
  • 网络Media commentary;Reviews;Media Review
  1. 一些国内媒体评论批判书中的观点过于激进。

    Several reviews in the Chinese media have criticized the book ' 's radical opinions .

  2. 他们采访了记者、媒体评论人和亲属,包括巴克利的弟弟瑞德(Reid)。

    Instead , they draw on journalists , media critics and relatives , including Buckley 's brother Reid .

  3. 有媒体评论说,他用自己5年的时间,影响了中国500年。

    Some media commented that he used his5-year period , the impact of China's500 years .

  4. 在为社会大众构筑参政、议政的公共话语空间方面,媒体评论承担着不可替代的重任。

    As regards the public participation in politic discussions , the media commentary bears irreplaceable responsibility .

  5. 简而言之,有关媒体评论以及一些重要议员的相关事宜都被大量保留。

    In short , things that media commentators and MPs tend to value will be largely preserved .

  6. 自20世纪90年代以来,媒体评论竞争加剧成为我国媒体的一个显著特点。

    Since the 1990s , the increasing competition of media comments has become a distinctive feature in Chinese media .

  7. 指出网络新闻评论强化和拓展了传统媒体评论的所具有的功能;

    Point out News Comment on network has strengthened and expanded the functions had of the traditional media comments ;

  8. 而美国的左翼人士其中也包括漫画家泰德·尔,则对大多数美国媒体评论中的虔诚语气感到不安。

    Left-wingers , cartoonist Ted Rall among them , are troubled by the reverent tone of most American media commentary .

  9. 媒体评论的公共性是衡量媒介公正和社会公正的重要标准。

    The public nature of media critics is the important criteria against which the media justice and social justice are measured .

  10. 但是巴同志的否认并没有阻挡住媒体评论的激流,其中的一些还被住户贴到了外墙上。

    But Mr ba 's denials have not stopped a torrent of media comment , some of it pasted by residents on outdoor walls .

  11. 退伍军人纷纷指责他;媒体评论人和观众称他失去了对电视新闻主播而言至关重要的信任。

    military veterans took him to task , and media commentators and viewers claimed he had lost the trust so critical to a network news anchor .

  12. 一条社交媒体评论总结了许多多哈民众的反应:还没有证据表明存在任何不当行为,就已在讨论剥夺卡塔尔的世界杯主办权?

    One social media comment summed up many Doha residents ' response : No evidence of any wrongdoing and already talking about Qatar being stripped of WC ?

  13. 但纵观我国媒体评论的实践史和学术研究史,媒体评论的公共性话语还是一个待建构的问题。

    But considering the practice and academic histories of our media critics , we see the public discourse of the media critics is a problem to be constructed .

  14. 媒体评论人士对《滚石》杂志的新闻失检之举发起了猛烈的批评,而女权组织则声称,鼓励性侵受害者站出来的目标也因这件事受损。

    Rolling Stone was harshly criticized by media critics for its journalistic lapses , and by women 's groups who said it set back the cause of encouraging sexual assault victims to come forward .

  15. 看过该片的影评人、社交媒体评论人和中国朋友则普遍认为该片贴近普通中国百姓的生活经历,而很少电影能够做到这一点。

    Another popular theory among reviewers , social-media commenters and Chinese friends who have seen the film is that it cleaves to the experiences of average Chinese in a way that few films do successfully .

  16. 但在广电总局下达禁令之前,节目中很多的问题都围绕着男士的财富状况以及家庭背景,嘉宾们也因此被中国媒体评论人以及网民们冠以拜金主义者的称号。

    However , as many questions before the SARFT ban were about a man ` s wealth and family background , contestants have been regularly dubbed " materialist gold diggers " by Chinese media commentators and netizens .

  17. 马尼托瓦克县警局、马尼托瓦克市警察局、马尼托瓦克市政厅,以及所有带有马尼托瓦克这个字样的部门,都被愤怒的电话、电子邮件和社交媒体评论所淹没。

    Fury - by telephone , email and on social media - has also flooded the Manitowoc County Sheriff 's Department , the Manitowoc City Police Department , Manitowoc City Hall and pretty much anywhere else with the name Manitowoc attached to it .

  18. 15年后,他的讽刺敏感性把《每日秀》变成了对美国和世界各地都颇有影响的一个新闻和媒体评论平台,他还在担任该节目的执行制片人。

    A decade and a half later , his satirical sensibility helped turn The Daily Show , where he also serves as an executive producer , into an influential platform for news and media commentary , both in the United States and around the world .

  19. 在发展过程中,网络新闻评论逐渐形成了特有的、不同于传统媒体评论的形态、特点及功能,同时网络新闻评论在网络媒体中的作用也日趋重要。

    In the course of developing , News Comment on network has formed peculiar shape characteristic and function differented from the traditional media comments gradually , at the same time the role in media of the network of News Comment on network is important day by day too .

  20. 他对来自媒体的评论置之不理。

    He turns a deaf ear to the criticism from media .

  21. 网络新闻评论是迥异于传统媒体新闻评论的一种新的评论形式。

    That is the spring up of the netnews commentary .

  22. 网络评论与传统媒体新闻评论既相互竞争,又相互补充,相互借鉴、共同发展。

    It analyzed the competition and combine of netnews commentary and traditional news commentary .

  23. 来自媒体的评论引爆了网络,还让这句话成为最新热词。

    The comment , which was reported in the media , exploded on the Internet , becoming the country 's newest catch phrase .

  24. 此前,白宫发言人佩里诺在被问及国会有关立法的问题时对媒体发表评论说:

    Earlier , White House Press Secretary Dana Perino made this comment to reporters when asked about legislation shaping up on Capitol Hill .

  25. 媒体在评论一部作品时将不能忽视市场的压力及自身的商业利益。

    The media can neither afford to ignore the pressures of the market nor its own commercial interests when it comments on a work .

  26. 阵容号码的相关新闻,主要就是球员没有被注册以及没有得到心仪号码之后的媒体反馈评论。

    Squad number reaction news , where the press react and comment on squad number allocation and situations where players have not been registered in a squad .

  27. 这些“电影专场”一般在影片正式放映之前,一到两个星期里给这些影评人有时间写作,并给媒体发送评论稿件。

    These screenings are generally held a week or two before the film opens to give critics time to file their reviews before the film 's release .

  28. 这个插曲传开之后,德雷克在社交媒体上评论道:“我当时不过就是告诉他,我喜欢你紧身裤上的褶子。”

    After the situation was diffused , Drake left a comment on Instagram and wrote , " I just said I like the hem on his capris . "

  29. 随意浏览一下媒体的评论就会得出这样的论断:如果他不能在北京奥运会上夺取金牌,那么之前他的所有成就将归于零。

    A random browse of media commentaries turned up statements like : If he doesnt snatch the Beijing Olympics gold , all his previous successes will come to nothing .

  30. 由于公众在传统媒体上评论司法审判活动的渠道阻塞性及网络自身的优越性,网络越来越受到人们的喜爱,成为公众评论案件,监督司法审判活动的重要平台。

    Due to public in traditional media channels of judicial activities comments the superiority of the network itself obstructive and , network is more and more popular , to become a public comment on the case , supervision and judicial activities important platform .