
  1. 经历司可就审裁处事务之分配及处理方面给予指示;

    The Registrar may give directions as to the distribution and disposal of the business of a Tribunal ;

  2. 但本款并无规定经历司须发出正式聆讯押后举行之公告。

    But nothing in this subsection shall require the Registrar to give notice of any adjourned hearing of that full hearing .

  3. 经历司须按照其认为适当之形式,备存登记册以登记根据本条发出之公告。

    The Registrar shall keep and maintain , in such form as he thinks fit , a register of notices given under this section .

  4. 除非证明该文件并非由经历司签署,否则该文件应作为确实证据,内载事实无可争议。

    Such document shall be conclusive evidence of the facts contained in it unless it is proved that the document was not signed by the registrar .

  5. 审裁处由经历司委任之下开人士所组成1名主审裁判司;及2名或多名从审裁员小组委出之审裁员。

    A Tribunal shall consist of the following persons appointed by the Registrar a magistrate who shall preside ; and 2 or more adjudicators selected from the panel of adjudicators .