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  1. 降低Se/PbSe束流比至0.2,首次在PbSe样品表面观察到规则的三角形纳米孔状结构;

    Regular triangle holes were observed for the first time on the surface of PbSe epilayers which were grown at low Se / PbSe beam flux ratio ( 0.2 ) .

  2. 你的指望也比至断绝。

    And your hope will not be cut off .

  3. 设计了通过液晶光阀自动调整全息照相物光和参考光辐照比至最佳状态,同时能实现曝光时间自动控制的控光仪。

    An exposure control instrument for holograph is designed , which can automatically adjust the object / reference light intensity ratio and the time of exposure in holograph to the best value by liquid crystal light valve ( LCLV ) .

  4. 英国石油公司(BP)最新一版《世界能源统计年鉴》(StatisticalReviewofWorldEnergy)显示,去年,可再生能源及核能在世界能源结构中的占比上升至13.7%的新高。

    The share of renewables and nuclear power in the world 's energy mix rose to a new high of 13.7 per cent last year , according to the latest BP Statistical Review of World Energy .

  5. 比如,无党派机构预算与政策重点中心(CenterforBudgetandPolicyPriorities)在2015年发表的一份报告显示,2014至2015学年,各州在每个学生身上的平均支出比2007至2008学年降低了20%。

    According to a 2015 report by the nonpartisan Center for Budget and Policy Priorities , for example , state spending per student averaged about 20 percent less in 2014-15 than in the 2007-8 school year .

  6. PAF和PVA的重量比2.2:1至10:1。3.对聚乙烯醇进行接枝改性,接枝聚(甲基)丙烯酸的重量为聚乙烯醇(PVA)的1/3时,涂膜具有良好的柔韧性和力学性能。

    The ratios between PVA and PAF affect antifogging and mechanical properties of the coat . Experiments indicate that the optional ratio is 2.2-10 to 1.3 . The graft ratio between PVA and Poly ( methyl ) acrylic acid influences the flexibility of modified polyvinyl alcohol .

  7. 这两层船壳是用钢板制造的,钢的密度与海水密度的比例是十比七至八。

    The two hulls are manufactured from boilerplate steel , whose relative density is 7.8 times that of water .

  8. 今年四月以后我们推出的品牌赞助视频要比一至四月多出55%。

    We released 55 % more branded videos in the months following April than in the months from January to April .

  9. 具体目标包括,到2025年新能源汽车销量占比提升至20%。

    The specific targets include raising the proportion of new NEVs in the sales of new vehicles to 20 percent by 2025 .

  10. 尤其是对含高噪声分析信号处理优势突出,在信噪比低至0.2时仍可获得满意结果。

    Especially , it is satisfying to process the high noise data even the signal - to - noise ratio is as low as 0.2 .

  11. 投资者对股市的看法,甚至比2000至2003年期间更为悲观。当时,全球股市的跌幅比目前更大。

    Sentiment towards equities is even more negative than during the period between 2000 and 2003 when the sell-off in global stocks was much sharper .

  12. 第三季度,2000元(约合308美元)以上的中高端智能手机发货量占比跃至到33%。

    Middle and high-end smartphones costing more than 2000 yuan ( $ 308 ) jumped to 33 percent of Huawei 's total shipments in the third quarter in China .

  13. 次年春季,面对由此造成的价格上涨,美国农民将玉米种植面积扩大了近800万英亩,使库存需求比回升至更适宜的水平。

    The following spring , US farmers responded to the resulting increase in price by hiking corn acreage by nearly 8m acres , lifting stocks-to-use back to more comfortable levels .

  14. 在正常使用状态下,用控制高厚比不至过大来达到变形不致过大的方法虽然不是十分精确,但在实际工程的应用和结构设计中却十分有效。

    By means of controling the overlarge height-thickness ratio to limit the deformation under the normal load , the checking is very effective in practical engineering structural design , though it is not very precise .

  15. 最新官方数据显示,2012年,缴纳社保的人与领取退休金的人之比上升至3.09:1,高于2003年的2.90:1。

    The ratio between the number of people who are paying into the country 's social insurance pool and those who receive pensions rose to 3.09 in 2012 , up from 2.90 in 2003 , the latest official data showed .

