
  • 网络Bone Beads
  1. 半坡成人死后埋入公共墓地,常随葬陶器及骨珠等装饰品。

    Banpo adult death buried in public cemeteries , often Suizang pottery and bone beads and other decorations .

  2. 结果表明:骨珠珍珠囊表皮细胞合成和分泌珍珠前体物质的能力较光珠的强,故骨珠的形成速度比光珠快;

    The prismatic pearls formed much faster than nacreous ones , because prismatic pearl-sac epithelial cells can synthesize and secret more precursors of pearl than those of nacreous pearl-sac .

  3. 抗生素骨水泥珠链结合外固定架治疗感染性骨折不愈合

    Antibiotic-PMMA beads combined with external fixator for treating the infected fracture nonunion