
  1. 董事长,总裁,董事会成员确定总体方针。高层运行管理者确保对法律的遵守。

    President , chief executive officer , board of directors establish overall direction . Senior operating manager assure regulatory compliance .

  2. 他的责任更应该是将自己的利益置于团体利益之下,从而获得真正的自由,这种自由存在于对法律的遵守和对积累的传统的尊敬之中。

    His duty is rather to place his own interests beneath those of the group and thereby gain the true liberty which consists in obedience to law and in respect for accumulated tradition .

  3. 遵循原则下的介入,是保持合理界限的基础;而对原则的尊重和对法律设定的遵守,即是应然的介入界限。

    Follow the principle of intervention is to maintain a reasonable boundary .

  4. 随着越来越关注法律法规的遵守、此类业务控制变得重要得多。

    With the increased attention on regulatory compliance , business controls such as these are that much more important .

  5. 法治的最终指向是法的实现,倘若没有法律的普遍遵守,建设法治国家的目标不免陷入空想。

    The rule of law is at the end of the realization that if there is no legal universal adherence to the goal of building the rule of law inevitably a Utopian .

  6. 内部控制是受董事会、管理层和其他人员影响,为企业经营活动的效率和效果、财务报告的可靠性、相关法律法规的遵守等目标的实现提供合理保证的过程。

    Internal control is the process which has been affected by the board of directors , management and other personnel , for the enterprise management efficiency and effective , the reliability of financial report , related laws and regulations compliance to achieve the goal of reasonable assurance .

  7. PPP法律框架的建立必须遵守透明、公正和长期承诺的原则。

    The establishment of PPP ' legal framework should abide by the principles of transparency , equity and long-term promises .

  8. 【律】法律条文的解释严格遵守犹太法典解释中的摩西律法的犹太教派。

    Jews who strictly observe the Mosaic Law as interpreted in the Talmud .

  9. 它是指从事法律职业的人必须遵守的伦理原则。

    It means the ethical principles which members of the legal profession are expected to observe .

  10. 并论述了公民生存时自愿捐献组织器官应属公民对身体权的支配,该行为应当受到法律的严格限制,遵守一定的立法原则。

    Also it discusses the right to contribute organs when alive and the limitation of this right from the point of law .

  11. 事实上,大型银行通常会雇用大量律师,以确保法律的字面条文得到遵守尽管法律的精神正受到日益新颖和有违道德的歪曲。

    Indeed , the biggest banks typically hired armies of lawyers to ensure that the letter of the law was respected , even as the spirit was perverted in increasingly creative , amoral ways .

  12. 在本章的前几节,作者首先阐述了目前翻译界的一些翻译理论,以及衡量翻译优劣的标准,从而提出法律英语的翻译应遵守的标准:忠实、准确、通顺和一致。

    In the first sections of this chapter , some translation theories as well as criteria for translation are presented before the author makes an attempt to recommend specific criteria for legal translation , which are Faithfulness , Accuracy , Smoothness , Consistency .

  13. 而法制更强调法律制度本身以及对法律制度的遵守和执行。因此,法治建设比之于法制建设,有着更为深刻的思想内涵和更为积极的现实意义。

    Therefore , compared with the construction of legal system , that of rule of law has much deeper ideological connotation and more positive practical significance .

  14. 包括道德需要法律的保障;法律的实施和遵守有赖于道德的支持;二者相互渗透、相互制约,共同维护社会制度和文明。

    Including the morals need guarantee of the law ; Implementation and in accordance with depending on ethical support of the law ; The two permeate , restrict each other each other , safeguard social system and civilization together .

  15. 检察机关提起公益诉讼是以行使法律监督权为目的,以监督法律的遵守和实施为唯一追求,排除了任何其他的独立利益追求,因而能够有效维护国家和社会公共利益。

    It make the law supervision and law enforcement as the only pursue , excluded the pursue of other independent interest . Therefore , the procuratorial organ can protect the public benefits of nation and society in an effective way .

  16. 该体系的构建能够解决土地所有和土地利用之间各种权利的冲突,为用益物权人使用收益他人之物提供法律上的保障,并有利于法律法规的遵守和适用。

    This system can not only solve the conflict of possession and use of ground , but also provide guarantee on people who use others ' property .

  17. 但法律正当论并不能解释并不认同法律价值的人遵守法律的现象。

    But the justness of law is not able to explain the phenomenon of obeying or disobeying the law , whose value not be agreed with .

  18. 因为法律制度高效实现离不开公民对法律的自觉遵守,而公民对法律的自觉遵守又是以公民的守法意识为主观心理基础。

    The high efficiency of implementing a legal system rests with the citizens ' conscious abidance of law , which , however , is based on the citizens ' law-abiding consciousness , their subjective psychic foundation .

  19. 崇尚自由,但并不意味着不要法律和纪律,相反,自由是对法律的尊重和遵守,这就是亚里士多德对自由的基本态度。

    Advocates the freedom , but does not mean that does not want the law and the discipline , on the contrary , free is the respect and observes to the law , this is Aristotle to the free basic attitude .

  20. 法治社会的显著标志就是法律在社会中具有最高的权威以及人们对法律普遍的遵守和服从。

    Ruling by law is a general plan for governing a country . The distinct label of constitutional society is that the law should own the highest authority with people abiding by the law .

  21. 构建我国市场运行法律秩序需要两个条件:一是制定维护市场运行的法律制度,二是市场主体对法律制度的遵守。

    Its construction requires two conditions : one is the legislation of the legal system for maintaining the development of the market operation ; the other one is the abidance of the market main body .

  22. 法律文本中经常使用一些日常用语、技术用语,而对这些词语的准确理解,直接关系到法律的适用和遵守,因此,立法者在法律文本中都以定义条款的方式来界定特定词语的含义。

    Daily expressions and technical terms are used frequently in legal text . Properly understanding of these words has a clear bearing on the application and conformity of law . Therefore , legislators adopt definition clause to define the meaning of specific words in legal text .

  23. 私人实施法律是指针对环境违法行为和政府违法行为,私人可以依据环境法律的授权提起公民诉讼以敦促环境法律的守法义务主体遵守环境法律。

    The private enforcement doctrine means that the private may bring a citizen suit against the environmental violation and administrative violation under the environmental law authority to enforce the environmental law .