
lěng fū
  • cold compress
冷敷 [lěng fū]
  • [cold compress] 治疗方法之一。用冰袋或冷湿毛巾敷于头额、颈后或病变部位,以达降温、改善不适感和消肿止痛之功效

冷敷[lěng fū]
  1. 冷敷常会减轻疼痛。

    A cold compress often alleviates pain .

  2. 感谢收看“怎样进行冷敷”视频节目。

    Thanks for watching video how to make a cold compress .

  3. 喉咙痛用冷敷布敷一下可能会好一些。

    Sore throats may be relieved by cold compresses .

  4. 对最近的一些伤病,例如扭伤和头痛,建议进行冷敷。

    For recent injuries such as sprains and headaches , cold compresses are recommended .

  5. 我们通常使用冰敷,或冷敷热敷交替,有时需要固定。根据传统,你可以使用所谓的Rice方案,这是以下几个步骤的首字母缩写:REST休息,ICE冰敷,COMPRESSION压迫,ELEVATION抬高

    We often use icing , or intermittent heating , with the icing , sometimes immobilization , in traditional medicine , you should use what 's called The Rice Protocol , which is an acronym for : REST , ICE , COMPRESSION , ELEVATION

  6. 关于服用生姜胶囊、冷敷脸部以及通过听音乐分散注意力来缓解晕动病的症状及其引发的生理反应的效果,纽约州劳顿维尔(Loudonville)锡耶纳学院(SienaCollege)的研究人员也进行了研究。

    At Siena College , in Loudonville , N.Y. , researchers have studied the effectiveness of ginger capsules , facial cooling and listening to music as a distraction for lessening symptoms and physiological responses to motion sickness .

  7. 早期手术减压+MP是治疗胸椎SCIWORA的有效方法,术中生理盐水冷敷,能减轻脊神经的损伤。

    Early decompression + MP was the most effective way to treat SCIWORA of thoracic vertebral body . Cold compression of normal saline can abate the injury of spinal cord .

  8. 热熔转印机,热熔压烫机热敷与冷敷都可以缓解症状。

    Heat fusion press Hot packs and cold compresses ease symptoms .

  9. 新福林加局部冷敷在眼肌手术中的应用

    Neosynephrine Combined With Local Cold Compress Applied in Ocular Muscles Surgery

  10. 说明冷敷对于术后的功能恢复有促进作用。

    Note cold compress for the promotion of functional recovery after effects .

  11. 他们也证实了冷敷包和高度孤独感之间的联系。

    They confirmed the correlation between cold packs and high loneliness scores .

  12. 冷敷过程至少要进行十分钟。

    This should be done for at least 10 minutes .

  13. 这两种情况都可以通过冷敷和药物来治疗。

    Both can be treated with cold wraps and medication .

  14. 在头部或颈部冷敷也有效果。

    A cold compress on your head or neck can also work .

  15. 治疗脚踝扭伤方面,冷敷远比热敷好的多。

    Ice is far better than heat for ankle sprains .

  16. 冷敷常会减轻疼痛。这药片会帮你减轻病痛。

    The pills can help to relieve you from pain .

  17. 使用冰袋冷敷的时间不要超过10分钟。

    Don 't use the ice pack for more than 10 minutes .

  18. 冰袋冷敷促进眼部整容伤口恢复的临床观察

    Clinical Observation of Ice-bag Cold Compress Promoting the Healing of Eye Cosmesis Wound

  19. 他说,在烧伤处冷敷冰块实际上可能有害。

    Using ice on a burn could actually do harm , he said .

  20. 冷敷,打电话给牙医。

    Apply a cold compress and call your dentist .

  21. 中药冷敷治疗阴囊急性湿疹33例

    Cold Compress with Chinese Herbs in Treating 33 Cases of Acute Eczema of Scrotum

  22. 冷敷皮肤以减轻肿胀及疼痛;

    Apply a cold compress to the skin to relieve the swelling and pain ;

  23. 如果你认为下巴受伤,进行冷敷。

    Apply a cold compress to your jaw if you think you broke it .

  24. 但最好的办法是用冰冷敷。

    But your best approach may be ice .

  25. 冷敷能快速、有效、安全地消除静脉外渗性肿胀。

    Cold compress could resolve the swelling due to extravasation rapidly , effectively and safely .

  26. 目的探讨更有效的减轻创伤肿痛的冷敷方法。

    Objective To discuss the more effective method to relieve the swelling pain of wound .

  27. 立其丁与硫酸镁联合冷敷治疗小儿静脉渗漏

    Regitine Combined With Magnesium Sulfate Cold Compress to Treat Childhood Patients With Venous Drug Seepage

  28. 如接种部位出现红肿情况,可冷敷接种处;

    If the injection site becomes red and swollen , cold compress can be applied ;

  29. 5.尝试冷敷

    Step 5 : Try a Cold Compress

  30. 3.冷敷

    Step 3 : Use A Cold Compress