
huán běn
  • repayment of principal;repayment of capital;payback
还本 [huán běn]
  • [repayment of capital] 还付所借的本钱

  • 先还本,利息以后单算

还本[huán běn]
  1. 影响我国国债发行规模的最重要因素是居民储蓄、GDP、国债还本付息额和财政赤字。

    The most important factor that influences the size of public debt is dweller 's savings , GDP , repayment of capital and interest of public debt , financial deficit .

  2. 还本售房合同的法律效力分析

    Analysis of law enforcement of repayment of principal of house-selling contracts

  3. 它们还会增加还本付息与金融费用的支付流。

    They also swell payment flows of debt service and financial fees .

  4. 地方债券是地方政府发行的按期还本付息的债务凭证。

    The municipal bonds are the debt certificates issued by local governments .

  5. 还本销售会计处理和税法规定的差异

    Discrepancies in Accounting and Tax Treatment towards Selling Goods by Repayment of Principals

  6. 下一步则需要设定财务需求和可行的还本进度表。

    Next , financial needs and feasible payback schedules need to be established .

  7. 美国财政部如何拓展还本付息的资金来源?

    How does the Treasury create more room to make its interest payments ?

  8. 铁路投资项目国内贷款还本付息的探讨

    Research on Repayment of Capital and Interest for Domestic Loan of Railway Investment Project

  9. 还本时付息债券,按票面值付息债券以低于票面价值的价格发行的债券。

    Discount Bond : Bond selling at a price less than its par value .

  10. 年金制,年度还本付息制[偿债]

    Annuity system [ debt service ]

  11. 这只是降低还本付息净现值的两种方式。

    These are just two ways of achieving a lower net present value of debt service .

  12. 代理还本利息、红派息;

    Acting servicing , dividends payable ;

  13. 信用评价是对企业能否如约还本付息的能力和可信任程度的评估。

    Credit assessment is the evaluation of the likelihood for enterprise to repay their loans and interests .

  14. 负债累累的中等收入和低收入发展中国家已不能正常还本付息。

    The heavily indebted middle and low income developing countries became unable to service their debts normally .

  15. 还本付息有困难的贷款:指还本付息严重拖延或完全停止的贷款。

    Distressed loan : Loan on which repayment of interest and principal has been severely delayed or completely suspended .

  16. 巴基斯坦外交部发言人说;还没有那个国家请求送还本-拉丹亲属的。

    Pakistan Foreign Ministry spokeswoman Tahmina Janjua said no countries have asked for the return of bin Laden 's relatives .

  17. 但是任何一种商业贷款都是负债,都是要还本付息的。

    However , any business loan is actually standing in the field of debt and interest must be paid on time .

  18. 借款逾期是指甲方未按期清偿或超过本合同约定的分次还本计划期限归还借款的行为。

    Overdue loan repayment schedule is not party or over the contract period the graded principal repayment of loans planned behavior .

  19. 而未能还本付息所带来的后果则作为潜在的威胁,促使组织更有效率。

    The threat of failure to make debt-service payments serves as a strong motivating force to make such organizations more efficient .

  20. 债务还本付息率:即税后净收入加长期债务利息加折旧,与债务还本付息的比率。

    Debt service coverage : Ratio of net income after taxes plus interest on long-term debt plus depreciation to debt service .

  21. 本文采用投资还本年限法对阜新县灌溉工程、治涝工程和防洪工程分别进行了经济效益分析。

    This treatise use the method of investment payback period to study irrigation projects and flood control projects in Fuxin county .

  22. 还本付息额占货物和劳务出口额的百分比证券代理买卖;代理还本付息。代理登记开户。

    Service payments as percentage of exports of goods and services Acting sale of securities ; Acting servicing . Agents Registration accounts .

  23. 在借款人开始还本付息前,给与其毕业后一年的还贷宽限期;

    Granting a grace period of one year after graduation before the borrower has to start repaying interest and principal in full ;

  24. 实际上,疑问不在于是否需要对还本付息的现值进行救助。

    The doubt , in truth , is not over whether relief on the present value of the debt service is required .

  25. 借款人归还本资信证明书正本后可以提前退还全部或部分贷款。

    The borrower may , after return the original certificate of creditability back , prepay all or any part of the loan .

  26. 证券的代理买卖、理还本付息、红派息;证券代保管、证;代理登记开户。

    Acting sale of securities , debt service agent , dividends payable ; Securities generation custody , verification ; Agents Registration accounts .

  27. 资本还本付息比率即长期债务合同规定的还本付息支付额,加上外国直接投资的汇出利润,除以货物和劳务出口额。

    Capital service ratio Contractual service payments on long-term debt plus remitted profits on direct investment divided by exports of goods and services .

  28. 目前,四川电网电价水平偏低,造成电力投资项目难以还本付息。

    At present , electricity Price is low for the Sichuan Network so that capital with interest of hydropower projects can not be repaid easily .

  29. 运营初期,公司往往不能达到还本付息要求,需要股东追加投资或补贴还款。

    So in the initial operational stage , companies could not repay principal and interest , and additional investment and subsidies are required from shareholders .

  30. 通过发行分期还本债券,公司把本金的偿还期限分开,避免了一次支付全部本金。

    By issuing serial bonds , the company spreads its principal pay - ments over time and avoids paying the entire principal at one time .