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  1. 梧南金矿床是产于碳酸盐岩地层的微细粒浸染型金矿类型。

    The Carlin-type gold deposit , Wunan gold deposit , was first found recently in carbonate rock stratum .

  2. 梧南金矿床位于塔里木陆块北缘活动带,属南天山晚古生代陆缘构造单元。

    Wunan gold deposit is located in the active zone of northern margin of Tarimu plate , which concretely exist in the structure unit of triphibian edge in the late Paleozoic in southern Tianshan .

  3. 辽南某些金矿床的流体包裹体研究

    Hydrothermal ore-forming solution of some gold deposits in southern Liaoning studied with fluid inclusion

  4. 南金山金矿床产于北山岛弧构造带内、海相火山碎屑岩之中。

    Nan-Jin-Shan Gold Deposit occurs in marine pyroclastic rock in Bei-shan late-paleozoic island arc belt .

  5. 宁夏银南氧化带金矿床方解石的矿物学研究

    A mineralogical study of calcite from Yinnan oxidized gold deposit , ningxia , China

  6. 研究表明南和沟铜矿床受剥离断层和变质热液两重成矿作用控制,具有多因成矿特征。

    Research work shows that mineralization of Nanhegou copper deposit is controlled by both peel fault and hydrothermal solution of metamorphic origin with polygenic ore forming characteristics .