
  • 网络Cooling curve
  1. 冷却曲线的整体形状可以表征包括熔体细化及变质效果在内的AlSi合金熔体状态。

    The whole shape of a thermal analysis cooling curve can characterise Al-Si alloy melt , including the grain refinement and modification effects .

  2. Sr对Al-13%Si合金共晶凝固冷却曲线特征温度的影响

    The Effects of Sr on the Characteristic Temperatures of the Cooling Curve of Al-13 % Si Alloy During Eutectic Solidification

  3. 冷却曲线识别与亚共晶Al-Si合金熔体状态测评

    Recognition of Cooling Curves and Evaluation of Melt Features for Hypoeutectic Al-Si Alloy

  4. 结果表明,淬火油的淬火烈度H值与建立在冷却曲线基础上的硬化能力HP值均随介质流速的增加而增加,二者增加的斜率相近。

    The results show that the values of hardening capacity and quench severity increase in similar slope with the raise of flow rate .

  5. 对淬火剂SST(201)在不同浓度、温度及重复使用次数下的冷却曲线进行了测定。

    The cooling characters of SST201 under different concentrations , temperatures and repeated use were measured .

  6. Al-Cu合金凝固冷却曲线及晶粒组织特征的计算机模拟

    Computer Simulation of the Cooling Curves and Grain Structure in Solidification of Al 2wt % Cu Alloy

  7. 针对Sr变质Al-11.7%Si共晶合金,通过实测获得冷却曲线,计算出结晶过程固相生长速率曲线。

    The freezing curve of the Sr modificated Al-11.7 % Si eutectic alloy is obtained by experiment , and the solid phase grow speed curve is calculated .

  8. 本工作通过计算标准顶端淬火冷却曲线,并利用计算得到的CCT曲线和数据,对合金钢淬透性曲线进行了预测。

    Through calculating the cooling curve of standard top quenching specimen and CCT-diagram , the hardenability curves of alloy steel are calculated .

  9. 采用分级淬火的方法测定了7055铝合金的温度时间性能(TTP)曲线,并结合合金实际淬火冷却曲线通过淬火因子分析方法预测了合金的硬度。

    The temperature time property ( TTP ) curve of 7055 aluminum alloy was evaluated by interrupted quenching method .

  10. 用四种C含量的U74轨钢,研究了加热速度对相变点的影响,测定了他们各自的连续冷却曲线,找出了四种材料欠速淬火后转变产物的硬度与冷却速度的关系。

    Four different C % U74 rail steels were studied . It studied the influence of heatingrate on the transformation temperature , tested the different C. C.

  11. 测试了T10钢工件高压氮气淬火时的冷却曲线、工件淬火后的硬度;

    The cooling curves of T10 steel workpieces during high pressure nitrogen quenching were tested .

  12. 利用MDD模式得到的连续冷却曲线,可以定量地描述地质体的冷却(隆升)过程;

    The continuous cooling curve obtained with the MDD model can use to quantitatively describe the cooling or uplifting process of a geologic body .

  13. 知道了Dirac方程的精确解后,我们计算了奇异星内部直接Urca过程的中微子产能率并拟合了星体的冷却曲线。

    Knowing the exact solution of Dirac function , we calculate the neutrino emissivity of quark Urca reaction and simulate the cooling history of the strange star .

  14. 对实际工程中常用大体积混凝土水管冷却曲线的拟合

    The curves of regression for cooling problem of the mass concrete

  15. 不同搅拌方式下冷却曲线的测量与比较

    The Measurement and Comparison of Cooling Curves with Different Agitation Methods

  16. 用冷却曲线估测动态条件下淬火油的淬火烈度

    Estimating Quench Severity of Quenching Oil at Various Flow Rates with Cooling Curves

  17. 试验结果表明:所测得的数据以及冷却曲线可靠,稳定。

    Test shows that temperature data and cooling curve are credible and steady .

  18. 试验用贝氏体钢轨钢连续冷却曲线的测定及组织特征

    Determination of CCT Curves and Characteristics of Microstructure of Testing Bainitic Rail Steels

  19. 淬火能力检查;例如,冷却曲线,粘度或滴定。

    Quenchability Check ; e.g. , cooling curve , viscosity , or titration .

  20. 钢板强适应横向冷却曲线

    Lateral Cooling Curve with Flexible Suitability of a Plate

  21. 中厚板淬火过程的横向冷却曲线

    Transverse Cooling Curve in Quenching Medium Steel Plate

  22. 测量淬火冷却曲线几种热电偶的安装方法

    Thermocouple Installation Methods in Measurement of Cooling Curves

  23. 灰铁件冷却曲线计算机辅助分析

    The Computer-Aided Cooling Curve Analysis of Gray Iron

  24. 淬火介质评价方法中,冷却曲线法应用最广。

    Among the evaluation methods of quenchants , cooling curve method is the most popular .

  25. 金属凝固冷却曲线计算机测试系统

    Computer Test System for Metal Cooling Curve

  26. 利用温度冷却曲线和温度场颜色图将铸件模拟过程真实的展示出来。

    The casting simulation is showed out truly by the cooling curve and temperature field color map .

  27. 大体积混凝土一、二期水管冷却曲线的回归

    The Regression of Curves for two ( I , II ) Stages of Cooling problem of Mass Concrete

  28. 经过特定点冷却曲线的比较和中心剖切面温度场的显示,本研究模拟结果从网格剖分、温度场模拟结果到界面显示令人满意。

    From the cooling curve of special point and temperature field of cross-sectional , the comparison is basically satisfactory .

  29. 铸铁样杯的结构参数对冷却曲线形态的影响

    Compared the actuality of the structure of th The Influence Structure Parameters of Cast Iron Sample Cup on Shape of Colling Curve

  30. 从共晶反应冷却曲线可看到两个转变阶段:第一阶段,共晶反应前形成的球状石墨伴随奥氏体壳生长;

    The two arrest stage on the cooling curve during the eutectic freezing were observed in the cast iron with CV graphite .