
  • 网络domino;a domino effect;domino theory
  1. 他认为,企业兼并将引发骨牌效应。

    He expects the mergers to trigger something of a domino effect .

  2. 几个毗邻州中的一个州提高汽车速度极限而引起的骨牌效应。

    The domino effect of increasing the speed limit in one of several contiguous states .

  3. 这些国家果真象骨牌效应一样在印度支那倒下了(孝瑟M.施莱辛格)

    The dominos did indeed fall in Indochina ( Arthur M. Schlesinger , Jr. )

  4. 由于轮轴-辐条系统的演变以及多米诺骨牌效应的推动,现行的世界范围内的FTA格局被形容为意大利面碗。

    Because of the development of Hub-and-Spoke System , the current FTA pattern in the worldwide is described as the Spaghetti-Bowl Phenomenon .

  5. 投资者对雷曼丧失信心看起来可能会引发多米诺骨牌效应,可能会拖垮美林、摩根士丹利(MorganStanley),甚至还有高盛(GoldmanSachs)等竞争对手。

    The loss of investor confidence in Lehman looked likely to trigger a domino effect that could have wiped out rivals such as Merrill , Morgan Stanley and even Goldman Sachs .

  6. 这种多米诺骨牌效应会极大影响译员的工作表现。

    This domino effect will greatly hinder the performance of the interpreters .

  7. 这家公司的倒闭在房地产业引起了骨牌效应

    The closing of the company had ripple effects on the real estate sector

  8. 我们开始了骨牌效应,刻划出了人工智能的演进路径。

    We set into motion that domino effect that carves out AI 's evolutionary path .

  9. 这是骨牌效应。

    It 's a domino effect .

  10. 中国股市的市盈率一向备受指责,主要批评其过于高企,造成股价与上市公司收益不匹配,股市充满泡沫容易引发股价下跌时的多米诺骨牌效应,危及金融体系的安全。

    Chinese securities market is always complained of its high risk , which accumulates too much financial bubble .

  11. 其次,大规模银行挤兑将引发银行业的多米诺骨牌效应,导致更多的银行破产,严重破坏整个银行体系的社会存在基础,可能导致整个银行体系的崩溃。

    Secondly , large-scale bank run will bring about chain reaction and thus the breakdown of the whole banking system .

  12. 首先,不会出现一个市场被迫遭到抛售带动其它市场下跌的多米诺骨牌效应。

    For a start , there would be no domino effect of forced selling in one market pulling down others .

  13. 银行相继破产倒闭,多米诺骨牌效应使人们更加关注于银行系统性风险。

    Banks have gone bankrupt one by on . Domino effect makes people pay more attention to the bank systemic risk .

  14. 中国钢铁对外贸易所面临的反倾销等贸易摩擦既有广度也有集中度,初步出现了多米诺骨牌效应。

    The anti-dumping and other trade frictions against Chinese steel export have breadth and concentration , there has been a domino effect .

  15. 本发现表明了季节变化的复杂的多米诺骨牌效应。季节变化影响到食肉动物、捕食动物。

    The discovery is one of the most sophisticated showing the domino effect of shifting seasons and their impact on predators and prey .

  16. 修辞是指编码,随意改变其含义将会产生多米诺骨牌效应,导致修辞学丧失自身特征。

    Rhetoric is coding & changing , its meaning will have a domino effect , leading to the loss of their own rhetoric characteristic .

  17. 我开始揭露那些和我真正亲近多年的主要人士,然后是一场多米诺骨牌效应。

    I started to uncover the main person who was really close to me for years , and then it was a domino effect .

  18. 因此,一个潜在的危险和代价高昂的骨牌效应,随之而来:这些高管忽视或忽略与这些与整合相关的困难;

    As a result , a potentially dangerous and costly domino effect ensues : these executives overlook or ignore the difficulties associated with integration ;

  19. 若资金链条上某一环节断裂,极易产生多米诺骨牌效应,进而引发金融危机。

    If one link in the funding chain broken , it will be easy to have a " domino effect ", thus trigger the financial crisis .

  20. 在美国和加拿大,死亡权利运动正在积蓄力量积极准备。观察家们正在等待着将产生的多米诺骨牌效应。

    In the US and Canada , where the right to die movement is gathering strength , observers are waiting for the dominoes to start falling .

  21. 气候变化的复杂原因和全球变暖的多米诺骨牌效应将对人们的健康和生命造成直接的后果。

    The complex causes of climate change and the domino effects of rising global temperatures are predicted to have direct consequences on people 's health and lives .

  22. 银行系统性风险表现为因一个或多个银行出乎预料倒闭,而在整个银行体系中所引发的多米诺骨牌效应。

    The systemic risk of bank often turns out as the domino effect in the whole bank system caused by one or several banks going into bankruptcy unexpectedly .

  23. 企业客户资金链断裂会引发一连串的多米诺骨牌效应,商业银行更是首当其冲的受害者,这一效应直接导致信贷资金安全受到严重的威胁。

    Capital chain rupture of firm could lead to " dominos ", specially , the bank is the first victim , suffering the threat of losing its credit property .

  24. 在全球化背景下,世界各国的联系普遍加强,一些局部的危机迅速扩散,甚至可以产生骨牌效应,使得整个世界陷入危机之中。

    With the development of globalization , the links of all countries are strengthened . Some local crises spread rapidly , and even have a domino effect in the entire world .

  25. 再加上其它国家正在进行的核项目,导致了一种“多米诺骨牌效应”&各国感到需要跟上核技术,从而保持竞争力。

    This , in addition to other countries'active nuclear programmes , results in a'domino effect ' ― where states feel the need to remain competitive by keeping up with nuclear technology .

  26. 一旦交易失败风险暴露会带来多米诺骨牌效应,风险的迅速蔓延会让金融业乃至国家经济承担巨大的代价。

    Once the transaction fails , the risks it produce would bring domino effect , the spreading of these risks could make finance sector and the state bear a high price .

  27. 除采取制裁外,中国外交政策的重点应是竭力避免该地区产生多米诺骨牌效应,防止日本、韩国,甚至台湾研制核武器。

    Aside from sanctions , the focus of Chinese diplomacy will be trying to head off a domino effect in the region , to prevent Japan , South Korea and even Taiwan from going nuclear .

  28. 路透报道,由于银行信贷枯竭,许多发达经济体明年面临着经济衰退,而新兴强国如中国也受到了多米诺骨牌效应的影响。

    Many developed economies are now facing a contraction next year after lending from banks suddenly dried up , and newer powers such as China have been caught up in the domino effect , Reuters reported .

  29. 有鉴于此,我认为今日中东与北非爆发的事件,将在经济方面产生多米诺骨牌效应,可能导致整个投资格局在未来一年发生剧变。

    Along these lines , I believe the events in the MENA region today will perpetuate an economic domino effect that may result in dramatic shifts across the investment landscape over the course of the next year .

  30. 不稳定的阿富汗会对巴基斯坦造成影响,如果巴基斯坦出错,那么其他国家像印度、中国和南亚国家可能遭到攻击,巴基斯坦不能排除恐惧的多米诺骨牌效应。

    An unstable Afghanistan affected Pakistan and if Pakistan goes awry then other states like India , China and whole South Asia may come under fire . A fear of domino effect cannot be ruled out in case of Pakistan .