
  • 网络Plato's Philosophy;Platonic Philosophy
  1. 柏拉图的哲学王思想探析

    On the Plato 's King Well-versed in Philosophy

  2. 让他们坐在教室里,在20岁时教他们柏拉图的哲学

    Sit them in a classroom , tell them about Plato at the age of 20 ,

  3. 真的,我读过,柏拉图的哲学

    It 's true . I read about it . It 's all in Plato . It 's called philosophy .

  4. 然后让他们去当管理顾问当40年,而他们也不会忘记柏拉图的哲学

    send them out for a career in management consultancy for 40 years , and that lesson will stick with them .

  5. 你们有一些人也许已经在别的课程上学习过柏拉图的哲学思想了,所以这应该会很简单。

    Now , some of you may have studied Plato ' s philosophy in some other course , so this might be easy .

  6. 从中我们可以看出弗洛伊德的学说与柏拉图的哲学思想在非理性主义本质上存在着深厚的渊源关系。

    Through analysis , we can see there is a deep original rela - tion of irrationalism between Plato 's philosophy and Freud 's theory .

  7. 柏拉图的哲学观点对奥古斯丁影响甚深,他的想法显然不同于当前基督教理论,他宣称自己的观点是建立在说理的前提之下的。

    Under the philosophical influence of plato , and distinctly unlike much of the christianity of today , augustine 's view is grounded , he claims , in reason .

  8. 普罗塔哥拉与柏拉图的政治哲学的阐释与比较

    Comparison and Interpretation of Philosophy of Politics Between Protagoras and Plato

  9. 论柏拉图的政治哲学思想及其波普对它的批判

    Plato ′ s Political Philosophy and the Critique of Pope

  10. 列奥·施特劳斯主张回归柏拉图的苏格拉底哲学,重估西方哲学史,并将其改写成回复自然权利的政治哲学史。

    Leo Strauss restores Platonic Socrates , reevaluates western philosophy 's history , and rewrites it as history of political philosophy the returning of natural right .

  11. 如古希腊柏拉图的“哲学王”治国,现代西方国家的文官制度、公民道德教育等。

    For instance ancient Greek Plato " s " philosophy king " runs a country , the systems of the civil officials of the modern western countries , citizen " s moral education and so on .

  12. 这个问题来源于柏拉图和亚里士多德的哲学思想。

    This problem is rooted in the philosophies of Plato and Aristotle .

  13. 柏拉图的政治-哲学观&以正义与智慧为视角

    Plato 's " politics philosophy " view : perspectives of justice and wisdom

  14. 早期的斯多各派学习柏拉图和亚里斯多德的哲学体系,包括逻辑学,物理学和伦理学。

    Early stoics developed all platonic and Aristotelian fields of philosophy , including logic , physics , and ethics .

  15. 柏拉图假定之间的哲学与政治权力的改变,从早期到中期和中,晚对话。

    The relationship Plato posited between philosophy and political power changed from early to middle and middle to late dialogues .

  16. 我们从柏拉图开始——柏拉图的哲学思想。

    So we 'll start with Plato - Plato 's philosophy .

  17. 发端于柏拉图的传统本体论哲学终结了。

    Hence the end of the traditional philosophy of ontology established by Plato .

  18. 柏拉图的回忆说作为哲学与神学的交汇点,其形式是神学的。

    As a cross of philosophy and divine philosophy , Plato 's doctrine of reminiscence has theological form .

  19. 柏拉图建议哲学家学会运用意见来设定标准和建立规范,在柏拉图的政治哲学中,最高的人类活动是哲学而非政治。

    Plato presents a suggestion that philosopher set criteria and construct rules by applying opinions . In Plato 's political philosophy , the most remarkable human action is not politics but philosophy .