
  1. 法律需要进行改革。

    The law needs to be reformed .

  2. 对于任何暗示该法律需要修改的观点我们都拒绝接受。

    We reject any suggestion that the law needs amending

  3. 这项旧法律需要修改。

    The old law needs modifications .

  4. 大约有一半以上的法律需要联邦参议院的批准。

    More than half of new laws need the approval of the Bundesrat ;

  5. 现在,在阿根廷读法律需要五年时间。

    Now , in Argentina , the studies of Law last five years .

  6. 完备契约不需要规制,不完备契约是法律需要规制的契约。

    Complete contract does not need regulation while incomplete contract needs legal regulation .

  7. 法律需要你对潜在的买家公开财产吗?

    Does the law require you to give property disclosures to potential buyers ?

  8. 法律需要具有客观性、主体性和社会历史性。

    The characteristics of legal needs include objectivity , subjectivity and socially historical attribute .

  9. 从道德在时间与逻辑上的居先性上讲,法律需要以道德为基础:从法律调整的局限性上讲法律需要道德的补充;

    Law needs ethic complement in the sense of the limitation of law adjustment ;

  10. 论人的法律需要

    On People 's Needs of Law

  11. 当法律需要时,我将拿起武器为美国而战斗。

    When the law requires , I will bear arms to fight for the United States .

  12. 如何保护这一部分人的合法权益,是我国法律需要面对的一个问题。

    How to protect their legal right is a legal problem that our law must to face .

  13. 需要建立管理监督系统,有些法律需要严格的执行和更新。

    Monitoring system needs to be established and some laws need to be firmly enforced and revised .

  14. 法律需要不断的完善,来维护社会的稳定秩序和公平正义。

    Laws need continue to perfect to maintenance the steady order of the society and equity and justice .

  15. 如果法律需要,你愿意在美国军队内执行非战斗人员的任务吗?

    If the law requires it , are you willing to perform noncombatant services in the U.S.Armed Forces ?

  16. 法律需要不断进行调整,以规范新技术带来的各种各样在立法时无法预期的问题。

    Laws need to be adjusted constantly for regulating various problems unexpected upon legislation and brought about by new technologies .

  17. 法律需要爱,以此走出对确定性的盲从;爱也需要法律,避免使自己处于无休无止的纷争和混乱之中。

    Law needs love to walk out of its stickiness , and love which is dangerous needs law to avoid chaos .

  18. 由于成文法具有一定的缺陷,故而法律需要通过解释才能对现实发生作用,这种解释法律的职能往往为司法机关所承担。

    On account of the defects of statute law , a law needs interpretation when it is to act on the reality .

  19. 卡梅伦先生把这一体系描述成为“一个反常事物”,但是改变这种法律需要全部15个英联邦国家一致同意。

    Mr Cameron has described the system as'an anomaly'but requires the consent of all15 commonwealth countries in order to change the law .

  20. 法律需要在这方面加以解释与细化,以指导税收工作中的实践行为。

    The law needs to explain this respect and to give detailed contents so it can guide the practice of the tax work .

  21. 这也使公司能够满足愿意承担比那以法律需要的一项更高度的环境责任的用户的需求。

    This also enables the company to meet the demands of customers willing to assume a higher degree of environmental responsibility than that required by law .

  22. 他表示,美国和国际破产法律需要大幅修订,这样才能处理大型银行破产。

    He said there would need to be an awful lot of changes to US and international bankruptcy law to enable it to handle large bank failures .

  23. 立法基于其社会本质特点而具有规范法律需要的功能和促进社会发展的功能,其中促进社会转型是立法社会功能的一个方面。

    Legislation has functions of standardizing legal needs and driving social development , and the function of improving social transformation is one of the legislation 's social function .

  24. 法律需要淡化个人主义色彩,更多地关注社会整体的利益,尤其是消费者及社会弱者的利益。

    Law shall weaken the feature of individualism and pay much attention to entire benefit of the society , especially the welfare of consumer and the weak in society .

  25. 这些环节也是法律需要覆盖的领域。铁路环境无线场强覆盖评估算法综述

    Such a scenario is another place where the law needs to catch up , he says . Summary of Evaluation Algorithms of Radio Field Strength Coverage in the Railway Environment

  26. 在自由与安全之间,法律需要寻找到适应于各个时期、不同时代的一个平衡点,这是一个微妙而艰难的任务。

    The legal system has to set up a balanced point between freedom and security in different times and it is a mission not only arduous but dedicate as well .

  27. 国家保密局辩称,相关法律需要得到明确、准确的界定,政府和企业之间应该明确分配保守秘密的责任。

    The watchdog argues that the law needs to be defined clearly and narrowly and that responsibility for guarding secrets should be assigned clearly in government and the corporate sector .

  28. 法律需要稳定,社会又需要法律不断的调整以适应社会的变化。

    The law needs to be steady ; the adjustment that the society needs the law to be constant again , in order to adapt to the change of the society .

  29. 它还将成立一个由业界代表组成的小组,关注于隐私、信任和管理,到2008年底的时候就欧盟法律需要的任何更大的改变提交相关报告。

    It would also set up a group with industry representatives to focus on privacy , trust and governance and report back by the end of2008 on any broader changes needed to EU laws .

  30. 法律需要的生成经历了从个体到群体到国家,从群体之间竞争到兼具合意与暴力因素的协调的过程。

    During the needs evolves from individual needs to group needs and next to state needs , legal needs become practical or realistic needs and come from the competition and coordination among all class of people .