- 网络absolute power

Power corrupts and absolute power absolutely corrupts . That 's the old hackneyed phrase , but it 's true .
It is that power corrupts and absolute power corrupts absolutely .
In theory , Europe has a spot at the top in which a real leader might sit and wield some gavel of authority , clarity , and resolute power & and that is the high office of President of the European Commission .
Political theory that any legitimate government shall have absolute power .
It admits absolutely to the emperor 's power unconditionally .
One who owns the patent right enjoys the exclusive right to exploit it .
In this period it was necessary to establish the absolute authority of the peasants .
Because only these leaders only then to have the absolute authority to rescue me to assign !
I acknowledge the absolute right of Digi-Sign to approve or reject my application pursuant to the CPS .
But they tried to do that only when they needed to do so to keep their absolute control .
It is an austere faith , with the central belief being the submission to the absolute power of Allah .
Overemphasis of the right of king and father is to make it absolute right not being controlled by anything .
Certainly in the past one hundred years there have been continuing dictatorships that have suppressed millions by wielding absolute authority .
The absolutist power of the father in clan society came mostly from the possession of women taken in forays against neighboring clans .
We all know absolute power corrupts , but the apparent level of ethical challenge at these public , founder-controlled companies is mind-boggling .
Acton , a well-known English thinker , has a famous saying : Power leads to corruption ; absolute power leads to absolute corruption .
The US Constitution firmly locates spending authority in Congress , and indeed all 535 members of Congress use their potential veto power to extract concessions .
Some may pine for the traditional bank manager tyrannising a local lending system , but the efficiency and profitability of scale lending is not going away .
Beneath these shifting policies lies one inalienable understanding : We 'll give you growing prosperity , if you don 't question our right to absolute power .
Although the action drew international criticism , Mr Biden had previously defended what he said was Israel 's absolute right to deal with its security interest .
So the phenomenon looks like absolute power leading to absolute desire , absolute desire resulting in absolute ruin in the male world of the family clan novel .
According to the family law of Tujia nationality , the clan regulation is the code . Shaikh is the leader of whole family and has absolute power .
Mr Hu , Rio 's head iron ore salesman in China , did not have absolute power to allocate tonnes of iron ore to anyone he chose .
From then on , the commander-in-chief will have absolute authority over the troops and he can use the wise to plan strategies and the brave to fight battles .
Both Gramsci and Foucault make the distinction between absolute power and , as Gramsci calls it , hegemony and , as Foucault calls it , power / knowledge .
The ABA has misused the absolute power granted it by our government and has beguiled state supreme courts to accept its dictates in determining who can sit for the bar .
A problem more serious ( for a man of taste ) is a position of eminence in human affairs , with the risks from adulation and lies which are inherent in the possession of almost absolute power .
When encountered the severe threat , the mankind as one kind of species would be forced to overthrow the governance of the absolute power , and rebuild the ecosystem society with the integrated rationality ( the ecosystem rationality ) . The nature of the ecosystem society then is eco-socialism .
The Roman family is now also considered to have originated from this type , and consequently the absolute power of the father of the house , and the complete absence of rights among the other members of the family in relation to him , have recently been strongly questioned .
Including the establishment of the absolute power of the Environmental Protection Department in environmental management , setting up a " Rural Environment Division ," vertical management of environmental protection institutions , strengthening grass-roots institution-building in environmental management and environmental monitoring and rural statistics system job , and so on .