    With SPI and UART of the microcontroller , the real-time show of the temperature and altitude is implemented as well as communication with the PC.

  4. 温敏性聚氮-异丙基丙烯酰胺(PNIPAM)微凝胶在其体积相转变温度以下高度亲水溶胀,在该温度以上变得疏水并急剧坍缩。

    Thermosensitive poly ( N-isopropylacrylamide )( PNIPAM ) microgel is hydrophilic and highly swollen bellow its volume phase transition temperature . However , it becomes hydrophobic and sharply collapses above the temperature .

  5. 通过分析得出,酒泉站使用L波段雷达系统后,温度、高度、风向、风速记录平均而言未产生跳变,记录离散性小,对流层上层湿度记录准确率有明显的改善。

    Passing the analysis , the temperature , high degree , direction of wind , wind velocity records on an average did not produce to jump to change , the convection layer upper level degree of humidity records the improvement that accurate rate have obviously .

  6. 测量了煤气发生炉内炉膛温度沿高度的分布。

    Distribution of furnace temperature along the gasifier height is measured .

  7. 高空温度、高度变化特征及其与地面气温的相关分析

    Upper-Level Height and Temperature Change Characteristics and Its Correlation with Surface Temperature

  8. 极大值温度的高度称为平流层顶。

    The altitude of maximum temperature is called the stratopause .

  9. 平流层温度随高度的上升而升高。

    The temperature of the stratosphere rises with ascending of the height .

  10. 对新气候(一种新的温度、高度或环境)的适应。

    Adaptation to a new climate ( a new temperature or altitude or environment ) .

  11. 通过对比分析发现,西北植被扩展和退化都能影响地表温度、高度场和流场、我国夏季风的强度以及季风降水的分布,还能影响到土壤湿度和径流量。

    It found that afforestation and disaster can effect land surface temperature and summer monsoon .

  12. 该方程显示拉延油的运动粘度与温度呈高度显著的指数关系。

    The equation reveals that there lies in an exponential relationship between the viscosity and the temperature .

  13. 热大气层,热电离层:大气层介于中间层和外层空间之间的最外一层,在这一层中温度随高度而稳定增加。

    The outermost shell of the atmosphere , between the mesosphere and outer space , where temperatures increase steadily with altitude .

  14. 转化管外壁面温度沿高度方向分布不均匀,呈现先增大后减小的规律。

    Temperature distribution of outer wall along the height of reformer tube is also nonuniform , which increased first and then decreased .

  15. 特征温度层高度可提供播云温度窗区的高度和厚度,也可为进一步确定播撒高度提供判据。

    The height of the characteristic temperature layer can be used to determine the altitude and thickness of " seeding temperature window ," a seeding position criterion .

  16. 伊朗高原和青藏高原及其以南的热带低纬地区是高层温度和高度场的关键区。

    The Iranian and the Qinghai-Xizang Plateaus and the low-latitude zone in the tropics and subtropics to the south of the Plateau are the key regions of the upper level fields .

  17. 在气化炉运行阶段,测量了煤气发生炉内炉膛温度沿高度的分布,研究了床层温度随流化风量和中心喷动风量的变化规律以及煤气成分和碳转化率随床温的变化规律。

    Distribution of furnace temperature along the gasifier height was measured during the running time . Variation of the bed temperature on fluidization airflow rate and central spouting airflow rate was investigated .

  18. 本文利用中科院1987年西太平洋考察资料和中央气象局出版的太平洋、大西洋资料反演出了一套利用温度和高度求算湿度的方法。

    By using the data observed by Chinese Academy of Sciences on West Pacific in 1987 and the data of National Bureau on the Pacific and Atlantic . A method for computing atmospheric humidity from atmospheric temperature and height has been obtained .

  19. 通过对比分析发现,三江源湿地的扩大和缩小都能影响地表温度、高度场和流场、以及降水的强度,还能影响到土壤含水量和蒸发量。

    The comparing analysis indicated that : expansion and degradation of Three River Source Region 's wetland can both impose impacts on Surface Temperature , Potential Height Field , Wind Field , and intensity of precipitation , as well as the vapor rate and containing water of soil .

  20. 根据炉内辐射换热的基本原理,分析了组装水管锅炉采用下部绝热炉膛后对炉内火焰温度沿高度变化规律的影响,提出了考虑下部绝热炉膛影响的炉内传热计算方法。

    In this paper , a heat exchange calculation method for the boiler furnace with an adiabatic lower part is put forward in accordance with fundamental principle of heat exchange and under consideration of the distribution of flame temperature along the furnace height in partial package water tube boilers .

  21. 用ANSYS大型有限元分析软件分析多层钢筋混凝土框架结构在使用期间和施工期间温度变化、高度变化、长度变化、楼板厚度变化、梁柱线刚度变化引起的温度变形和应力。

    Through ANSYS FEM program calculating , thermal deformation and stress have being calculated rising from various height , length , slab thickness , linear stiffness of beam and column during working life and construction period .

  22. 本文利用40年全球范围的温度场、高度场、UV风场资料,分析东北地区冷暖夏年的大气环流异常空间特征及长期演变。

    By using of temperature , height , UV wind field datasets for global 40 years , global circulation anomalous spatial feature of cold / warm years in summer in east-northern China and its long-period variation is analysed .

  23. weatherresearchandforecasting(WRF)模式的数值模拟表明,冷中心会降低空气的温度,形成高度达400米的表面逆温层,这些都为海雾的形成创造了有利的条件。

    Numerical simulations with the Weather Research and Forecasting ( WRF ) model support that the cold patches cool air temperature , decelerate surface wind , and form a strong surface inversion layer up to 400m high , creating favorable conditions for sea-fog occurrence .

  24. 冬季地面温度和500hPa高度场的适应关系及其客观诊断

    Adjustment relationship between surface temperature and 500-hPa heights in winter and their objective specification

  25. 无线电声探测系统配合风廓线雷达可探测大气温度。探测高度为100~1500m,精度为0.5K。

    The temperature-measuring radio-acoustic sounding system combined with wind profile radar to measure atmospheric temperature at heights of 100 & 1500 m is developed and its precision is 0.5K .

  26. 不同的温度、势垒高度和潜能。

    Vary temperature , barrier height , and potential energies .

  27. 4探讨了陆面温度随海拔高度的垂直分异规律。

    The vertical regulation of LST is discussed .

  28. 最高温度沿海拔高度变化不明显。

    There was no obvious difference for absolute high temperature at the varying elevations .

  29. 温度波和高度波的移速可以不同,甚至方向可以相反;

    The temperature wave and pressure wave may travel with different speed and their direction of movement may even reverse .

  30. 本文利用给定的温度场和高度场的垂直分布廓线,检验了几种垂直插值方法的插值精度。这几种方法是拉格朗日多项式插值法、局地线性插值法和本文提出的局地样条函数插值法。

    Some vertical interpolation schemes are checked in this paper by using given vertical profiles of both the temperature and the geopotential height fields .