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  • 网络No war;without fighting
  1. 与此同时,山西军阀阎锡山手下的三个师长在太原城下不战而降。

    Simultaneously , far to the west , three division commanders of Yen Hsi-shan surrendered outside of Taiyuan , the capital of Shansi Province , without fighting .

  2. 孙子的不战而屈人之兵全胜攻心战略,是遏止战争、维护和平、造福人类的最佳方略。

    Sun Tzu 's thought of " subduing the enemy without fighting " is the best choice to prevent war , maintain peace and benefit humankind .

  3. 他们不战而降。

    They gave up without a fight .

  4. 不战则已,战则必胜。

    Fight no battle unless victory is sure .

  5. 我是不会不战而败的。

    But I wasn 't going down without a fight .

  6. 托洛茨基到远东,不战不和逞英雄。

    Showing off his heroism with neither war nor reconciliation .

  7. 最好的作战是不战而屈人兵。

    The superior fighter has won before engaging in battle .

  8. 反对者不会不战而屈。

    Opponents will not give up without a fight .

  9. 我们绝不会不战而降。

    We will not surrender without a struggle .

  10. 当地警方再一次不战而逃。

    Again local police fled without a fight .

  11. 在华盛顿下令军队开进该地区时,抗争者不战而散。

    When Washington ordered troops into the area , the opposition collapsed without a fight .

  12. 这一现象的出现,是因为实行不战而屈人之兵全胜攻心战略的大前提和大环境已经到来。

    This phenomenon illuminates the major premise and circumstances of implementing the thought have come .

  13. 他的命令要求严密封锁这座城市,使之不战而降,饿死或消灭它的保护者。

    His orders were to blockade the city into submission , starve the defenders or wipe them out .

  14. 只要我一个人出现在王城,北公爵无欢就不战自溃。

    The moment I show my face at the imperial city , that weakling Wuhuan will submit without question !

  15. 再设想一下他们面对端着枪的穷人时会怎么做:不战而降。

    Then imagine what it will do when confronted with poor people with guns : give in without a fight .

  16. 如果我们害怕它,它就无形中被我们无限地放大,然后我们也就不战而败。

    If we fear it , it will be amplified by us unconsciously and we would get defeated in the very beginning .

  17. 只要一投票,管理层和现任董事们就可能落败,他们因此不战而降。

    If it came to a vote , management and existing boards would likely lose the fight , so they capitulate before combat actually begins .

  18. 他们应该知道我们不战而败,其后果将长期与我们同在;

    They should know that we have sustained a defeat without a war , the consequences of which will travel far with us along our road ;

  19. 根本不战,与敌妥协,这是不抵抗主义,不但应该骂,而且完全不许可的。

    Not to fight at all but to compromise with the enemy & that is non-resistance , which should not only be denounced but must never be tolerated .

  20. 当西方世界也处于农业文明之际,西方世界也无法使武力成为一种有效的工具,也有著「不战而屈人之兵」的观念。

    When the western world was also in the stage of agriculture civilization ," to defeat the enemy without combat " was also a creed of its military .

  21. 这就是为什么那些可以由我自己选择战或不战的系统对我来说是完美的系统,而且我知道很多人都和我有相同的想法。

    That is why being able to choose whether I fight or not is a perfect system for me and I know a lot of people feel the same way .

  22. 美国对外文化扩张是新的历史时期美国为实现不战而屈人之兵目的的新式外交手段。

    The U.S. foreign cultural expansion is the purpose of the new diplomatic means to " Defeat the Enemy Without Fighting " in the new historical era of the United States .

  23. 因此,视「不战而屈人之兵」与「文化道德主义」为中国独特的战略文化,其实只是时空的错置。

    Accordingly , this article could conclude that , take " to defeat the enemy without combat " and " culture moralism " as Chinese unique strategic culture is a misplacement of time and space .

  24. 斯瓦特最大的城镇明戈拉去年还是到处战火弥漫、尸横遍野,而今已是不战而屈。

    Its biggest town , Mingora , which late last year had been a battlefield shelled by the army and littered by militants with headless corpses , appears to have been captured almost without a fight .

  25. 战略战争需要较强的综合实力,并在较长时间内、在所有领域综合运用战争与非战争手段,努力达成不战而屈人之兵的效果。

    Strategic warfare demands great comprehensive strength , and the use of war and non-war means synthetically in all fields over a long period of time so as to " subjugate the enemy 's army without fighting " .

  26. 在当时诸候纷争烽火连绵的情况下,利用对外贸易大打经济战,削弱他国的经济势力,达到不战而屈人之兵的目的,正是管仲对外贸易思想的精华所在。

    The essence of his thought is to make use of the foreign trade to conduct an economic battle to weaken other countries ' economic power , and conquer them without fighting under the situation of continuous flames of the war at that time .

  27. 在《孙子兵法》中,战争的最高目的是安国保民,孙子最卓越的理论不战而屈人之兵即是服务于这一目的的;

    In Sun Zi ' Art of War , the supreme end of war is to keep the country at peace and protect the people , and Sun Zi 's superexcellent theory , subdue the enemy without fighting , is to serve this end .

  28. 知可以战与不可以战者胜。

    He who knows when he can fight and when he cannot will be victorious .

  29. 则秦之所大欲,诸侯之所大患,固不在战矣。

    Qin is a big desire and nobility are a big problem , not solid war-evident .

  30. 疾战则存,不疾战则亡者,为死地。

    Ground on which we can only be saved from destruction by fighting without delay , is desperate ground .