
  • 网络non-identity;nonidentity
  1. 非同一性是否定的辩证法的核心概念和理论基石。

    Non-identity is the central concept and the theoretical foundation of Negative Dialectics .

  2. 否定的辩证法的核心思想主要有四个方面:非同一性、概念的星丛、激进的否定观、独特的唯物主义。

    The central idea of Negative Dialectics has four main aspects : non-identity , the Constellation of Concept , the radical negative view , the unique materialism .

  3. 同时要注意,对一个字形位图进行非同一性变换将产生错误。

    Loading a glyph bitmap with a non-identity transformation works ; the transformation is ignored in this case .

  4. 一个理想的文学批评场域应该基于非同一性基础上,以文学批评自主性作为共同遵守的信念。

    This field is to be corner-stoned on nonidentity , with the autonomy of literary criticism as its common belief .

  5. 阿多诺是法兰克福学派第一代成员中的重要代表人物,他对非同一性的提倡以及基于非同一性思考之上的艺术理论在世界范围内产生了重大影响。

    Adorno is an important representative of the first generation of Frankfurt School . His thoughts of non-identity and art theory based on non-identity , has great influence in the world .

  6. 导致人的自我异化的根源有三个:同一性对非同一性的压制、理性对本能和感性的压抑以及目的理性活动对交往行为的遮蔽。

    The root of self-alienation comes from three aspects , ie , the suppression of identity from nonidentity , the suppression of instinct and sensuousness from reason , the veil of communicative action from labour .

  7. 本研究发现,功的互等的贝蒂定理存在着非同一性和局限性两个问题,对这两个问题进行了分析,给出了修正的功的互等定理及其应用。

    Present study discovers that there are two problems of non-identity and limitation in Betti 's theorem of reciprocal works . On the bais of analysis of the two problems , modified theorem of reciprocal works and its application are given .

  8. 这样一来,文化工业就与非同一性背道而驰,走向文化艺术自身的反面,失去了文化艺术应有的否定力量,成为物化现实的一部分,成为现存社会的肯定力量。

    Therefore , the culture industry not only runs counter to the non-identity and goes its opposite side , but also loses the negative strength which the culture industry ought to have . And thus it becomes one part of objectified reality and the positive strength of extant society .

  9. 由此,给我们带来新人新社会的展望:一方面,人转向非同一的主体性生存;另一方面,社会转向有差别的和谐共在。

    Hereby , the prospects of new human and new society are brought up . On the one hand , human turns to non-identity and subjectivity existence .

  10. 政策需求的非均质、非同一性;

    Being unequal and nonidentical in need of policy ;

  11. 拒斥中心、颠覆现代主体性,抨击理性主义、推崇非理性,反对同一性、悦纳不确定性,构成后现代主义最基本的特征。

    Refusal of " center ", subversion of modernist subject , attack on rationalism , praise of irrationalism , opposition to identity and acceptance of uncertainty compose the basic features of post-modernism .