
  • 网络Tarry stool
  1. 反常带血的柏油便(通常由胃肠出血引起)。

    Abnormally dark tarry feces containing blood ( usually from gastrointestinal bleeding ) .

  2. 结果呕血伴排柏油样便为主要临床表现,脾脏增大为体检特征。

    Results Hematemesis , melena and splenomegaly were the major presentations .

  3. 结果35例平滑肌瘤中,食管18例、胃壁9例、空肠2例、回肠4例、结肠2例。临床表现为吞咽困难及梗阻、腹部包块、呕血及柏油样便。

    Results In 35 cases , 18 cases of esophagus , 9 cases of gastric wall , 2 cases of colon , 4 ase of ileum , 2 cases of jejunum .