
  1. 加速了我国经济重心的南移。

    Forth , it accelerates the the economic center of china a southward shift .

  2. 在宏观上则表现为经济重心的南移、南方少数民族地区的跨越式发展和北方游牧民族的封建化。

    On macro level , it was reflected in the great-leap-forward development in southern minority area and the feudalization of northern nomadic people .

  3. 随着唐朝中后期经济重心的南移,自唐末五代始,中国的文化重心也逐渐南移,在南唐和西蜀形成了当时的两个文化中心。

    The culture centre of China moved southwards during the Five-Dynasty , while the economy centre moved to south in the late Tang Dynasty .

  4. 随着全国政治经济重心的南移,以长江流域为中心的南方经济得到了长足的进步,三峡地区的经济地位逐渐上升,经济开发明显加快。

    With the southbound shift of the economic centrality , the southern economy got very good improvement with the valley of the Yangtze River as the center , while the economic status of Three Gorges went up gradually and the development was speed up remarkably .

  5. 明清时期,湖州桑蚕业兴盛,成为全国桑蚕业的中心,其主要原因是中晚唐以后经济重心的南移和桑蚕业技术的进步。

    Huzhou 's silkworm industry flourished and became the centre of the national silkworm trade during the Ming and Qing dynasties , the main causes of which were the movement of economic centre to the south and the progress of the techniques of silkworm industry .

  6. 值得注意的是,由于这一时期社会动乱和黑暗,传统价值体系被冲击,经济重心的南移,民族融合加强,所以这一时期的人们有了更大的空间,交游活动区域范围扩大。

    Notable is , as a result of this period of social unrest and dark , the traditional value system by the impact , economic center south , strengthen national fusion , so this period , people have more space , social activities of regional scope .

  7. 浅论唐宋之际我国经济重心南移的原因论中国经济文化重心的南移和迁都

    On the Moving towards South of China 's Economic and Cultural Centers and the Moving of China 's Capital to the South