
  • 网络classical education
  1. 开放的经典教育与新世纪文学生态

    Open Classical Education and Literary Ecology in New Century

  2. 在哈佛学院的城堡里,旧式的经典教育受到了最毁灭性的打击。

    The old style classical education received its most crushing blow in the citadel of Harvard College , where Dr.

  3. 中外经典教育著作中的智慧与新课程改革

    The Wisdom in Chinese and Foreign Classical Educational Works and New Curriculum Reform

  4. 朱自清还根据学校教育的具体情况,从教育者、群育、经典教育等多个方面提出了具体要求,使这一培养目标更加具体化和明确化,并在具体的教育实践中身体力行。

    He visualizes his proposition , according to the concrete conditions of the school education .

  5. 尽管接受的是经典教育,这位画家却信奉前卫理念,并投身于激进艺术的创作。

    Although a classically trained painter , he embraced vanguard ideas and made radical art .

  6. 经典教育法在高校理工科学生人文素质教育中的探索与实施

    Exploration and Implementation for Classical Educational Methods in Humanities Making Education for University Sciences and Engineering Students

  7. 分析目前中医经典教育改革中的一些误区,对中医临床基础学科及课程的含义进行了阐述。

    Analyzing some misunderstandings about TCM classics education reform , clarifying the meanings of TCM clinical basic subject and curriculum .

  8. 40年代的中小学文学教育被提升到了解固有文化的高度,重视文学经典教育,重视中小学文学教育的科学探索,谋求文学欣赏与语言训练的有机融合。

    In the 40s , primary and middle school literary education is raised to the height of learning the traditional culture .

  9. 其次通过现状分析,探讨对大学生进行红色经典教育具有必要性及可行性。

    And the Have necessity and feasibility secondly by the fact that current situation analysing , discussing the education carrying out red classics on the college student .

  10. 在文化全球化,中华民族日益强盛的现代背景下,小学阶段中华传统经典教育有再次走热之势。

    With the background of the cultural globalization and the Chinese nation going to its prosperity , Chinese traditional classics education in primary schools tends to be heated again .

  11. 身处知识膨胀、价值多元和文化转型的时代,开放性的经典教育和当代文学的参与性教育是文学教育的重要两翼。

    In the time of knowledge expansion , diverse values and transition of culture , the open classic education and participatory literary education are two important components of literary education .

  12. 第二部分概念界定,对隐喻和教育隐喻的内涵进行解读,并对西方的经典教育隐喻案例进行剖析,进一步明确教育隐喻的意蕴。

    The second part is to define the concept . By interpreting the connotation of metaphor and education metaphor along with analyzing the Western classical cases of education to further clear the implication of education metaphor .

  13. 本人和所在学校的全体师生进行了中华经典教育的实践,通过问卷调查、教育教学实例分析、资料收集对比等方法,将实践过程中的全部思索凝成了这篇论文。

    In order to finish this paper , I carried on the questionnaire with the help of all the teachers and students in our school , analyze the teaching examples and compare the data I have collected , etc.

  14. 在哈佛学院的城堡里,旧式的经典教育受到了最毁灭性的打击。哈佛以前一个财政主管的儿子,35岁的年轻领袖查尔斯·艾略特博士,领导了进步的力量。

    The old style classical education received its most crushing blow in the citadel of Harvard College , where Dr. Charles Eliot , a young captain of thirty five , son of a former treasurer of Harvard , led the progressive forces .

  15. 信效度是经典教育测量理论的重要概念,主要应用于教育和心理量表的评价,其研究理论和方法都相对比较成熟,信效度也常用于科学研究工作的评价,但这方面研究相对较弱。

    This method could be applied to other evaluations . Reliability and validity are important concepts of classic test theory , which was mainly used in the evaluation of educational and psychological scales , and fewer in the comment of scientific research work .

  16. 本论文将中国教育文本理解的历史划分为三大阶段:古代经典教育文本及其理解、近现代科学教育文本及其理解、后现代审美教育文本及其理解。

    This paper divides the history of Chinese educational text understanding into three major stages : the ancient classical educational text and its understanding , the modern science educational text and its understanding , and the post-modern aesthetic educational text and its comprehension .

  17. 武器级铀的MBA,为您提供医疗管理与医疗管理的专门培训,以获得更大的经典MBA教育。

    WGU 's MBA-Healthcare Management offers you a classic MBA education with the added benefits of specialized training in healthcare administration .

  18. 经典文化教育对小学生行为方式影响的对照研究

    Effect of Classical Cultural Education on Pupil 's Behavior Patterns

  19. 解读儿童经典诵读教育理念

    On the Education Idea of Children 's Recitation of Scriptures

  20. 儒家经典文本教育与语文能力提高。

    Confucian classical works education and language ability enhancement .

  21. 幼儿中华文化经典诵读教育价值与方法研究

    Study on the Educational Values and Methods of the Chinese Classics Reading of Children

  22. 全球化背景下经典文化教育的基点及其发展空间

    The Base and Developable Space for the Education of Classical Culture under the Background of Globalization

  23. 这类经典远程教育的实践代表首推广泛使用印刷和广播技术的英国开放大学。

    The most salient realizations of this form of distance education have been open universities using print and broadcast technologies .

  24. 从知、情、意、行四个方面分析了小学阶段中华经典诵读教育的价值。

    From knowing , feeling , idea and going I analyze the educational value of reading the Chinese classics in primary school stage .

  25. 另一方面,看到经典诵读教育的不足和缺陷,避免盲目推崇、鼓吹,为幼儿经典诵读找到合理的理论支持。

    On the other hand , see the classic reading education shortcomings and defects , avoid blind admiration , advocating for children to find a reasonable reading of the classic theoretical support .

  26. 本文试图从其经典的教育思想之一&朱子读书法入手,为当前语文阅读教学的改革与发展撷取宝贵的思想财富。

    This paper aims to research for treasure thoughts for the reform and the development of modern Chinese reading teaching by studying Zhu Xi 's classical education thoughts , Zhu Zi 's reading methods .

  27. 通过研究认为,新品格教育之前的美国品格教育可以划分为经典品格教育、实用主义品格教育和个人主义品格教育三个时期。

    Through research it is believed that the history of character education before the New Character Education can be divided into three periods , which is the classic character education , pragmatism character education and individualism character education .

  28. 一方面认识经典诵读的教育价值,发挥其积极作用。

    On the one hand , recognize the educational value of reading classic , to play a positive role .

  29. 经典科学对教育的影响及其与教育生命机制的冲突

    On the Influences of Classical Science on Education and the Conflicts between Classical Science and Life Mechanism of Education

  30. 最后,我决定做歌手,进行了经典音乐的教育,我也是训练有素的女高音哦。

    Finally , I decided to do the singer , had a classical music education , I am also a trained soprano Oh .