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jù sè
  • a look of fear
惧色 [jù sè]
  • [a look of fear] 害怕的神色

  • 面无惧色

惧色[jù sè]
  1. 她毫无惧色。

    She showed no fear .

  2. 她毫无惧色。

    She did not seem at all afraid

  3. 石油工人在困难面前毫无惧色。

    The oil workers showed no sign of fear before the great difficulties .

  4. 我们的战士,在敌人的炮火下,毫无惧色。

    Our soldiers displayed no fear under the enemy 's fire .

  5. 她在敌人铡刀前,视死如归,毫无惧色。

    She faced death calmly and unflinchingly before the enemy 's chaff-cutter .

  6. 面对他生气的样子,她的眼睛露出惧色。

    Her eyes quailed before his angry looks .

  7. 他对手术毫无惧色。

    He was very brave about his operation .

  8. 只有树立强大的自信,我们才能在压力之下毫无惧色并且把梦想变成现实。

    Only by building strong self-confidence can we demonstrate grace under pressure and turn our dreams into reality .

  9. 每一天每一日,我们毫无惧色的穿过发出臭气的黑暗,一步一步的走向地狱。

    Every day we descend a step further toward Hell , Without horror , through gloom that stinks .

  10. 旁白:模糊乐队赢得了这场竞赛,荣登销量冠军,但绿洲成员们毫无惧色。

    Narrator : It was Blur who won the race to number one , but the Oasis camp weren 't at all shaken .

  11. 他都会侵略对手的每一条传球路线,不顾一切地将球从对手手中抢过;他都会面无惧色地直面针对他的单打战术,将进攻端的那股干劲全情投入到了防守中去。

    He 's invading passing lanes , ripping the ball out of his opponents ' hands , and embracing the challenge when he finds himself isolated one-on-one .

  12. 他们身穿轻型链甲或镶甲,以便射箭时得到良好防护,同时,高贵血统亦令得他们即便对近身厮杀亦面无惧色。

    Their light mail or brigandine armour gives them adequate protection while firing their bows , and their aristocratic upbringing gives them the stomach for close combat if required .

  13. 然后有封给她的信,几分钟以后马奇太太和琼看见麦格眼盯着那封信,面露惧色。我的孩子,那是什么?

    Then a letter arrived for her , and a few minutes later Mrs March and Jo saw Meg staring at it with a frightened face . 'My child , what is it ? '

  14. 然后有封给她的信,几分钟以后马奇太太和琼看见麦格眼盯着那封信,面露惧色。我的孩子,那是什么?马奇太太问。

    Then a letter arrived for her , and a few minutes later Mrs March and Jo saw Meg staring at it with a frightened face . 'My child , what is it ? 'said Mrs March .

  15. 他们让我背靠墙站在那里,我两眼正视着希尔弗,表面上毫无惧色,心里却绝望之极。

    They had set me with my back against the wall ; and I stood there , looking Silver in the face , pluckily enough , I hope , to all outward appearance , but with black despair in my heart .

  16. 在一次采访中,自诩为“内心向学”的汉密尔顿博士,在这些挑战面前似乎毫无惧色,他表示,能够获得这份新工作,还有即将前往“纽约这座生机勃勃、喧嚣浮华的城市”任职,让他感到十分兴奋。

    In an interview , Dr. Hamilton , who called himself " an academic at heart , " seemed undaunted by the challenges , saying that he was excited about his new post and about moving to the " lively , loud , raucous city of New York . "
