
  1. 此前,中国海南航空公司已经开通一条非洲航线,即北京经由迪拜至安哥拉首都罗安达航线。

    The Hainan Airlines has another flight to Africa , Beijing to Luanda , capital of Angola , via Dubai .

  2. 按照贸易依赖型海权进行分类的中国&非洲航线内的两大地缘政治分区的稳定及货运安全皆存在着现实和潜在的安全隐患。

    There are realistic and potential safety hazards in the stability and cargo transportation of the two geopolitical divisions which are classified according to the sea power based on international trade .

  3. 所以,按照当前的国际政治、军事格局,我国对中国&非洲航线的安全明显缺乏有力的保障。

    The dominant power over shipping security is under the control of other countries . So , according to the current international political and military situation , China cannot protect the security of China & Africa route effectively .

  4. 中国&非洲航线途经区域范围大,敏感地区多,争端海域及各国利益交汇点错综复杂,使得整条运输线的安全面临着诸多现实和潜在的危险。

    There are various realistic and potential risks in the security of the whole maritime traffic route , because China-Africa route covers large range of areas , many of which belong to sensitive areas . Besides , the disputing sea areas and national interests meeting points are rather complicated .

  5. 优势:公司主要航线中东全非洲中南美航线。

    Advantage : company main line , Middle East line , whole Africa , center and South America line .

  6. 他们都几乎不涉及从欧洲和北美到大洋洲,南美洲和非洲的贸易航线。

    They are all virtually absent from the European and North American trade lanes to Oceania , South America and Africa .