
  1. 维生素B2光化学法灭活血浆中病原体的实验研究及其对血浆凝血因子活性影响的探讨

    The Study on Pathogen Inactivation of Plasma Using Riboflavin as a Photosensitizer and Influence on the Activation of Clotting Facters

  2. O3/H2O2法灭活水中剑水蚤类浮游动物

    O_3 / H_2O_2 Oxidation Processes of Cyclops of Zooplankton Inactivation in Water

  3. 目的研究亚甲蓝(MB)/光化学法灭活RNA包膜病毒的动力力参数条件。

    OBJECTIVE To study the dynamic parameters of RNA envelope virus inactivation by methylene blue ( MB ) / photochemistry method .

  4. 目的:探讨亚甲蓝/光化学法灭活人血浆中SARS冠状病毒(SARSCOV)的效果。

    Objective : To investigate the inactivation effect of methylene blue / light method on SARS-coronavirus ( SARS-CoV ) in human plasma .

  5. 生石灰撒粉加土埋法灭螺的现场应用

    Field application of calcareousness and earth burying method for snail control

  6. 亚甲蓝光化学法灭活血制品中巨细胞病毒的研究

    HCMV inactivation of blood products by methylene blue photochemical treatment

  7. 核黄素光化学法灭活红细胞病毒的实验研究

    Study of Riboflavin Photochemical Inactivate Viru in Red Blood Cells

  8. 光化学法灭活红细胞制品中的病毒及相关机理的研究

    Virus Inactivation in Red Blood Cells by Photochemical Method and Related Mechanisms

  9. 目的观察美兰光化学法灭活红细胞制品中病毒对红细胞膜的影响。

    Objective To observe the influence of virus inactivation by methylene blue illumination on erythrocyte membrane .

  10. 亚甲基蓝/光化学法灭活血浆中指示病毒及对血浆成分影响的初步研究

    Photodynamic inactivation of model virus in human plasma by methylene blue and its influence on plasma proteins

  11. 采用S/D法灭活病毒的新型凝血酶原复合物中试研制的初探

    A Preliminary Evaluation on Medium-Scale Production of a New Prothrombin Complex Concentrate after Inactivation of Virus by Solvent-Detergent

  12. 亚甲蓝光化学法灭活血浆病毒对血浆凝血功能的影响

    The effection of methylene blue photochemical method ( MB-P ) used in inactivating plasma viral on plasma coagulation function

  13. 核黄素光化学法灭活单采血小板悬液中病原体的实验研究及其对血小板活性影响的探讨

    Study on Pathogen Inactivation of Apheresis Platelet Concentrates Using Riboflavin and Light and Influence on the Platelet Functional Activity

  14. 亚甲蓝光化学法灭活病毒的研究&抗坏血酸对血浆凝血因子的保护作用

    Study on inactivating by methylene blue photochemical methods ── The protective effect of ascorbic acid on coagulation factors of plasma

  15. S/D法灭活病毒后凝血酶原复合物的生物活性及S/D残留量的分析

    Analysis of the Biological Activity of and the Residual SD in the Prothrombin Complex Concentrate after Inactivation of Virus by SD

  16. 核黄素光化学法灭活乙肝病毒的初步探讨用含氯或者氯化物的消毒水消毒。

    Experimental Study on the Photochemical Inactivation of Hepatitis B Virus Using with Riboflavin disinfection of water by the addition of small amounts of chlorine or a chlorine compound .

  17. 亚甲蓝/光化学法体外灭活RNA包膜病毒的实验研究

    Inactivation of RNA Envelope Virus by Methylene Blue / Photochemistry Methods in vitro

  18. 荧光定量PCR技术评价亚甲蓝光化学法病毒灭活效果的研究

    Using Real-Time PCR to Evaluate the Effect of Viral Inactivation by Methylene Blue with Visible Light

  19. 以PSA分散固相萃取净化,液相色谱柱分离,直接荧光法测定灭定威,研究建立了测定蔬菜、水果中灭定威的分析方法。

    Pirimicarb in vegetables and fruits was determined with PSA dispersive solid-phase extraction cleanup and HPLC fluorescence detection .

  20. 氯硝柳胺乙醇胺盐喷粉法现场灭螺效果与费用研究

    Cost-effective analysis of eliminating oncomelania with 4 % niclosamide ethanolamine salt

  21. 用蒽酮比色法测定灭螺活性部位对钉螺糖原的影响;

    The glycogen content of soft tissues of Oncomelania hupensis treated by the ethyl acetate polar fraction was determined by the anthrone method .

  22. 采用经典的甲醛作为灭活剂灭活乙脑病毒,按照1:2000的浓度加入甲醛,在4℃作用28天,通过细胞培养-动物法进行灭活验证。

    Use formaldehyde as the classical inactivating agent inactivated JE virus , the concentration of formaldehyde is 1:2000 at 4 ℃ for 28 days . The testing of inactivation validation is cell culture-animal .

  23. 应用微量中和抑制法测定脊髓灰质炎灭活病毒的抗原性

    Antigenicity Determination of Inactivated Poliovirus & Micro-Neutralization Inhibition Test

  24. 亚甲蓝光化学法血浆病毒灭活前后血浆总蛋白的变化分析

    Research on total protein variation in plasma before and after plasma virus inactivation by methylene blue photochemical method

  25. [目的]探讨稀释除药法检测消毒剂灭活流感病毒的效果。

    [ Objective ] To explore the efficacy of disinfectant in disinfecting of influenza virus by dilution - elimination method .

  26. 用细菌内毒素检查法检测巴氏灭活前后内毒素的变化

    The Changes of the Bacterial Endotoxins before and after the Pasteurization , Using the Method of Checking the Bacterial Endotoxins

  27. 综合灭酶效果、能耗等因素,将常压蒸汽加微波法作为优选灭酶干燥方法。

    Considering enzyme inactive effect , energy consumption and time of treatment synthetically , steam combines microwave was selected as the optimized method .

  28. 通过振荡平衡法测定了灭草松在6种土壤中的吸附等温线,计算了灭草松在吸附过程中平均偏摩尔自由能的变化值。

    Adsorption isotherms of bentazon in six selected soils were measured by using batch sorption method . Meanwhile the mean partial free energy change of chemical in sorption process was also calculated .

  29. 薄层-紫外分光光度法分析辛-灭乳油中灭多威含量

    Analysis of Methomyl Content in Xin-Mie EC by TLC-UV Method

  30. 亚甲蓝/化学法可有效地灭活血浆中的病毒。

    Virus inactivation of plasma can be achieved by methylene blue / photochemical method .