
  1. 长臂猿的歌声曾经激发了中国的古代诗人的灵感

    Gibbon song once inspired the ancient poets of China ,

  2. 诗人的灵感,科学家的谜团

    A muse to poets , a mystery to scientists

  3. “无比神秘”的它们是诗人的灵感之源,也是科学家眼里的谜团,关于这些水族哺乳动物,还有很多东西等着他们去学习。

    Their " sublimely secretive " nature makes them a muse to poets and a mystery to scientists , who still have much to learn about these aquatic mammals .

  4. 诗人的创作灵感与对生命的体验、人生的经验都凝聚于意象中。

    Poet 's creation inspiration and experience to the life are both condensed in image .

  5. 唐代音乐艺术蓬勃发展,给予诗人丰富的灵感,因而造就不少咏乐佳作。

    For Tang Dynasty Music and Art rapid development , the poet got a wealth of inspiration and created lots of masterpiece about snag of joy .

  6. 江南隐逸生活激发了唐代诗人的创作灵感,促进了山水诗的兴盛,同时又使清丽圆熟的诗风在中晚唐流行。

    Living in seclusion in the South of Changjiang stimulated the inspiration of the poets , aroused the poems about mountains and water and formed the clear style of poems in Mid-later Tang dynasty .

  7. 上帝创造鲸鱼,并不是为了点缀那广漠无垠喧嚣混沌的海洋,也不是为了激发诗人或者文人骚客的灵感或者情感;

    Cetaceans are not created to decorate the immense chaotic oceans or to offer poets or litt é rateurs aspirations or inspirations .