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  • refrigerator;freezer
  1. 螺杆转子在空压机、冷冻机以及工业泵等行业中的应用日趋广泛。

    Screw rotor is applied increasingly wider in air compressor , freezer and pump industry .

  2. 如果购买大量物品,剩余的食品可贮藏在家用冷冻机内。

    If they buy in quantity the surplus food can be stored in a home freezer .

  3. 本文不仅为HFC-134a提供了一批新的候选润滑油,也为聚醚类化合物用作冷冻机润滑油提供了科学依据。

    A number of new lubricants for HFC-134a and a way for polyethers used as refrigerating compressor lubricant are provided .

  4. 冷冻机立式水冷器污垢的塑料螺旋齿管自动清洗技术研究

    Study on Self-Cleaning Technology in Vertical Water Cooler of the Refrigerator

  5. 冷冻机功耗与定额油耗关系的探讨

    Relationship between Power Consumption of Refrigerator and Normal Expenditure of Oil

  6. 冷冻机两种故障原因分析和排除措施

    Causes Analysis and Treatment Measures of Two Failures of Refrigerator

  7. 进口通道式冷冻机的工作原理及改进

    Operating principle of imported tunnel freezer and improvement on it

  8. 螺杆冷冻机拖动电机全数字化综合保护系统简述

    Screw Bolt Freezers Towing Electrical Protection Systems on the Entire Integrated Digital

  9. 螺杆式冷冻机振动故障诊断软件的开发

    Development of Vibration Fault Diagnosis Software for Screw Refrigerator

  10. 螺杆式冷冻机润滑油分离器的改造

    Revamping of the Separator of Screw Refrigerant Compressor Oil

  11. 请检查冷冻机运行情况。

    Inspect the operation condition of the condenser .

  12. 我们可以建立太空拖船,装载冷冻机和水的轨道平台。

    We can build space tugs , orbiting platforms for holding cryogens and water .

  13. 目前,该网关已经在冷冻机控制器总线网络中投入使用。

    At present , the gateway has been used in the refrigerator controller bus networks .

  14. 吸收冷冻机系统的柔软性分析

    Operational flexibility of an absorption refrigeration system

  15. 冷冻机热回收利用

    Reclaimed Heat Using of Freezer

  16. 七月的一个上午,谢弗往冷冻机里投放各种微粒物质,观察结果都不成功。

    One July morning , Schaefer was dropping in bits of various substances and watching the unsuccessful results .

  17. 吸收冷冻机系统可看作为由五个热交换单元所组成的热交换器网络。

    An absorption refrigeration system can be regarded as a heat exchanger network with five heat exchanger units .

  18. 冷冻机运转过程中,发现严重缺水或特别情况时,应采取紧急停车。

    In5 , chiller operation process , found serious water shortage or special circumstances , should take emergency parking .

  19. 吸收式冷冻机在中国格外受欢迎,因为许多工厂已经有了柴油发动机和柴油储存罐。

    Absorption chillers are particularly popular in China because many factories already have diesel generators and diesel fuel storage tanks .

  20. 在射入冷冻机的光线中,他看到自己呼出的空气里有些小东西。

    In the ray of light shining into the freezer , he saw tiny pieces of something in his breath .

  21. 另外,该平台也应用到了大连冷冻机厂精益生产管理系统等其他系统的开发中。

    It has also been used in other system development such as the lean production system for Dalian Refrigeration Plant .

  22. 冷冻机运转中,不准擦拭、抚摸运转部位和调整紧固承受压力的零件。

    In4 , chiller operation , no cleaning , touch operation of the site and the adjusting fastening pressure parts .

  23. 介绍了一种结构特殊的大型冷冻机高速齿轮副国产化方面的一些实用经验。

    Some applied experiences on domestication field of high speed gear pair with special structure for large scale refrigerator are recommended .

  24. 他举了个例子,林德提供低温冷冻机,用液氮来快速冷冻树莓这类娇弱、营养丰富的水果。

    To give one example : Linde supplies cryogenic freezers rapidly to cool sensitive , nutrient-rich fruits such as raspberries using liquid nitrogen .

  25. 设备包括压缩机,泵,冷冻机,热交换器,冷却塔,压力容器,蒸发器等。

    Equipment scope includes compressors , pumps , chillers , heat exchangers , cooling towers , pressure vessels , boilers , vaporizers for Projects .

  26. 介绍了制氧机冷冻机自停和蒸发器结垢这两种故障的原因分析和排除措施。

    The causes analysis and treatment measures of stopping by itself and scale of evaporator of the refrigerator for the air separator are presented .

  27. 象平常一样,他让冷冻机的盖子敞着就离去了,因为冷空气下沉,不会从冷冻机箱里跑走。

    As usual , he left the cover of the freezer up , since cold air sinks and would not escape from the box .

  28. 我握着他的手,感到一阵冰凉,就仿佛他刚从兰贝冰淇淋厂的冷冻机里出来一样。

    I took his palm and it was freezing cold like he just stepped out of the Blue Bell Ice Cream factory 's freezer .

  29. 本实用新型是一种循环式干燥装置。它含有氮气罐、喷淋回收塔、冷冻机和循环风机。

    The utility model relates to a circulation drier , which comprises a nitrogen gas-holder , a sprinkling recovery tower , a refrigerator and a recirculation fan .

  30. 很明显,冷冻机是一种物理系统,因此它不仅必须遵从第一定律(能量定恒),也必须遵从热力学的第二定律。

    Clearly , a refrigerator , which is a physical system must obey not only the first law ( energy conservation ) but the second law of thermodynamics as well .