
  • 网络Classical dynamics
  1. 经典动力学GPB形式的η~(ij)函数

    N ~ ( ij ) & function in classical dynamics with GPB form

  2. 双色激光场中一维氢分子的经典动力学性质研究

    Classical Dynamics of One-dimensional Hydrogen Molecule in Two-color Intense Laser Field

  3. 强激光场中一维H2的经典动力学理论

    Classical Dynamics of 1-Dimensional Hydrogen Molecular ( H_2 ) in Intense Laser Field

  4. 本文用经典动力学方法对H2O2在尿素介质中的分解反应进行研究。

    In this paper the reactions of H , O , degradation in urea media were studied with the classic kinetic method .

  5. 外场中少体库仑系统的量子与经典动力学行为

    Quantum and Classical Dynamical Behaviors of Few-Body Coulomb Systems in External Fields

  6. 课程集中于那些经典动力学研究,可分析的问题。

    The course concentrates on those aspects of classical dynamics which can be studied analytically .

  7. 首次把新颖的代数动力学方法用于经典动力学系统,得到了这个模型的一般精确解;

    By means of algebraic dynamics method , we have obtained its exact solution for the first time .

  8. 对于原子相干性和经典动力学之间关系的研究将会更深刻的认识基础物理学。

    Studies of the relations between atomic coherences and classical dynamics will provide deep insight in the fundamental physics .

  9. 通过数值模拟发现,量子动力学行为和经典动力学行为在稳定性上是一致的。

    By numerical simulation , we show that the similar character between the quantum dynamics and the classical dynamics .

  10. 运用经典动力学和缩聚理论的基本观点对铸铁中石墨形态及形成机理进行了分析研究。

    The state and forming mechanism of graphite in cast iron are analysed with classical dynamics and polycondensation theory .

  11. 混合量子-经典动力学方法研究反胶团水池中Ⅰ2分子的振动频率位移

    Mixed Quantum-Classical Dynamics Method Study of the Vibrational Frequency Shift of ⅰ _2 in the Water Pool of Reverse Micelles

  12. 本文在经典动力学的基础上提出求解动力学普遍定理的矩阵解定型公式。

    Basing on the classical mechanics , the author provides the matrix solutions for the general theorems of dynamics in typical formulas .

  13. 建立了福克-普朗克方程与薛定谔方程以及与经典动力学方程之间的联系。

    By those methods , the relations between the Fokker-Planck equation and Schrodinger equation , the Fokker-Planck equation and classical dynamic equation are found .

  14. 传统的经典动力学研究对象是一种被动结构,在被动结构中引入控制器件或机敏元件后,被动结构变成主动结构。

    Traditionally , the objective of the classical dynamics are passive structures . They will become active structures when same controllers and smart components are added to them .

  15. 它与经典动力学“力改变运动”的概念合并,将获得宇宙运行自洽的科学原理,而无需“第一推动力”的假设。

    It with classic dynamics " force change the movement " of concept , will merge the self-consistent universe scientific principle , without the hypothesis of " The First Driver " .

  16. 本文分别推导了量子干涉仪的经典动力学方程及其量子化的量子动力学方程;并利用有限差分法求解了静磁场偏置和交变磁场偏置的超导量子干涉仪量子动力学方程的数值解。

    Then , the finite difference method is employed to get numerical solution of quantum dynamic equations of superconducting quantum interference device at the static magnetic field bias and offset alternating magnetic field respectively .

  17. 在经典动力学的框架内,序形成现象可以视为系统时间演化过程中约束的组织.从这一观点出发,提出了耗散系统中序形成的动力学模型。

    A dynamical model of formation of order in dissipative systems is proposed within a framework of classical dynamics , from the point of view that phenomena of formation of order may be regarded as organization of constraints in the course of time evolution of the systems .

  18. 基于各种势函数的经典分子动力学(MD&moleculardynamics)方法。

    Classical Molecular Dynamics ( MD ) method based on all kinds of interaction potentials .

  19. 经典刚体动力学中表示刚体姿态的参数中,Euler角、Cardan角和Euler参数在工程技术中使用最为普遍。

    Among various attitude representations of rigid body , the Euler angles , Cardan angles and Euler parameters are applied frequently in engineering .

  20. 在理论计算中,主要的有包括更精确的量子化学计算和经典分子动力学方法,其中包括量子化学计算的半经验方法和从头计算方法,如HF和DFT方法。

    In the theoretical calculations , mainly including more accurate quantum chemical calculations and classical molecular dynamics method , including the semi-empirical quantum chemical calculations and abinitio methods , such as HF and DFT methods .

  21. 本文采用经典分子动力学、第一性原理及第一性原理分子动力学方法研究了宽禁带半导体GaN和SiC一维纳米结构的热学、力学及电子能级等基本物理性质。

    In this dissertation the physical properties , such as thermal , mechanical and electrical properties , of GaN and SiC one dimensional nanostructures are investigated using classic molecular dynamics , first principles and ab initio molecular dynamics methods . 1 .

  22. 运用经典粒子动力学模拟方法,研究了飞秒强激光脉冲(1015~1016W/cm2)与正二十面体构型氢原子团簇H13,H55,H147和H309的相互作用。

    Using classic particle dynamics simulations , the interaction process between an intense femtosecond laser pulse ( 10 15 ~ 10 16 W / cm 2 ) and icosahedral hydrogen atomic clusters H 13 , H 55 , H 147 and H 309 has been studied .

  23. 选用经典的动力学方程对体系的非等温结晶过程进行考察。

    Use the classical kinetic equation to inspect the system non-isothermal crystallization process .

  24. 探索了基于经典分子动力学结构优化的基本过程。

    We mostly explore the essential procedure of structure optimization base on classical molecular dynamics .

  25. 为提高激光化学反应模拟效率,在半经典分子动力学模拟中引入混合并行技术和双层并行思想。

    A high performance hybrid parallel algorithm for simulating photochemical reaction was developed by introducing the concept of two layers of parallel capacity .

  26. 大多数非均相反应的动力学不遵从经典的动力学规律。

    The kinetics of most heterogeneous phase reaction does not tally with the typical kinetics law , and the rate constant is relative to reaction time .

  27. 结果表明,对于这种大的分子团簇的结构优化,经典分子动力学能很有效地找到体系局部势能极小值。

    The result discovered that , regarding this kind of large molecular cluster of structure optimization , we can very effectively find the local energy minimum by classical molecular dynamics .

  28. 优先考虑性能与可操控度的条件下,对并行计算平台的硬件和软件环境做出了合理的比较与选择。(2)建立一维经典粒子动力学模型,研究了氢原子团簇的强光电离过程。

    Under the consideration of performance and contrivable , hardware and software of parallel computing platform are compared and chosen reasonably . ( 2 ) The 1D classical particle dynamics model is performed to study the ionization process of H atom clusters .

  29. 接着介绍了轨道结构参数对机车车辆动力学性能及运行品质的影响规律、仿真分析结果及其与经典车辆动力学计算结果的比较情况,比较结果表明了开展机车车辆&轨道耦合动力学研究的必要性。

    Thirdly , effect of parameters of railway structure on dynamics performance of locomotives and rolling stocks and comparison on the calculation results between coupling theory and traditional theory are discussed , the results show that it is necessary to carry on the research of coupling dynamics .

  30. 变形Tulip火焰的动力学特性与经典Tulip火焰动力学特性有显著的不同。

    The dynamics of distorting tulip flame is different from that of classical tulip flame .