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  • cold-rolled steel
  1. 以CSP热轧板为原料汽车冲压用冷轧钢生产实践

    The Practice for Production of Sheet Steel of Automobile with Compact Strip Production Hot Strips

  2. H2SO4介质中KI在冷轧钢表面的吸附及缓蚀作用

    Adsorption and Inhibition Effect of KI on Cold Rolled Steel Surface in H_2SO_4 Solution

  3. 稀土离子和香兰素在H2SO4溶液中对冷轧钢的缓蚀协同效应

    Synergistic Inhibition Effect of Rare Earth Ions and Vanillin on Corrosion of Cold Rolled Steel in H_2SO_4 Solution

  4. 本文以实验为基础,分析研究了(150×600)mm冷轧钢模板的力学性能,设计并完成了矫正钢模板模拟实验,为设计钢模矫形机提供了可靠的力能参数。

    The ( 600 × 1500 ) mm cold rolling steel template mechanics function by experimentation designed is studied in the paper and finished imitation experimentation of proofreading steel template . So we can get trust worthy information from it .

  5. 复合粒子表面的PANI对二氧化硅结合牢固,这种复合粒子能像纯PANI颗粒一样使冷轧钢(CRS)表面钝化,可以作为廉价的缓蚀剂用于防腐涂料。

    PANI layer adhered firmly to the surface of silicon dioxide particle and the composite particles passivated the cold rolled steel ( CRS ) as the pure PANI did .

  6. 研究结果表明,冷轧钢-铜复合后,扩散热处理温度为550~600℃,保温时间为1.5h,经处理后的复合材料,其结合强度最佳。

    It is found that , after the cold-rolling steel-copper recombination , the conjunctional intensity is the greatest when the diffused heat treatment temperature is 550-600 ℃ and the insulation time is 1.5 h.

  7. 芳香醛在磷酸中对冷轧钢的缓蚀作用

    Inhibition Effect of Aromatic Aldehydes on Cold Rolled Steel in H_3PO_4 Solution

  8. 冷轧钢模板矫形机有限元分析

    Analysis of steel template rectification machine by FEM

  9. 明年它希望完成位于越南胡志明市附近的冷轧钢工厂和墨西哥的汽车钢板工厂(向通用汽车和现代汽车提供钢板)。

    And next year it hopes to complete the construction of a cold-rolling mill near Vietnam 's Ho Chi Minh City , and an automotive steel-sheet plant in Mexico to supply General Motors and Hyundai Motor .

  10. 控轧控冷技术是轧钢生产技术的重要发展方向。

    The controlled rolling and controlled cooling technique is the important development direction of steel rolling .