
  • 网络African Black;Africa Black;Zimbawe Black;Zimbabwe
  1. 初配非洲黑鸵鸟繁殖性能观察

    Observation on Reproductive Performance of First Mating Africa Black Ostrich

  2. 用一年时间对家养条件下各年龄段非洲黑鸵鸟的行为进行了观察。

    The behavior of African black domestic Ostriches of different ages was observed in one year .

  3. 太攀蛇在形态学、生态学和行为上与非洲黑曼巴相似。

    It has been likened to the African Black Mamba in morphology , ecology and behavior .

  4. 有些非洲仅剩的黑犀牛在这里加以保护。

    Some of Africa 's last black rhinos are protected here .

  5. 这包括野生犀牛以及生活在非洲野外的黑犀牛。

    These include both wild rhinos and black rhinos in the wild in Africa .

  6. 他们看到了非洲上空的黑烟,以及黑烟下面到处肆虐的愤怒的烈焰。

    They saw the dark smoke over Africa , and here and there , through the smoke , the red , angry fires .

  7. 如今,南非的红酒、突尼斯的橄榄油、乌干达的咖啡、尼日利亚的木薯、埃塞俄比亚的芝麻,还有非洲著名的黑木雕等,已被中国消费者广为熟悉。

    Now , Chinese consumers are already familiar with the red wine from South Africa , olive oil from Tunisia , coffee from Uganda , cassava from Nigeria , sesame from Ethiopia and the famous African dark wood carvings .

  8. 一种非洲长尾猴(黑长尾猴亚种绿长尾猴),毛灰黄,略带绿色。

    A long-tailed African monkey ( Cercopithecus aethiops subsp . sabaeus ) having yellowish-gray fur with a greenish tinge .

  9. 中国预计会有大约50万外国人在奥运会期间来到北京,欧洲白人当中大约15%的人是这种血型,非洲黑人当中10%的人是Rh阴性血。奥运会期间,到北京去的游客当中很大一部分是欧洲白人和非洲黑人。

    China expects around 500000 foreign visitors to come to Beijing during the Olympics . Roughly 15 percent of Caucasians , and 10 percent of black Africans are Rh-negative , a large portion of those who will make up a majority of tourists during the Games .