
  • 网络extrusion;cold extrusion;cold-extrusion;cold extruding
  1. 基于装配模型的冷挤压模具CAD系统的研究

    Research on Cold Extrusion Die Mould CAD System Based on Assembly Models

  2. TiN涂层的性能及其对冷挤压模寿命的影响

    Effect of TiN Coating on Life Span of Extrusion Die

  3. 高速冷挤压凸模TiN离子镀层性能研究

    Study on Performance of TiN Ion Interlayer Plated to High-speed Cold-extrusion Protruding Mould

  4. 冷挤压模具镀TiN的试验研究

    A Study of TiN Coating on Cold Extrusion Die

  5. 冷挤压工艺设计CAPP系统的开发与应用

    Development and Application of CAPP for Cold Extrusion Process

  6. 最后,以链条滚子为实例验证了管类零件(黑色金属)冷挤压工艺CAD系统的可行性。

    Finally , in the thesis , an example of chain roller is given to validate the feasibility of this CAD system .

  7. 基于SolidWorks的轴类件冷挤压工艺设计

    Technological Design of Cold Extrusion of Axial Parts Based on SolidWorks

  8. LD钢的强韧化及深冷处理在冷挤压模上的应用

    Strengthening & Toughening and Cryogenic Treatment of LD Steel and Its Application in Cold Extrusion Mould

  9. 冷挤压模具TD法处理的研究

    Study on Thermal Diffusion on Cold Extrusion Die

  10. 单片机在300M钢内螺纹冷挤压过程监测中的应用

    Application of Single Chip Processor in Cold Extrusion of Internal Thread of 300M Steel

  11. 在LiB合金材料的制备中加入冷挤压和热处理两步预处理工艺;

    Two pre-treatment procedures & cooling extrusion and heat treatment were introduced in preparation procedures of LiB alloy material .

  12. 基于DEFORM-3D的离合块冷挤压工艺优化

    Process optimization of clutch block cold extrusion based on DEFORM-3D

  13. LY12硬铝支架冷挤压工艺及模具设计

    The Cold Extrusion Process for the LY 12 Duralumin Brackets and Design of the Die

  14. 因此,对燃烧合成-熔铸的Cu-Cr合金进一步进行冷挤压致密化处理,可获得组织和性能更好的Cu-Cr触头复合材料。

    Therefore , it is necessary that the synthesized Cu-Cr composites are subsequently extruded to further improve their properties .

  15. Zn-Ca系磷化处理在线材冷挤压工艺中的应用

    Zn Ca Phosphate Treatment Technology for Cold Extruding Quality Wire

  16. 本文介绍了300M钢内螺纹冷挤压成形特点,分析了冷挤压加工机理,并对冷挤压加工过程中扭矩变化规律进行了实验研究。

    This paper described the characteristics of cold form tapping of 300M steel internal threads , analyzed its mechanism and studied through experiments the torque variation during cold form tapping .

  17. 采用金属成形有限元分析软件DEFORM,模拟CG125摩托车发动机主轴的矩形花键冷挤压成形过程,得到挤压过程中的模具受力图及坯料的应力分布图。

    Simulation of cold extrusion process of rectangle spline shaft of CG125 motorcycle-engine was carried out , with metal forming finite element analysis software DEFORM .

  18. 介绍了对LC9板材扎壁采用冷挤压工艺前后的疲劳寿命对比试验情况;

    It introduces comparison test of fatigue life before and after adopting cold extrusion technolop toward hole wall of LC9 plate ;

  19. 采用阿基米德方法分别测量了含24%(摩尔分数)B的LiB合金反应完全并经冷挤压后的样品和未经第二次放热反应中间样品的密度,综合分析了以往不同研究者所测量的结果。

    For the 24 % ( mole fraction ) B Li B alloy , the densities of the specimen fully reacted and cold extruded and the specimen without second exothermic reaction were measured , respectively . Several experimental results of previous different researchers were discussed .

  20. 采用塑性成形有限元分析软件DEFORM3D,对汽车启动器套筒冷挤压齿部成形过程进行了数值模拟。

    Numerical simulation on cold extrusion process of automobile starter socket has been carried out by using the software DEFORM3D .

  21. 结果表明,经扩散退火处理的ZA-27铸造合金适用于冷挤压成型方法,制件的成品率为100%。

    The result of the investigation shows that ZA27 alloy by diffusion annealing is suited for cold extrusion processing method , the proportion of finished product of the element was100 % .

  22. 并对其制备的TiN、TiC、Ti(CxNy)超硬膜进行了显微硬度和化学成份等分析,最后介绍了该项技术在冷挤压冲头上的应用实例。

    The paper also presents the investigation of microhardness , surface and fracture zone feature , crystalline structure and chemical composition of TiN , TiC and Ti ( C_xN_y ) super-hard coatings . Finally , the paper gives out application cases of the PCVD technique in the cold extrusion punch .

  23. 本文应用有限元素法对冷挤压通孔凹模进行计算、比以往采用Lame理论进行计算,不仅精度高,而且能计算凹模轴线方向上的应力分布。

    In this paper it is describe to calculate cold extrusion cylindrical hole die by using finite element method , comparing with that calculation of using Lame theory , this calculation not only can provide higher accuracy , but also axial stress distribution of die .

  24. 基于软件DEFORM-3D模拟研究了正向挤压与减径挤压两种冷挤压方法挤压变形规律:分析了正向挤压时的金属变形规律,小直径毛坯对模具充填情况的影响;

    The metal deformation rules of positive cold extrusion and reducing diameter are studied based on Deform-3D : analyzing the metal deformation rules and small diameter roughcast affects the filling of mould when positive extrusion is used ;

  25. 对高速钢(W6Mo5Cr4V2)冷挤压冲头和麻花钻作了超低温处理,并应用于生产实践。

    The high speed steel ( W6Mo5Cr4V2 ) cold extruding dies and twist drills have been treated with the technology of super cryogenic treatment , and applied to practical production .

  26. 试验研究了重载冷挤压模具钢&W18Cr4V、LM2、65Nb和W9经不同热处理工艺处理后的显微组织和机械性能之间的关系。

    The relationship between microstructure and properties of heavy cold extrusion dies made of W18Cr4V 、 LM2 、 65Nb 、 W9 steels by various heat treatment was studied .

  27. 主要介绍汽车安全气囊(40L)气体发生器壳体(LD30)冷挤压成形工艺,并对模具结构、润滑条件等作了较为系统的分析。

    This paper introduces mainly the cold-extrusion forming technique for gas generator shell ( LD30 ) in gasbag ( 40L ) . It also analyzes systematically the die structure and lubricating conditions .

  28. 在分析了S195连杆螺钉传统的热模锻存在问题的基础上,指出该螺钉冷挤压加工的必要性。

    On the basis of analysing existent problems in traditional production of link rod bolt with hot die forging technique , necessity is explicitly pointed out that link rod bolt is produced with cold extrusion technique .

  29. 电器动触头零件冷挤压工艺及模具

    The Cold Extruding Process and the Tooling for the Moving Contacts

  30. 应用云纹干涉法测量冷挤压孔周残余应力分布

    Measurement of Residual Stresses Around Cold Worked Holes by Moire Interferometry