
  • 网络Say more;say or talk too much
  1. 目前我不能跟你多说,等着听下面发表的消息吧。

    I can 't tell you any more right now , but watch this space .

  2. 在阻止韦尔什时,斯蒂芬壮着胆子多说了几句。

    Stephen ventured a few more sentences in halting Welsh .

  3. 如果当时我再多说一点的话,结果或许会不一样。

    Things might have been different if I 'd talked a bit more .

  4. 至于他的工作,他总是显得非常神秘,从不多说。

    As for his job — well , he was very mysterious about it .

  5. 酒店对那次事件不愿多说,这可以理解。

    The hotel are understandably coy about the incident

  6. 他们害怕受牵连,一句话也不肯多说。

    They are afraid of incriminating themselves and say no more than is necessary .

  7. 含义自明,无须多说。

    This point is self-evident and needs no elaboration .

  8. 关于这一点我还想多说几句。

    I should like to enlarge a bit upon this point .

  9. 不用多说,她因不称职而被解雇。

    A nod 's as good as a wink , she was sacked for incompetence .

  10. 纳多说糖和加工食品是导致儿童糖尿病发病率上升的主要因素。

    Nadeau says sugar and processed foods are big contributors to the rising diabetes rates among children .

  11. 纳多说:“毫无疑问,人们可以通过食物选择,在扭转糖尿病、扭转高血压,甚至预防癌症方面取得很大的进展。”

    " There 's no question people can take things a long way toward reversing diabetes , reversing high blood pressure , even preventing cancer by food choices , " Nadeau says .

  12. 但英国女孩珍妮·布朗说,如果你尽可能多说,你就能说一口流利的汉语。

    But if you talk as much as you can , you will find you can speak good Chinese , says Jenny Brown , an English girl .

  13. 而ofcourse则有“那当然了”,“不用多说”的意味在里面:当然,规则总有例外。

    There are , of course , exceptions2 to the rule .

  14. 告别的时候还是要用力一点,多说一句可能就是最后一句,多看一眼可能就是最后一眼。

    When we say goodbye , we must try to express more . One more word may be the last word , and one more look may be the last look .

  15. 毋庸多说,格雷厄姆一多德都市的投资者并不探讨bate、资本资产定价模型、证券投资报酬本的变异数。

    Our Graham & Dodd investors , needless to say , do not discuss beta , the capital asset pricing model , or covariance in returns among securities .

  16. 无需多说,ZeroMQ是一个雄心满满项目,该简介对于完整的特性集而言只能略见一斑。

    Needless to say , ZeroMQ is an ambitious project , and this short introduction only scratches the surface of the full feature set .

  17. 不用多说(我认为),在游戏中你可以用ALT-TAB组合键回到桌面使用“renice”命令。

    Also , it goes without saying ( I think ), that you must be able to ALT-TAB out of the game to run the renice command .

  18. 他颇有些费力地站起身来出去了,没再多说一句话。

    He pulled himself up and went out without another word .

  19. 在我做了那样的事情之后,多说无益。

    After what I did , there were no more words .

  20. 多说无益,市场决定一切!我相信派力克!

    Answer the market would tell ! I trust our P !

  21. 至于伊拉克战争,嗯,就不用多说了。

    As for the Iraq war , well , enough said .

  22. 你跟他再多说也是没用的。

    It 's no use wasting any more words on him .

  23. 雷内:我就知道不需要多说什么你就会同意的。

    Renee : I knew you would agree without any hassle .

  24. 那天我没多说什么,心里却多了一份牵挂。

    I didn 't say anything , but a more caring .

  25. 多说两个帖士我们就各走各路。

    Two more hints each and we go our separate ways .

  26. 哈,我再多说点你可能要锤我了。

    Hah , a little more and you might hit me .

  27. 你能多说两个字吗

    Can I get more than two words out of you ?

  28. 好啦,苔丝,亲爱的,我不多说了。我想我是一个坏家伙&一个该死的坏家伙。

    I suppose I am a bad fellow-a damn bad fellow .

  29. 这些我也不想多说了&说起来我就肝肠欲断。

    I cannot say more about this-it makes me too miserable .

  30. 可我不该再多说了。

    It was in a * But I must say no more .