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gǔ ròu
  • flesh and blood;kindred;body;blood relative;intimate
骨肉 [gǔ ròu]
  • (1) [body]∶身体

  • 骨肉归复于土。--《礼记》

  • (2) [flesh and blood]∶骨和肉

  • (3) [intimate;kindred]∶比喻至亲

  • 亲生骨肉

  • 骨肉关系

  • 父母之于子也,子之于父母也,此之谓骨肉之亲。--《吕氏春秋.精通》

  • 恨透了秦始皇,说他无缘无故筑什么万里长城,害得人家骨肉分离。--《孟姜女》

骨肉[gǔ ròu]
  1. 毕竟这个孩子是他的亲骨肉,应该给他第二次机会。

    The kid , after all , was his own flesh and blood . He deserved a second chance .

  2. 当他们得知自己的亲生骨肉从他们这里偷了钱时,这对父母既惊讶又愤怒。

    The parents were surprised and upset that their flesh and blood would steal money from them .

  3. 医学化验证实她不是他们的亲骨肉。

    Medical tests established that she was not their own child

  4. 组织蛋白酶B在骨肉瘤中的表达及其与肿瘤侵袭转移的关系

    Expression of cathepsin B in osteosarcoma and its relationship with tumor metastasis

  5. 骨肉瘤DNA损伤修复相关基因表达与预后的关系

    Prognostic significance of DNA damage and repair gene expression in human osteosarcoma

  6. 骨肉瘤基因组DNA的提取及部分酶切分析

    Genomic DNA Extraction from osteosarcoma and partial digestion analysis

  7. N-烷基嘧啶DNA糖基化酶腺病毒提高人骨肉瘤化疗敏感性的研究

    Effect of adenoviral N-methylpurine DNA glycosylase overexpression on chemosensitivity of human osteosarcoma cells

  8. 颌骨骨肉瘤细胞核形态测量和DNA定量研究

    Image analysis of cell nuclear morphology and DNA content in osteosarcoma of the jaws

  9. 骨肉瘤细胞核因子кB免疫组化研究

    Immunohistochemical Study N of nuclear Factor к B ( NF - к B ) in Osteosarcoma

  10. 富勒烯(C(60))-甘氨酸衍生物对小鼠骨肉瘤细胞生长的影响

    Effect of Fullerenes ( C_ ( 60 )) - glycin Derivatives on the Mouse Osteogenic Sarcoma Cells Growth

  11. 软骨母细胞型骨肉瘤的MRI增强形式与组织病理学的相关性研究

    Correlation between MRI enhancement and histopathology of chondroblastic osteosarcoma

  12. 胎盘型谷胱甘肽-S-转移酶和DNA拓朴酶在人骨肉瘤中的表达及其与预后的关系

    The expression of glutathione-S-transferases - π and DNA topoisomerase in human osteosarcoma and their relationship to prognosis

  13. 骨肉瘤的CT征象

    The CT manifestations of osteosarcoma

  14. 人骨肉瘤组织中I、II和III型胶原基因的表达

    Expression of type I , II and III collagens in human osteosarcoma

  15. 应用脉冲电场凝胶电泳分析X射线诱发人骨肉瘤细胞DNA双链断裂与损伤修复效应

    PFGE analysis of DNA double-strand breaks and DNA repair process in human osteosarcoma cells irra-diated by X-rays

  16. 骨肉瘤细胞凋亡与p53和bcl-2表达的关系

    Apoptosis in osteosarcoma : relationship with p53 and bcl 2 expression

  17. 目的:探讨MRI在评价骨肉瘤侵袭骨骺中的价值。方法:复习13例骺板未闭骨肉瘤的MRI、X线平片所见,与病理组织学相对比。

    Objective : To study the value of MRI for detecting the epiphyseal extension of osteosarcoma .

  18. 骨肉瘤化疗后bcl-2表达与影像学改变及预后的相关性研究

    Bcl-2 expression in osteosarcoma after chemotherapy : correlation with radiographic change and prognosis

  19. 人骨肉瘤中Bcl-2基因表达的初步研究

    Preliminary research on Bcl-2 gene expression in human osteosarcoma

  20. 术前化疗对ⅡB期骨肉瘤Bcl-2、PCNA表达的影响及临床意义

    Influence of preoperative chemotherapy on expression of Bcl-2 , PCNA in osteosarcoma cells and clinical meaning

  21. 骨肉瘤组织中骨桥蛋白、COX-2和VEGF表达

    Expression of Osteopontin , COX-2 and VEGF in Osteosarcoma

  22. PTEN、Fas、TRAIL介导的骨肉瘤细胞凋亡的实验研究

    Apoptotic Study of Osteosarcoma Cells Induced by PTEN , Fas and TRAIL

  23. SEA及MDP对骨肉瘤融合细胞瘤苗作用的影响

    Influence of SEA or MDP on Treatment Effectiveness Induced by Osteosarcoma Fusion Cell Vaccine

  24. 目的研究MRI所显示的骨肉瘤大小与p53表达及患者三年存活之间的关系,探讨MRI影像能否反映骨肉瘤的生物学行为及与预后的关系。

    Objective To explore relationship among MRI , protein expression of p53 and three-year survival ratios in osteosarcoma patients .

  25. MTT染色法检测化疗后骨肉瘤细胞的凋亡

    MTT assay for detecting osteosarcoma cell apoptosis

  26. 骨肉瘤p21~(WAF1/CIP1)基因DNA序列分析及其mRNA、p21蛋白表达

    P21 ~ ( WAF1 / CIP1 ) Gene DNA Sequencing and Its mRNA and p21 Protein Expression in Human Osteosarcoma

  27. 结果SEA可显著增强骨肉瘤融合细胞瘤苗所诱导的T细胞增殖和CTL细胞杀伤活性。

    Results SEA obviously enhanced the T cell proliferation and CTL cytotoxic activity induced by osteosarcoma fussion cell vaccine .

  28. 反义技术封闭骨肉瘤细胞中Survivin基因表达的实验研究

    An Empirical Study on Survivin Gene Expression in Blocking Osteosarcoma Cells by Antisense Technology

  29. 结论:抗VEGF单克隆抗体能够有效抑制裸鼠体内人成骨肉瘤移植瘤的血管生成抑制肿瘤生长。

    Conclusion : Anti-VEGF monoclonal antibody can effectively inhibit the angiogenesis of transplantation tumor of osteosarcoma in nude mouse .

  30. 结果表明:骨肉瘤肿瘤细胞的Ag-NOR表现为核内的黑色或棕黑色大圆形颗粒。

    The results showed that AgNOR presented as large round black or brown granule in nuclear of malignant cells .