
  1. 一旦它们的绝对光度得到标定,就可以定出哈勃常数H0。

    Once the absolute luminosity of SNe Ia is determined , we can get the value of the Hubble parameter .

  2. SAS-2的Υ辐射数据,已被用来测定类星体和赛弗特星系的Υ辐射绝对光度与光学绝对光度间的函数关系,并由此导出它们对河外Υ射线背景辐射的贡献。

    The SAS-2 r-ray data have been employed to determine the functional relationships between the absolute y-ray luminosities Ly and the absolute optical luminosities of quasars and Seyfert galaxies . From these , their contribution to the extragalactic y-ray background have been derived .

  3. 光谱滤波技术对星等测量精度的影响远红外绝对分光光度计

    Precision of magnitude measurement caused by spectral filtering technology far infrared absolute spectrophotometer

  4. 远红外绝对分光光度计

    Far infrared absolute spectrophotometer