  16. 但中国要想转变增长模式,更多地依靠内需,就需要确保人们可以从储蓄中获得比-2%至-3%的银行存款利率更高的收益。

    But if China is to move toward a more domestic demand-driven growth model , it has to make sure people can earn more on their savings than the negative 2 to 3 per cent that they receive on their bank deposits .

  17. 人们可在中国看到信贷泡沫的所有典型症状:房价收入比攀升至荒谬的水平,非金融公司越来越多地从事金融和大宗商品投机,老百姓购买奢侈品、在住房方面超前消费。

    All the classic symptoms of a credit bubble have been visible in China , as property prices spiral to absurd income ratios , non-financial companies increasingly engage in financial and commodity speculations and households engage in consumption of luxury items and over-consumption of housing .

  18. 政府净负债与国内生产总值(GDP)之比急剧膨胀至130%。

    Net government debt ballooned to more than 130 per cent of gross domestic product .

  19. 通过ANSYS模拟分析得出的型钢混凝土构件的阻尼比位于0.041至0.043区间内。

    From the simulation analysis of ANSYS sofeware , the damping ratio value of the steel reinforced concrete component is between 0.041 and 0.043 .

  20. 早在2001年,巴菲特曾说过,在股市估值占GDP比降至70%至80%的区间内买进股票的投资者应该表现不错。

    Back in 2001 , Buffett said investors who buy when the relationship of stock values to the economy falls in the 70 % to 80 % range should do well .

  21. 政府、公司和家庭的负债总额与国内生产总值(GDP)之比大幅增加至240%,相当于金融危机时的两倍。

    Total debts owed by the government , companies and households have ballooned to 240 per cent of gross domestic product , virtually double the level at the time of the global financial crisis .

  22. 以摩根大通(JPMorgan)的标准衡量,目前贸易加权后的实际汇率比1980年至2007年间石油年份的平均水平低10%。

    The trade-weighted real exchange rate , on the JPMorgan measure , is 10 per cent below the average of the oil years between 1980 and 2007 .

  23. 根据均匀混和模型的结果,在Be和Li4SiO4的体积比为2至6之间,氚增殖率最大可达1.20。

    The homogeneous model results show that the tritium breeding ratio would reach 1.20 for Be and Li_4SiO_4 volume ratios from 2 to 6 . A realistic , sandwich-type design of the Be and Li_4SiO_4 loadings was used for a geometric approximation of the optimized volume ratio .

  24. 该公司的杠杆率(资产与资本之比)飙升至40:1。

    Its leverage , assets to capital , leapt to a ratio of 40 to 1 .

  25. 薄膜的硅氮比在1.1:1至1.4:1左右,薄膜富硅;

    The atomic ratio of Si and N ranges from 1.1:1 to 1.4:1 , indicating that the film is silicon-rich .

  26. 她一直刻苦地练习瑜伽,所以身材苗条优雅,看上去比实际年龄至少年轻十岁。

    A serious practitioner of yoga , she is fit and elegant , meaning she looks at least 10 years younger than her age .

  27. 自2004年以来,菲律宾比索兑美元汇率已升值近25%,从1美元兑56.5比索升至43.3比索。

    Since 2004 the Philippine Peso has strengthened by almost 25 per cent against the US dollar , from 56.5 pesos / dollar to 43.3 .

  28. 他们的数据显示,2011年1月至10月的全球平均气温为14.36摄氏度,比1961年至1990年14摄氏度的平均气温高出0.36摄氏度。

    Their data shows the average global temperature for January to October 2011 was 14.36C , 0.36C above the 1961 to 1990 long-term average of 14C .

  29. 不过,数个钻井平台直到2010年才会投产,届时,预期EV/ebitda比将回落至7倍。

    However , several of the rigs do not come online until 2010 , when the forecast EV / ebitda multiple falls back to seven times .

  30. 虽然在提交给欧洲专利局的专利申请中,中国占了大约10%,但在获批的专利中,中国的占比却滑落至2%。

    While China accounts for about 10 per cent of patents filed to the EPO , when it comes to patents granted the proportion drops to 2 per cent .