
  • 网络A Theory of Economic History
  1. 中国体育经济史的理论构架

    The Theoretical Framework for the History of Sprots Economy in China

  2. 他关于日本(当代)政治经济史的理论提供了一些有意思的观点,有助于我们了解这个国家。

    His theories about Japan 's political economy - of which more later - shed interesting light on the country .

  3. 蒙古族古代经济史研究的理论和方法

    Theory and Method of the Studies of the Ancient Mongolian Economic History

  4. 中国经济史研究需要理论的整合与创新。

    Theoretically speaking , researches in Chinese economic history need conformity and innovation .

  5. 本文运用发展经济学及经济思想史等理论为分析工具,系统探讨了中国新型工业化的思想前提和理论依据,提出了新型工业化的实现机制。

    This article analyzes the thought premise and the theoretical support for the new type of Chinese industrialization systematically in the frames of theories about economics for develop , economic theories in history and so on , and put the realizing mechanism of the new type of industrialization in details .

  6. 其中经济思想史和经济学理论是涉及理论经济学的内容。

    In which the history of economic thought and economics theory is related to the content of the theory of economics .

  7. 浅谈希克斯的经济史观与研究方法&希克斯《经济史理论》解读

    Discussing the Philosophy of Economic History and Research Approaches of Hicks-On Theory of Economic History

  8. 因此,分析和总结这一时期的防灾救灾经济思想,有利于从根本上把握我国古代社会防灾救灾经济思想的特质,对推进中国经济思想史理论的研究也具有重要的理论意义。

    Therefore , analyzes and summarizes the disaster relief of a period of economic thoughts , to grasp the ancient Chinese society from the root of the disaster relief economic thought , to promote the Chinese economic history theory research also has important theoretical significance .