
  1. 作为理想主义诗人哲学家,老庄和柏格森对待科学与哲学的态度以及形而上学方法上有着不谋而合之处。

    As idealist poets , Lao Zhuang and Burgerson have the same attitudes towards sciences , philosophy and meta physical methods .

  2. 而在20世纪的诗人哲学家那里,文艺被视为人类诗意栖居的一种方式,成为现代人对抗精神荒芜的一种生存策略。

    In the views of the poetic philosophers in the 20th century , literature and arts , as a way of poetically dwelling of human beings , becomes a living tactics that modern people resist to the lack of the spiritual ballast .

  3. 从古希腊的哲学家苏格拉底(Socrates)一直到当代美国传奇盲人歌手史提夫·汪达(StevieWonder),无数的诗人、哲学家、剧作家还有流行歌手都对爱有说不尽的感慨。[1]

    Poets , philosophers , playwrights and pop singers from Socrates to Stevie Wonder have had a great deal to say about love .

  4. 德国也提交了一部传记片——《姐妹情深》(BelovedSisters),它讲述的是18世纪诗人、哲学家弗里德里希·席勒(FriedrichSchiller)与卡洛琳和夏洛特·冯·伦格费尔德(CarolineandCharlottevonLengefeld)姐妹的爱情纠葛。

    Germany has also submitted a biopic of sorts , " Beloved Sisters , " about an 18th-century love triangle involving the poet and philosopher Friedrich Schiller and the sisters Caroline and Charlotte von Lengefeld .

  5. 还有所有不朽诗人和哲学家的至理名言。

    and the words of all the great poets and philosophers .

  6. 一位诗人兼哲学家曾经这样说过:

    In a words of a poet and philosopher ,

  7. 诗人和哲学家以我的名义传教

    Put into my mouth by poets and philosophers

  8. 他们是诗人,哲学家,摄影师,或是电影制作人

    They 're poets , they 're philosophers , they 're photographers , they 're filmmakers .

  9. 历史上所有的大事,以及所有伟大的诗人与哲学家的话语。

    All the events of history , and the words of all the great poets and philosophers .

  10. 拉尔夫·瓦尔多·爱默生,美国散文作家、诗人、哲学家。

    Ralph Waldo Emerson , American Author , Poet & Philosopher , ( 1803 ~ 1882 ) .

  11. 或者他们可以教书、写作和拍电影,他们还可以成为诗人和哲学家。

    Or they can teach , or write , or direct films , or become poets and philosophers .

  12. 拉尔夫·瓦尔多·爱默生是美国著名诗人,哲学家以及美国超验主义运动的领导人物。

    Ralph Waldo Emerson was a major American poet , philosopher and center of the American Transcendental movement .

  13. 年华易老,风流终被雨打风吹去&詹姆斯。贝蒂,诗人和哲学家。

    Old age comes on apace to ravage all the clime & James Beattie , poet and philosopher .

  14. 相传,这个节日的出现为了纪念中国的诗人和哲学家屈原。

    According to legend , the festival is held in the memory of a poet and philosopher named Qu Yuan .

  15. 小孩子来采浆果,铁路上的工人们穿着干净的衬衣来散步,渔人、猎户、诗人和哲学家;

    Children come a-berrying , railroad men taking a Sunday morning walk in clean shirts , fishermen and hunters , poets and philosophers ;

  16. 每年都有很多农业学家,农场主,诗人,哲学家,出家人,艺术家和科学家来到这里,他们来自希腊和其他的国家。

    Agriculturalists , farmers , poets , philosophers and monks , artists and scientists from Greece and other countries visit the place every year .

  17. 世界各国的语言,历史上所有的大事,以及所有伟大的诗人与哲学家的话语,他几乎无所不知。

    He knows virtually every language of the world , all the events of history , and the words of all the great poets and philosophers .

  18. 运气和巧合的本质是什么?而那种想象物体和计算数字模式的能力如何让人能够回答连一些最好的诗人和哲学家都避之惟恐不及的问题,这还不够明朗。

    It 's not obvious how the capacity to visualize objects and to figure out numerical patterns suits one to answer questions that have eluded some of the best poets and philosophers .

  19. 塞缪尔·泰勒·柯勒律治(1772-1834)是19世纪早期著名的英国浪漫主义诗人、哲学家、评论家,也是湖畔派代表诗人之一。

    Samuel Taylor Coleridge ( 1772-1834 ) is an outstanding British Romantic poet , critic and philosopher in the early 19th century , one of the representative poets among the " Lake Poets " as well .

  20. 在排练这出剧的过程中,调查研究了大量关于“边缘性格障碍”的艺术家,里面涉及到:作家,音乐家,画家,诗人,哲学家。

    In the play rehearsal in the process of investigation and study , the large quantities of " personality disorder " artist of the edge , which involves : writers , musicians , artists , poets and philosophers .

  21. 虽然恒利是个诗人而非哲学家,却用诗的形式一语道破了伟大的真理,并且以此自励,诗中的哲学意味则留待继往开来的后人发扬光大。

    But , being a poet , and not a philosopher , Henley contented himself by stating a great truth in poetic form , leaving those who followed him to interpret the philosophical meaning of his lines .

  22. 什么是艺术之母,是什么力量鼓舞了那些诗人、爱国者、哲学家,以及那些经时济世的传人&是的,除了爱还有什么能鼓舞他们去奋斗呢。

    What is the mother of art , the inspiration of the poet , the patriot , the philosopher , and the great man of affairs & yes , what inspires their every effort save Love ?

  23. 柏拉图在《会饮》中安排了七个典型的人物来表达他对爱欲的理解,这七个人中有雄辩家、法律家、医生、喜剧诗人、悲剧诗人、哲学家和政治家。

    Seven typical characters are arranged by Plato for his view on eros to be expressed in the " symposium " . They are eloquent communicator , solicitor , doctor , comedy poet , tragic poet , philosopher and politician .