
  • 网络Ancient Chinese Aesthetics;chinese ancient aesthetics
  1. 中国古代美学对山水美的主体条件的分析

    Subjective Qualifications Tasting Beauty of Landscape in Chinese Ancient Aesthetics

  2. 中国古代美学中的假、伪、丑观念辨

    The Notional Distinctions of Jia , Wei and Chou in Chinese Ancient Aesthetics

  3. 禅宗顿悟说与中国古代美学嬗变

    The Zen Revelation and the Historical Changes of Ancient Chinese Aesthetics

  4. 这些都在中国古代美学史上具有重要的开拓意义。

    These all have made great contributions to Chinese Aesthetic History .

  5. 中国古代美学的独特品格及其现代意义

    The Unique Personality and Modern Significance of Ancient Chinese Aesthetics

  6. 中国古代美学观念钩沉二题

    Two Probings into the Aesthetic Conception in Ancient China

  7. 自然审美是中国古代美学的核心。

    Natural aesthetic is the core of Chinese aesthetics .

  8. 中国古代美学属于古典主义美学,在美的形态上主张和谐美。

    As a classical aesthetics , traditional Chinese aesthetics emphasizes the beauty of harmoniousness .

  9. 宋代常被称为中国古代美学的顶峰。

    That era is often referred to as the zenith of ancient Chinese aesthetics .

  10. 审美意识是研究中国古代美学的切入点。

    A study of aesthetic consciousness is a starting point of ancient Chinese aesthetics .

  11. 张扬生命价值是中国古代美学思想的内核

    To Spread around the Values of Life Is the Core of Ancient Chinese Aesthetic Ideas

  12. 中国古代美学与当代西方美学并不是完全对立的。

    Aesthetics in ancient China is not completely antagonistic to contemporary aesthetics in the West .

  13. 中国古代美学中的观

    The Esthetics View of Ancient China

  14. 审美意象是中国古代美学体系的中心概念之一。

    Aesthetic imagery is one of the key concepts in ancient Chinese theoretical system of aesthetics .

  15. 禅美学是中国古代美学思想的重要组成部分,也是世界美学发展进程中不可忽视的内容。

    Zen aesthetics is an integral part of aesthetics both of ancient China and of the world .

  16. 诗化人生&略论中国古代美学

    On Chinese Ancient Aesthetics

  17. 朴素作为一种艺术风格或审美趣味,在中国古代美学史上具有特殊的意义。

    As an artistic style or an aesthetic interest , simplicity has its special meaning in the ancient Chinese aesthetics .

  18. 本文是一部系统阐释中国古代美学思想的专著。全书分上、中、下三编。

    The article is a work expounding the Chinese ancient aesthetic thoughts system , which is divided into three parts .

  19. 中国古代美学与文艺论著关系密切,但是终究离不开哲学思想。

    Chinese antiquity aesthetics was closely correlated with literary and artistic critiques , but it was never isolated from philosophic ideology .

  20. 佛教对中国古代美学的发展嬗变有很大影响,特别是在魏晋时期促成了中国古典美学精神的转型。

    Buddhism had exerted great influence on the development of ancient Chinese aesthetics , particularly on the transformation of aesthetics in Wei-Jin period .

  21. 并希望这一研究能对深入认识中国古代美学与哲学的关系问题具有一定的价值和意义。

    We hope that the research will be certain value and significance in how to treat the relations between Chinese ancient aesthetics and philosophy .

  22. 中国古代美学,历来讲情与理统一,文与道的统一。

    The Chinese ancient aesthetics has always put emphasis on the unity of emotion and reason , and the unity of writing and virtue .

  23. 意象性是中国古代美学体系中的重要概念,对中国的文化艺术产生了深远影响。

    " Image " is an important concept in Chinese ancient aesthetics , has exerted a far-reaching influence on the Chinese culture and art .

  24. 《乐记》是中国古代美学的一部重要著作,但其何时成书的问题一直悬而未决。

    Yue Ji is the important aesthetic work in Chinese ancient times , but the time when it was written has remained in suspense .

  25. 在这种认知前提下,作者开始搜集历史文献资料以证明在中国古代美学和文学中早有文学开放性的身影。

    In this perceptive context , specific historical records are sought among classical literary texts to demonstrate the existence of openness in ancient Chinese aesthetics , poetics and poetry .

  26. 在中国古代美学范畴中虽没有“象征”一词,但这并不能说明中国古代文学当中没有象征性的文学理论。

    There wasn 't the word of " symbol " in esthetics category of Ancient China , but it could not explain there weren 't symbolic literature theory in Chinese ancient literature .

  27. 中国古代美学将山水美生成的条件重点审美主体上,认为主体具有四个条件就可以实现对自然山水的审美欣赏。

    The stresses of conditions engendering beauty of landscape were set on the tasting subject in Chinese Ancient Aesthetics , which thought that subjects would need four qualifications to realize tasting natural landscape .

  28. 《乐记》形成年代的确定和提前,对于加强中国古代美学研究,对于更新古代美学传统并推进现代美学和艺术的发展,都具有十分重要的意义。

    Defining the Yue Ji 's written time has the great significance for enhancing the research of ancient Chinese aesthetics , updating ancient aesthetic tradition , and improving the development of modern aesthetics and arts .

  29. 蔡元培、迅和朱光潜等在这一思想的影响下,建立自己的美学世界,从而完成了中国古代美学向现代美学的嬗变。

    Under this influence , scholar such as Cai yuan-pei , Lu Xun and Zhu Guang-qian and so on establish their own esthetic theories and realize the conversion from Chinese traditional esthetics to modern ones .

  30. 通过逐层讨论审美意识与人性结构、人性结构与古代宗教等问题,我们对“切入点”或许会有一个基本的认识,从而为中国古代美学的研究作出必要的准备。

    Through discussing aesthetic awareness , structure of human nature and ancient religion , we may have the basic understanding of " the starting point ", which makes the preparation for the study of ancient Chinese aesthetics .