
  • 网络African Music;Afro;Music of Africa
  1. 鼓是非洲音乐的基本乐器。

    Drums are basic to African music .

  2. 这对情侣的一位朋友向《OK!》杂志透露,皮特和茱丽的结婚典礼上将播放传统的非洲音乐,整个婚礼将会“简单而典雅”。

    A friend of the couple also told OK ! that the ceremony would include traditional African music and would be simple and elegant .

  3. 她的音乐随时让人想起非洲音乐的节奏。

    Her music is full of reminiscences of African rhythms .

  4. 组织者们承诺进行特色鲜明的非洲音乐表演,1500多名艺术家将表演国际特色的音乐,同时还有代表当地特色的表演。艺术和文化部长LuluXingwana指出,在开幕式之前,周四将由国际和非洲歌星举办音乐会。

    Organizers are promising a The minister of arts and culture , Lulu Xingwana , noted the opening is to be d by a music concert Thursday of international and African stars .

  5. 这同西部非洲音乐有着密切的联系。

    It is closely related to the music of West Africa .

  6. 拉丁音乐是一种混合物欧洲音乐和非洲音乐。

    Latin music is a mixture of European music and African music .

  7. 非洲音乐为小小音乐班学生提供很棒的多文化体验。

    African music provides a wonderful multi-cultural music experience for our youngest music students .

  8. 自从我去年的尼日利亚之行后,我对非洲音乐产生了兴趣。

    I 've developed a taste for African music since my trip last year to nigeria .

  9. 理解非洲音乐

    Understanding African Music AFRICA

  10. 布鲁斯音乐来源于非洲音乐,人们过去常在工作或节日期间唱它。

    The blues comes from African songs that people used to sing when they worked and during festivals .

  11. 在人们的热切期望中诞生的专辑尝试了非洲音乐和爵士乐等新风格,同时依然忠实其古典音乐的传统。

    The highly-anticipated album explores new styles like African and jazz , while remaining true to its classical roots .

  12. 许多各种不同的鼓也随着非洲音乐传入美洲殖民地。

    A great variety of drums , too , accompanied African music to the colonies in North and South America .

  13. 在许多西方的音乐形式里,如布鲁斯,爵士及嘻哈音乐,我们都能够找到非洲音乐的影子。

    It can also be heard in many Western musical styles descended from Africa , such as blues , jazz , and hip-hop .

  14. 我喜爱非洲音乐的节奏、某些欧式敬拜的庄严气氛,以及菲律宾文化那种喜乐的敬拜方式。

    I love the rhythms of African music , the solemnity of some European worship , and the joyful praise of the Filipino culture .

  15. 在解放了的黑奴中间逐渐形成了两种截然不同的音乐,但都是以非洲音乐旋律(这是黑人劳动歌曲的基调)为基础发展起来的。

    Among the freed slaves , two very different types of music developed from the African rhythms that had formed the basis for the Negroes'work songs .

  16. 在这多元文化氛围的熏陶下,非洲音乐文化也呈现出交融的特点,这在非洲钢琴音乐创作中可以显现。

    Under the influence of this multicultural atmosphere , musical cultures of Africa show the characteristics of cross which can be seen from musical creation of Africa piano .

  17. 对于夏奇拉而言,她公开表明对非洲音乐的热爱:非洲音乐极具感召力,在全球流行文化舞台上始终保持着举足轻重的地位。

    For her part , Shakira professes her love for African music , saying , African music is so inspiring and is poised to take its place on the global pop culture stage .

  18. 《WakaWaka》汲取了诸多非洲传统音乐元素。

    Waka Waka features many musical elements that can be traced back to traditional African music .

  19. 布鲁斯、灵歌和黑人民谣在小说中交相辉映,诠释了非洲传统音乐对黑人精神生活的巨大作用;

    With recurrence of Blues , souls and Black ballads , she reveals the great significance of traditional African music to Blacks'spiritual life .

  20. 非洲黑人音乐文化在欧洲音乐文化的阴影和夹缝中顽强地生根、发芽,直至放出绚丽的光彩。

    It was taking root , sprouting in the shade and crack of the European music cultures , and finally it spread the beautiful lights .

  21. 美国黑人灵歌作为美国黑人音乐与宗教的集中体现,是非洲黑人音乐文化在美国社会文化环境影响下的产物。

    American Black 's coronach is the symbol of American Black 's music and religion , which is the product of Africa music culture affected by American social and cultural environment .

  22. 爵士乐融合了非洲和欧洲音乐形式。

    It is a combination of African and European music styles .

  23. 它将非洲西部舞蹈音乐中的节奏和欧洲古典音乐中的和声和旋律结合在了一起。

    It combined the rhythm of West African dance music with the harmony and melody of European classical .

  24. 非洲特有的音乐舞蹈膝盖舞、刀剑舞、靴子舞、战争舞,让观众大开眼界。

    Especially , the sword dance , knee dance , boots dance , and War dance won , broaden the audience 's horizons .

  25. 它表现出美国文化植根于非洲,通过音乐媒介证明了非洲人的文化已经支配了美国人的文化。

    It is an expression of the African roots of American culture , a musical medium that exemplifies the culture of the Africans whose culture came to dominate much of what is American .

  26. 而爵士乐则是把来自非洲与欧洲的音乐成分交融到一起,形成了一种新的文化,一种美洲所独有的表现形式。

    Jazz brought together elements from Africa and Europe , fusing themsintosa new culture , an expression unique to the Americas .

  27. 皮尤的研究发现在拉丁美洲和非洲对中国的音乐和电影兴趣有限,尽管大多数人欣赏这个亚洲大国的技术进步。

    The Pew study found that there was limited interest in Latin America and Africa in China 's music and movies , although most admired the Asian power 's technological advances .

  28. 黑人传统音乐因素对莫里森小说创作产生了深刻影响,她把代表非洲文化的黑人音乐运用到创作中,将音乐作为一种叙述策略,表达了对黑人种族命运及其文化地位的强烈关注。

    The Black traditional music elements influenced Toni Morrison 's writings . Morrison used these elements as a kind of narrative strategies and expressed her strong attention to the fates of the Black nation and its culture .

  29. 非洲黑奴被贩卖到美国后,非洲音乐和美洲音乐互相融合在一起。

    The African songs met American music when African slaves were brought to the US .

  30. 诗乐合璧相得益彰&论音乐与诗的融合关系非洲黑奴被贩卖到美国后,非洲音乐和美洲音乐互相融合在一起。

    Poetry and Music-Supplementary Harmony : On Combination of Music and Poetry ; The African songs met American music when African slaves were brought to the US .