
  • 网络chinese justice;Justice of China
  1. 传统中国司法重在维护差序格局的社会秩序,当事人的财产诉求就自然地要退居次要的地位,这一特点在近代也未发生根本变化。

    Traditional Chinese justice upheld the social rule of " differentiation structure of social order ", so the property appeal of litigants naturally withdrew to secondary position .

  2. 据中国司法部长张福森讲,中国可能要采用一种新的司考形式:那就是加入面试或者个人评价,来代替现行的笔试。

    China may adopt a new form for its national judicial exam by adding a personal interview or professional evaluation , instead of the current paper-exclusive exam , said Chinese justice minister Zhang fusen .

  3. 以法治代替人治是中国司法改革的重要一步。

    It is an important step to replace the rule of men with the rule of law in China 's justice reforms .

  4. WTO规则与中国司法的程序公正

    Rules of WTO and Fairness of Chinese Judicial Process

  5. WTO对中国司法审查制度的影响

    Influence of WTO on Chinese Judicial Review System

  6. 在WTO之下,中国司法应选择开放与自治的态势。

    Under the rules of WTO , the judicature of China should choose to be open and autonomous .

  7. 近年来,随着我国加入WTO的步伐演进及最终实现,中国司法制度中既判力问题愈来愈受到关注。

    In recent years , with the development and realization of joining into WTO , the problem of the validity of established adjudication in China judicature has attracted more and more attention .

  8. 然而,最近上海法庭对英澳矿业集团力拓(riotinto)4名雇员的审讯和定罪,有力地提醒人们,中国司法体系仍存在不足。

    But the recent Shanghai trial and conviction of four employees of Rio Tinto , the Anglo-Australian mining group , provides a potent reminder of the remaining shortcomings of the legal system .

  9. 防控中国司法解释权扩大化的立法建议

    Legislative Suggestions on Prevention From Expansion of Judicial Interpretation in China

  10. 中国司法建设三十年的成就、经验与展望

    The Achievement , Experience and Prospect of Judicial Construction in China

  11. 古代中国司法官的处事风格与角色意识

    The Dealing Style and Role Consciousness of Ancient Chinese Judicial Officers

  12. 这件事是否让你看到了中国司法系统的希望?

    Did that give you hope for China 's justice system ?

  13. 中国司法制度改革的若干问题

    Some Problems of the Reform of China 's Judicial Systems

  14. 中国司法鉴定制度的出路亦在于此。

    The way out of the judicial identification system is just this .

  15. 中国司法考试制度建构的思考

    Pondering on the Construction of Judicial Examination System in China

  16. 司法与行政:中国司法行政化及其检讨

    Judicature and Administration : Administration of Chinese Judicature and Self ? criticism

  17. 专职法司的起源与中国司法传统的特征

    The Origin of Professional Judge and Characteristics of China 's Judicial Tradition

  18. 这些困难的解决将是中国司法达致和谐的真正开始。

    To solve these difficulties is the real Chinese judicial achieving harmony .

  19. 中国司法的未来发展方向是走职业化、精英化之路。

    Chinese judicial aim is to found a way to professionalism and specialization .

  20. 《中国司法协助法》的制定。

    Drafting " China 's judicial assistance law " .

  21. 中国司法独立的制度建设研究

    The System Construction Research of Judicature Independence of China

  22. 统一司法考试对中国司法体制的影响

    The impact of the national unified judicial examination on China 's judicial system

  23. 中国司法制度有改变的希望。

    There is hope that the system is changing .

  24. 当代中国司法解释体制的法律思考

    On the Judicial Interpretation System in Modern China

  25. 中国司法考试制度的启动与法学教育

    On System of Judiciary Test and Legal Education

  26. 中国司法救助制度的建立,标志着中国法治化的又一进程的开始。

    The establishment of judicial remedies is a milestone of the institutionalization of China .

  27. 目的探讨中国司法精神病学研究现状及其发展方向。

    Objective To explore the development and current status of forensic psychiatry in China .

  28. 中国司法造法问题研究

    Study on Judicial Law - Making in China

  29. 中国司法部门积极推进司法体制改革。

    The Chinese judiciary is endeavoring to deepen the reform of its judicial system .

  30. 困扰中国司法独立的几个因素

    A Few Perplexed Factor of Chinese Judicatory Independence