
  1. 月落乌啼霜满天,江枫渔火对愁眠。(张继《枫桥夜泊》)

    Moonset , rooks caw , frost fills the sky , | maples and fishing lights , and sorrow before my bed .

  2. 作者:EmilyDickinson,译者:江枫如果你能在秋季来到,

    If you were coming in the fall ,

  3. 抗战胜利后,江枫得了精神病,到香港定居,生活相当贫苦。

    After the war , Jiangfeng mental illness , to settle in Hong Kong lives were quite poor .

  4. 江枫在反复抄写、传送剧本过程中,也不知不觉爱上了粤剧。

    Jiangfeng repeated copying , send the script process , but also unknowingly fell in love with opera .

  5. 由于当时封建礼教观念仍然严重,女子不宜抛头露面,只好署名“南海十三郎”,并托胞弟江枫转交。

    At that time , the concept of the feudal ethical code is still serious , women should not be public appearances , had signed " Mad Phoenix ", and care brother Jiangfeng transmitted .