
  • 网络Foundation of Economic Analysis;The Foundations of Economic Analysis;Foundations of Eoconomic Analysis
  1. 对萨缪尔森《经济分析基础》的一个注记

    A note on samuelson 's foundations of economic analysis

  2. 萨缪尔森的《经济分析基础》与现代西方经济学的数学化

    Samuelson 's Foundation of Economic Analysis and Mathematization of Modern western Economics

  3. 影印版《法律的经济分析基础》,法律出版社。

    Avery Wiener Katz ( ed ), Foundation of the Economic Approach to Law .

  4. 为了具体阐述这个命题,本文在主体部分通过以下章节安排进行论述:第一章,契约的法律经济分析基础。

    In order to make specific illustration of this topic , this article deploys its body according to the following chapters : Chapter one is on the basics of legal and economic analysis of contract .

  5. 文中在对发电机组成本/需求的微观经济分析基础上,建立了机组面对需求曲线的公式及求解方法,提出了机组市场价格控制区的新概念。

    By analyzing the cost curve and demand curve of generators from the viewpoint of microeconomics , this paper presents the algorithm to acquire the firm demand curve of generator , and derives a new concept-Market Price Control Scope of generator .

  6. 旅游投资项目效益和费用是旅游项目技术经济分析的基础。

    Cost-benefit analysis for tourism investment project is the foundation of its tech-economic analysis .

  7. 在经济分析的基础上编制控制性详细规划&从美国区划得到的启示

    The Compiling of Regulatory Plan on the Foundation of Economic Analysis & Reflection of Zoning in America

  8. 在经济分析的基础上,本文研究了我国引进保护特许权的可行性。

    Based on the analysis , this paper studied the potential for the implementation of conservation concession in china .

  9. 由此做出的决策是以可靠的经济分析为基础,使各项资源得到最有效的利用。

    The decisions are based on reliable economic analysis and they can make every resources get the most effective use .

  10. 在火用分析及火用经济分析的基础上,说明了排弃火用与待回收火用的关系,就不同的回收情况,系统地研究了能量系统中排弃火用的计价问题;

    Based on an analysis of exergy and its economic aspects the authors expound the relationship between rejected exergy and the exergy to be recovered .

  11. 在对遏制经营代理人腐败行为进行经济分析的基础上,得出了几点结论和政策性措施,以期对国有企业尽快走出困境有所裨益。

    It also makes economic analysis over the containment to it , reaching some conclusions and policy measures , so as to be helpful to solve these difficulties .

  12. 在经济分析的基础上分析了企业履行环境责任的动力机制,解决如何促使企业履行环境责任的问题。

    The economic analysis based on the analysis of corporate environmental responsibility to fulfill the motivated mechanism to address how to encourage enterprises to fulfill their environmental responsibilities .

  13. 本论文在对城市空间经济分析的基础上,对西安城市空间发展的区位选择进行经济的成本&效益分析,论证西安城市空间发展的合理区位选择。

    This paper gives a costs - benefits analysis on the location-choosing in space expansion in city of Xi'an and demonstrates the reasonable location-choosing on the basis of the economies analysis of the urban space .

  14. 在理论分析和现实经济分析的基础上,通过对我国通货膨胀率和经济增长率的检验,说明两者之间存在双向的格兰杰因果关系。

    On the base of theoretical analysis and practical economic analysis , the article tests the relationship between inflation and economic growth rate , it shows that the existence of two-way Granger causality between them .

  15. 因此,在中国服务经济增长分析基础上,结合服务创新理论,进行了基于R&D投入流量的服务创新与服务经济增长关系研究。

    On the basement of the analysis of Chinese service economic growth and the theory of service innovation , the relationship between service innovation and service economy was studied based on the R & D input flow .

  16. 接着介绍了犯罪经济分析的基础,进一步结合我省经济犯罪现状,分析犯罪需求与犯罪成本、犯罪成本与犯罪价格、边际效用与犯罪需求的关系。

    It also introduces the basis of economic analysis of criminal and analyzes the relationship between criminal demand and criminal cost , criminal cost and criminal price , boundary utility and criminal demand by combining the present economic criminal status in our province .

  17. 分析了合理井网密度的确定方法,以经济分析为基础对比评价了矩形、正方形反九点、菱形反九点等三种井网部署和井网调整方法。

    We have analyzed the method of identifying rational well spacing density . On the foundation of economic analysis , we have compared and evaluated three kinds of methods ( rectangular , square reverse nine-spot and rhombus reverse nine-spot ) about pattern arrangement and pattern modification .

  18. 之后,在经济分析的基础上,结合对加工贸易发展的国内外经验借鉴和比较研究,本文探讨了中西部地区加工贸易发展和管理的对策措施。

    At last , based on the economic analysis and the precedent 's practical experience from other countries or from other districts in China , this paper put forth the policies and measures on PT 's development and management in the central and western regions in China .

  19. 其次,本文在对贸易投资一体化这一经济现象分析的基础之上,进一步阐释当前WTO法调整领域的扩张以及国际贸易与国际直接投资规则的交叉融合,正是这一经济现象的表明和记载。

    Secondly , under the ground of the analysis metioned above , the writer further explain that now the extention of the feild adjusted by WTO and the merger of the rules on trade and investment are just because of trade-investment unification .

  20. 综述了天然气制烯烃工艺的研究概况,着重介绍了MTO工艺,在对MTO工艺路线与传统乙烯生产路线经济性分析的基础上,论述了MTO工艺对传统乙烯工业的冲击。

    The study on using natural gas to produce olefin is expounded with emphasis on MTO process . The impact of MTO process on traditional ethylene industry is described based on the economical analysis of MTO process route and traditional ethylene production route .

  21. 首先对预防维修进行技术经济分析,在此基础上建立了目标函数;

    After the technical economical analysis , a target function is given .

  22. 西方法律经济分析的理论基础

    Theoretic Foundation for the Analysis of Western Legal Economy

  23. 宏观经济分析的微观基础

    Microeconomic Foundations of Macroeconomic Analysis

  24. 经济分析的伦理基础

    Ethic Basis on Economic Analysis

  25. 该模型的决策方法以结构初始造价增量分析和地震经济损失分析为基础。

    The decision-making method of the model is based on the initial cost analysis and the earthquake loss analysis of structures .

  26. 但此种分析首先要追寻的是高等教育均衡经济分析的逻辑基础。

    To do this , the first thing is to trace the logic of an economic analysis of balanced higher education .

  27. 基于多变量自回归模型,我们构建了相应的长期均衡关系模型,从而为进一步经济分析奠定了基础。

    Based on multi variable auto-regressive model , a long-run equilibrium model is correspondingly constructed which lies a foundation for further economic analysis .

  28. 根据经济学基本原理,对企业的价格行为进行了经济分析,在此基础上提出了企业的理性价格策略。

    Based on the basic principle of economics , the paper conducts an analysis of business pricing behavior and puts forward a rational pricing strategy .

  29. 在技术经济初步分析的基础上探讨了预选工艺对某银铅锌矿开发效益的影响。

    Effect of the preconcentration technology on the development economic benefits of the deposit is discussed in this paper based on the technological and economic analysis .

  30. 并在产品生命周期成本和客户经济价值分析的基础上,给出价格定制的成本数量关系式。

    On the basis of the analysis of product life cycle cost and customer economic value , the dissertation raises the cost quantity relationship formula of price customization .