
  • 网络empirical concept
  1. 杜威对经验概念和经验方法的重新诠释

    Dewey 's New Explanation on the Concept and Method of Experience

  2. 其次隐喻能使人类经验概念化;

    Secondly , metaphor serves as an important means to conceptualize experience ;

  3. 教授:好,我们的经验概念,不是吗?

    Prof : Well we experience concepts all the time don 't we ?

  4. 杜威经验概念与马克思实践概念之比较

    A Comparison between Dewey 's Concept of Experience and Marx 's Concept of Practice

  5. 杜威经验概念的动态特征及其课程意义

    The Dynamic Character and its Curriculum Meaning of the Conception of Experience from Dewey

  6. 隐喻和转喻是我们赖以构筑和理解经验概念的基础。

    We categorize and understand our various experiences with the assistance of metaphor and metonymy .

  7. 于是,他提出自己的重建哲学的方案,并以经验概念来再造新的哲学。

    Thus , he proposes new approaches to reconstructing philosophy based on his concept of " experience " .

  8. 隐喻首先成为人类不可或缺的认知工具,其次能使人类的经验概念化。

    Metaphor is a means of human beings ' cognition , and it plays an indispensable role in human conceptualization .

  9. 超经验概念的理论依据与现实联系是在探讨艺术价值取向的基础上提出。

    The concept theory " transcend experience " on the basis of the reality relation are proposed in the discussion artistic value orientation foundation .

  10. 第三章透过德勒兹对于海德格经验概念的批判,来诠释他的在世存有概念。

    In the third chapter , I try to interpret Deleuze 's own concept of man 's being in the world through his critique of Heidegger .

  11. 被动概念是人类普遍具有的经验概念,被动概念的表达一直以来都是语言研究中的热点之一。

    Passive conception is pervasive in human experimental world , so the study of the passive voice has long been the hot spot in linguistic study .

  12. 由先验概率和后验概率谈信息的价值杜威经验概念与马克思实践概念之比较

    On the Value of Information by Discussing Anterior Probability & Posterior Probability ; A Comparison between Dewey 's Concept of Experience and Marx 's Concept of Practice

  13. 隐喻的功能主要有三个,它们分别是:了解世界的重要的手段;将经验概念化的必要方式;创造新意思的认知工具。

    Metaphor has three functions : an important means of understanding the world ; an essential way of conceptualizing experience ; a cognitive tool in creating new meanings .

  14. 杜威改造了传统哲学特别是英国经验主义学派的经验概念,从而提出了自己对经验的独特见解,为其美学艺术理论提供了理论基础。

    Dewey reform the traditional philosophy , especially British empirical school of " experience " concept , thus puts forward the " experience " unique insight , as their aesthetic art theory provides theory basis .

  15. 又因为国内许多教育研究者对杜威教育理论的理解有很大的误区,特别是对经验概念的理解有偏误,而经验一词又是理解杜威教育理论尤其是课程理论的关键词;

    However , many education researchers in China have greatly misunderstood the DET , especially the definition of experience , which is , however , the key word to understand the DET and particularly its curriculum theory .

  16. 心理语言学家认为,隐喻是人们对日常知识和经验概念化的一种手段,反映了人们较为普遍的思维和认知方式,对隐喻语言理解并不需要特殊的认知过程。

    Psycholinguists hold that metaphor is a means of conceptualizing people 's world knowledge and experience , reflecting a common mode of thought and cognition , and it does not need additional cognitive process to understand metaphorical language .

  17. 伽达默尔先通过考察三个例证,分析了经验概念,然后再分析了三种类型的我与你的关系,阐明了三种不同的诠释学经验,最后指出效果历史意识是真正的诠释学经验。

    First examined three examples to explain the notion of experience , then analyzed three types of " I " and " You " relations to clarity three different textualist experiences and finally made the conclusion that the effectual historic consciousness is the real textualist experience .

  18. 古希腊的经验概念以感性知觉为限,只能及于现象、不能揭示事物本质,不能达到真正实在的理念世界,而只有纯粹理性才能达到实在的世界。

    The Greek conception of experience is limited to sensation which makes us only arrive at phenomenon . But we cannot arrive at the nature of thing and also cannot reach the realm of idea through experience , and only reason can make us arrive at the reality .

  19. 论述了产品包装设计创意中间接经验的概念、特点和来源。

    The conception , characteristic , source of the indirect experience in product packaging design originality were introduced .

  20. 前者包括技术产能和经济产能两个产能概念,后者含有经验产能概念。

    The former includes both technical capacity concept and economic capacity concept , the latter includes only experiential capacity concept .

  21. 研究表明,学生的日常生活经验对于概念的掌握起着积极或消极的作用。

    Study shows that everyday life experience of the students can make an active or inactive effect in the conception mastering .

  22. 当那些不是直接根植于经验的概念使用比喻说话和心理意象时,推理和思考是想象的或者虚构的。

    Reasoning and thinking are imaginative in that those concepts which are not directly grounded in experience employ metaphor and mental imagery .

  23. 最后,本文将学生的需要与生活世界、学生的经验等概念作了必要的区分,并简要梳理了这些概念之间的关系。

    Finally , the paper discusses the relations between the concepts of " students ' needs "," life-world " and " students ' experience " .

  24. 认知语言学认为,转喻是基于人类经验的概念性的认知方式,转喻思维对话语的理解和生成起着极为重要的作用。

    According to cognitive linguistics , metonymy is a conceptually cognitive device based on human experience . Metonymic thinking plays a central role in the interpretation and generation of discourse .

  25. 通过经验形变概念的建立,对经验形变和弯矩图的探讨,为检验弯矩图的正确性找到了一种简便易行的新方法&经验形变对称法。

    In this paper , the author introduces the concept of experience deformation , discusses of relationship between experience deformation and bending moment diagram and puts forward a new method to verify bending moment diagram & experience deformation symmetry .

  26. 本文以反映认知经验的概念过程作为模式,形式表述致使对象和动作参与者角色的重合潜能,及其重合潜能在汉、英、日使动小句中的实现原则。

    This paper attempts to propose a conceptual process model to formally account for the conflation potential between the Affected and the participant roles of action structure and for the Chinese , English and Japanese instantiation of conflation potential .

  27. 认知经验和概念隐喻都是非常重要的认知模式,许多认知语言学家认为人类思维方式本身就是隐喻性的,而习语是人们在日常生活中经验积累的结果,是人类生活经验的认知体现。

    Both experiential cognition and conceptual metaphor are very important cognitive models , as many cognitive linguists claim that our thought is metaphorically structured , and idioms are deemed as the accumulated results as well as cognitive reflections of experiences of human beings .

  28. Lakoff和Johnson的理论是革命性的,他们的理论把众多的概念减少到通过隐喻来涵盖人类整个认知域的经验型基本概念。

    The theory of Lakoff and Johnson is revolutionary in the sense that it brings the notion of conceptual primacy to the fore .

  29. 由于经验内容是概念性的,便可承担起辩护知识的责任。

    As experience is conceptual , it can assume the responsibility of justifying knowledge .

  30. 在以往的马克思主义哲学研究中,我们只发现了经验的实践概念和道德的实践概念。

    We only find practice in empirical sense and practice in moral sense after consulting all of the past Marxism philosophy documents .