
  1. 数值可能存在误差,但是大势所趋,不由人否定。

    But there is no denying the trend .

  2. 到头来却也只能叹一句,万般皆有命,半点不由人!

    In the end but also can sigh a , ten thousand sorts all have a life , the least bit not from person !

  3. 上主,我知道,人的道路是不由人的,行走的人也不能随便操纵自己的步伐。

    I know , O Lord , that the way of a man is not his : neither is it in a man to walk , and to direct his steps .

  4. 而真正更大的问题是,一旦人类屈服于技术的强力之下,技术的发展就再也不由人了,人只能跟着技术走,而很少能改变技术的走向,这样技术到底走向何方。

    But the real issue is the greater , once man succumbed to the technical strength . Technology development is no longer the man , people can follow technology to walk . But rarely change technology towards , where this is technology to move toward .

  5. 而堆满未完成作品的房间,不由让人联想起弗吉尼亚·伍尔夫(VirginiaWoolf)对一些属于自己的独具创意的混乱的喜好。

    And rooms piled with unfinished projects called up Virginia Woolf 's taste for some creative chaos of one 's own .

  6. 有时不由使人觉得,藐视法令者竟可代表未来的潮流了。

    Sometimes , we cannot but feel that those who show defiance of law may become a future trend-setter .

  7. 不由叫人忆起了那些蓬勃的往昔,还有不经意遇见过的伞状的花葶。

    Not from let the person remind those flourish of ci-devant , also have no be careful to meet of flower TING of the umbrella form .

  8. 乡议局当然有抗争的权利,但是否合理,需经得起客观标准验证,不由任何人说了算。

    Heung Yee Kuk people of course have the right to fight for their rights , but there are objective tests of reasonableness , and individuals'assertions do not count .

  9. 拙文在撰写中国航空体育运动发展问题的过程中,正值纪念世界航空百年之时,不由让人赞叹;

    During the process of writing the Chinese air sport and develop the question , On the occasion of while commemorating the aviation of the world for a century , people can not help praising .

  10. 不由让人担忧这是否会阻碍创新;在某些行业,创新者想到自己必须承担巨大的风险并投入巨大的成本,而全社会坐享其成,希望凭空分得收益,可能会感觉灰心丧气。

    This is worrying if it discourages innovation , and in some industries innovators may be discouraged by the prospect that they must take big risks and sink big costs while society sits back and hopes to reap the benefits .

  11. 对于不适合由人亲临现场进行施工的危险、极限环境中的焊接任务,如核电站设备的维修、空间结构以及海洋工程的建设与维修等,必须开发遥控焊接机器人来完成。

    For the welding tasks in dangerous and extreme environment which are not suitable for people , such as nuclear power equipments maintenance , space and marine engineering structure of the building and maintenance . Remote welding robot must be developed to complete these very difficult welding tasks .

  12. 挂帐到年月日,逾期不付由担保人承担一切责任。

    Hold it till Year Month Date , the guaranteed person is responsible for outstanding payment .

  13. 绿色,一个春意盎然让人清爽的颜色,不由的让人将它和自然、生命、环保到了一起。

    Mentioned Green , a refreshing color that makes people cool , people will put it together with nature , life and environmental protection .

  14. 如果你自己尽全力做事你将会做得更好,我认为这就是成功并且不可能由其它人来判断。

    If you make the effort to do the best of what you are capable , trying to improve the situation that exists for you , I think that is success and I do not think others can judge that .

  15. 节奏美或不关,是由人的生理平衡机制、心理愉快机制决定的;

    Whether the rhythm is beautiful or not depends on peoples physiological balance system and psychological happy mechanism ;

  16. 我已经告诉过你,无论什么事情,都不由我答应任何人。

    As I 've told you already , I 'm not in the position to promise anyone anything .

  17. 通过大量资料调研,本文论证了厦门近代城市改造是为数不多的由国人一手策划、筹资、实施的中国近代城市建设。

    Based on great deal of investigations , it is demonstrated in the thesis that modern urban reconstruction of Amoy was among those sporadic cases which was planned , invested and performed independently by Chinese themselves .