
  • 网络comparative static
  1. 密封拍卖和采购招标的比较静态分析

    Comparative statics analysis for first price sealed bid auction and procurement

  2. 市场模型的比较静态学

    Comparative statics of market models

  3. 对北冰洋西部N.经济学中的比较静态分析

    Studies on N. Comparative Static Analysis in Economics

  4. 比较静态语言和动态语言的代码是非常困难的事情,但是,我们可以先看看上面的代码在C中应该是什么样子的

    It can often be difficult to compare between code examples using a static language and a dynamic language , but in C # the above would look something like this

  5. 模型得出了商品供应、部门产出、GDP、就业、要素报酬、要素收入等对石油价格波动的比较静态效应。

    The paper induces the comparative static effects between oil price and goods supply , sectoral product , GDP , employment , income of factors , prices of factors .

  6. 执行木马检测时,将待检测的PE文件与木马扩展攻击树进行匹配,并运用相应的计算方法计算出其静态危险指数,通过比较静态危险指数的大小对目标PE文件是否为木马做出判断。

    When Trojan detection is performed , PE file which be detected will be matched with the extended attack tree . We use appropriate calculation methods to calculate the static risk index .

  7. 本文建造了一个静态CGE模型,采用比较静态分析的方法,对人口老龄化的问题进行了实证模拟。本文在CGE模型中整合了跨际迭代模型(overlappinggenerations),来描述消费者的行为。

    A static CGE model is constructed and applied to simulate the aging population problem and analyze it in contrast between 2000 and 2050 . An overlapping generations model ( OLG ) are integrated in this CGE model to describe the consumers ' behaviors .

  8. 研究采用了最新的GTAP6数据库,并采用Holt-Winters外推预测方法对GDP、人口等外生宏观变动做出预测,进而采用动态递归的方法来改善一般均衡在比较静态下的局限性。

    On this basis , further use of Holt-Winters extrapolation method to forecast GDP , population and other exogenous changes in macroeconomic forecasts . What we do above is to establish a dynamic recurrent method to improve the limitations of general equilibrium under the relatively static .

  9. 采用或有债权分析方法推导出使收益最大化最佳投资时机的槛值,再用比较静态分析方法研究不同参数对槛值的正负影响及经济意义。

    The optimal investment rule is found by contingent claims analysis .

  10. 品牌的经济学分析:一个比较静态模型

    The Economic Approach to Brand : A Comparative Static Model

  11. 比较静态学一般形式体系及其在经济分析中的应用

    The general formal system of comparative static and its application in economic analysis

  12. 第七章进行了比较静态分析,对本文的结果做出了分析。

    The chapter seven makes a comparative static analysis .

  13. 从本质上来讲,这一理论是基于静态和比较静态的分析。

    In essence , this theory is based on static analysis and relative static analysis .

  14. 本文运用比较静态法证明了在垄断市场中产品创新和过程创新的互补性。

    The paper proves the complementarity between product and process innovation in a monopoly setting .

  15. 公共财政支出的比较静态分析

    Comparative static analysis of public expenditure

  16. 结构化模型中违约概率的比较静态分析及实证

    On the Comparative Statics of Default Probability under the Structure Model : Theory and Empirical Test

  17. 对于使用比较静态的文件的数据库,性能改进可能不太显著。

    For databases where the files used are static , the performance improvement may be less significant .

  18. 而比较静态条件下形成的次优状况,在长期并不会得到有效改善,相反还有进一步恶化的趋势。

    The sub-optimal condition shaped under comparative static state will not be improved in the long term .

  19. 经济学中的比较静态分析

    Comparative Static Analysis in Economics

  20. 先分析比较静态模型和动态模型,通过辨识的误差、动态程度D以及响应曲线分析,发现采用动态模型更为合适;

    Compared with the static model in errors , dynamic degrees and response curves , dynamic model is better .

  21. 在基本模型的基础上还做了比较静态分析,讨论了人口增长、生产力发展以及国外因素的影响。

    Comparative static analyses based on the model show the influence of increasing population , developing production capability and foreign factors .

  22. 如果产品类型层次结构是比较静态的,包括类型元素,那么考虑固定这些类型。

    If the product type hierarchy is relatively static , including the elements of the type , then consider hardening the type .

  23. 最后通过比较静态分析和实例计算来了解各个变量或参数对风险中性违约概率的影响,使我们更清楚地认识其中所包含的实际金融含义。

    Finally , with a better understanding of how variables or parameters affect the risk-neutral default probability , the actual financial impacts become more understandable .

  24. 本文通过一个简单模型,运用比较静态分析方法研究政府关税效应和补贴效应。

    The comparative static analysis method is used to study the policy of the nation 's tariff and subside by means of a simple model .

  25. 算例基础上的比较静态分析表明了初始发电容量大小和不确定程度变动对参与人容量扩张路径的定量影响。

    A numerical example illustrates the quantitative impact of initial capacity of generators and variance of demand uncertainty on the path of generation capacity expansion .

  26. 然而,多数模块化理论侧重于静态或比较静态分析。实际上,在模块化系统中,模块的划分并非固定不变,而是一个持续演化的过程。

    Most modularity theory adopt static or comparative-static analysis methods , however , in a modular system , modular division is a ceaseless metabolic process .

  27. 我们利用比较静态的分析,探讨在连续价格揭露下,股价变动的一些结构问题。

    By using comparative static analysis , our model furnishes some structures to investigate the variation of stock price changes under the sequential information releases .

  28. 文章考虑两部门(农民工和政府)、两时期(教育投资期和工作期)经济,构造基于职业风险、并纳入新政策变量的效用函数,通过局部均衡和比较静态分析揭示新政策效应。

    By the two sector and two period economic model , this paper constructs a utility function in which new policy variables and vocational risks are included .

  29. 进一步,从理论上分析了决策柔性水平选择与观察到的外生环境信息之间的关系,即决策选择对观察到的信息的比较静态特征。

    Furthermore , we analyze the relationship between optimal decisions and the observed information , i.e. the comparative statics of optimal decisions with respect to information observed .

  30. 本文提出进一步的研究在方法上应当注重理论研究与实证研究、历史的动态分析与比较静态分析以及新古典与新制度主义相结合。

    The combination of theoretical and positive study , historically dynamic and comparatively static analysis , neo-classic and new institutionalism should gain more attentions in future studies .