
  • 网络poetic theory
  1. 当代诗歌理论批评研究(1979-1999)

    On the Chinese Contemporary Poetic Theory and Criticism ( 1979-1999 )

  2. 意象是一个至今仍活跃在诗歌理论与批评中的核心概念。

    As a key concept , image is widely used in poetic theory and criticism .

  3. 布鲁姆早期浪漫主义诗歌理论初探

    A Survey of Harold Bloom 's Early Critical Theory of Romantic Poetry

  4. 张祜的诗歌理论、主张

    The Theory and Proposition of the Poems of Zhang Hu

  5. 柳宗元的诗歌理论及其诗学精神

    Liu Zong-yuan 's Theories on Poetry and His Spirit in Poetic Studies

  6. 华兹华斯诗歌理论的心理学和美学联想

    Psychological and Aesthetic Association of Wordsworth ' Theory on Poetry

  7. 论唐湜的诗歌理论

    The theoretical value of Tang shis criticism on Poems

  8. 他的诗歌理论继承了儒家诗教传统,上承自孔子、汉儒至陈子昂、李白的诗论,下启元稹、自居易之诗论。

    He looks up to Confucian poetry traditional theory as the only criterion .

  9. 想象力是柯氏浪漫主义诗歌理论的核心。

    The imaginative power is the core of Coleridge 's romantic poetry theory .

  10. 真正的诗是艾青诗歌理论的一个核心范畴。

    Real poem is a central category of AI Qing 's poetry theory .

  11. 瑞恰慈与中国现代诗歌理论批评

    A.Richards and Chinese Modern Poetry Theory 's Criticism

  12. 第二部分是苏轼的诗歌理论。

    Part two focuses on the poetic theories .

  13. 清末至五四时期中国诗歌理论的现代转型

    Modern Transformation of Chinese Poetry Theory from Late Qing Dynasty to May Fourth Period

  14. 魔幻诗学和智性诗学是其象征主义诗歌理论的核心组成部分。

    Yeats s creating of poetry was guided by his unique symbolist critical principles .

  15. 因此,他们吸收了中国诗的这些长处,发展了自己的诗歌理论。

    Therefore , they developed their poetics by assimilating the merits of Chinese poetry .

  16. 以普拉斯女拉撒路为例论非私人化诗歌理论

    On Impersonal Theory of Poetry Illustrated with Sylvia Plath 's ″ Lady Lazarus ″

  17. 朝鲜王朝是朝鲜历史上诗歌理论发展的顶峰时期。

    The development of Korea 's poetical theories witnesses their zenith in the Yi Dynasty .

  18. 这一时期是诗歌理论探索的活跃期。

    Secondly , in the period , the poets studied the poetry theory very hard .

  19. 他的诗和诗歌理论体现了新儒学中理学与诗歌、哲学与文学的冲突与融合。

    His poem and poetry theory embodied the conflict and merger between New-Confucianism and literature .

  20. 妙悟与诗法&试论唐宋以来古典诗歌理论的发展

    Witticism and Poetry Rhyme & Development of classical poetry theory since Tang and Song dynasties

  21. 在自然的影响下,还形成了许多独特的诗歌理论概念、范畴及诗歌批评方法。

    Even some distinctive concepts , categories of poetic theory , and poetic criticism method .

  22. 意境说诗歌理论形成和发展过程:王昌龄三境说开意境说理论之先河;

    The formation and development of the theory of artistic conception for poems are as follows .

  23. 他的诗论在我国古代诗歌理论发展史上,也有着相当重要的地位。

    His poetry critiques enjoyed quite an important status in the Chinese history of poetry theory .

  24. 王世懋的诗歌理论

    Wang Shimao 's Theory on Poetry

  25. 本章还对其诗歌理论进行分析,从诗歌水平和诗歌语言等两方面去概述了他的论点。

    This chapter also analyzes the poetry theory from the overview of poetry and poetic language .

  26. 他们创造了乾嘉之学的辉煌成就,也在诗歌理论和诗歌创作方面作出了巨大的努力,取得了一定的成就。

    They obtained the splendid achievement in culture and some achievement in poetry theory and poetry creation .

  27. 沈约的诗歌理论为新体诗的发展指明了方向。

    Shenyue 's poetic theory was a milestone in the development of the new style of poetry .

  28. 张问陶的思想对其诗歌理论和创作有一定的影响。

    His theory and writing of poetry had been influenced to a certain degree by his thought .

  29. 论艾略特的非个性化诗歌理论

    On T.S.Eliot 's Impersonal Theory

  30. 她试图阐明她的现代诗歌理论,但我却一窍不通。

    She tried to explain her theories about modern poetry but it was all Greek to me .