
gǔ wěi
  • atrophic debility of bones
骨痿[gǔ wěi]
  1. 分析五痿的症状,骨痿相对严重。

    Analysis of the five paralysis symptoms , bone paralysis relatively serious .

  2. 骨痿灵对大鼠骨质疏松症的影响

    Effect of Gu Wei Ling on osteoporosis mice

  3. 他们各执其说,令人们对于骨痿的辨证论治规律仍然莫衷一是。

    They each hold its said , make people for bone paralysis syndrome differentiation and treatment of law is still unable to agree .

  4. 不仅为临床辨治骨痿提供了可资借鉴的诊治经验,也必将有助于拓宽骨痿的研究和治疗思路。

    Not only for clinical differentiation bone provides reference for paralysis treatment experience , and will help to broaden the bone paralysis research and treatment ideas .

  5. 后世医家对骨痿的概念、病因病机、症状认识、治疗方法等方面的认识是见仁见智。

    The later to the concept of subject bone paralysis , etiology , symptoms , treatment method of understanding the understanding is the opinions differ from each other .

  6. 本文采用文献学研究方法,在系统搜集历代有关骨痿资料的基础上,对相关材料进行了深入的分析。

    In this article , the document research method , the collection system in the bone paralysis material , on the basis of relevant materials of the in-depth analysis .

  7. 当痿病辨证(或发展)为骨痿时,病情已经进展至较晚时期,五脏损伤严重,容易出现生命危险。

    When paralysis disease syndrome ( or development ) for bone paralysis , illness progresses to have late period , completely serious damage , easy to have life risk .

  8. 中医学有关痿病的认识源远流长,作为痿病的一种,骨痿的临床特征很早就出现在我国的古代医籍中。

    The understanding of the disease paralysis of traditional Chinese medicine ( TCM ) has a long history , and as a confused disease , bone paralysis clinical characteristics very early in our ancient medical books .

  9. 此外,笔者认为多发性神经炎、急性脊髓炎、脊髓空洞症、进行性肌萎缩、重症肌无力、肌营养不良等对骨痿相关疾病多数与神经系统损伤有密切关系。

    In addition , the author thinks that multiple neuropathy , acute myelitis spinal cord is empty , disease , progressive muscle atrophy , myasthenia gravis , muscle poor nutrition of bone disease associated with most confused neurological damage has close relationship .

  10. 脊神经发出的部位与督脉的循行路线相吻合;而冲脉、带脉滋润、统领的经络与神经也不无关联,而提出可以从奇经论治来提高治疗骨痿的疗效。

    A part of the backbone with du meridian line the route on consistent ; But the veins , pulse moist , and with the meridian and nerve is not linked , and puts forward the treatment from strange to improve the treatment of bone paralysis curative effect .

  11. 依据肾主骨理论,中医学认为骨质疏松症多与肾虚有关,属肾虚骨痿范畴。

    Based on " Kidney controls bone " theory of Chinese medicine , osteoporosis and kidney are more relevant .