
suǒ shì tǐ
  • sorbite;sorbide
索氏体[suǒ shì tǐ]
  1. 结果表明:高铬白口铸铁-铸钢镶铸铸件结合层为铁素体带和含有Fe、C、Cr的索氏体带组织构成。

    The results showed that the junction area of the hi-Cr white iron-carbon steel cast-in casting consisted of the ferrite zone and the Fe , C , Cr-containing sorbite zone .

  2. 试验结果得出在600~680℃范围内,Nb能阻止变形马氏体组织的再结晶,时效组织主要为保持板条马氏体位向的回火索氏体,未发现粒状铁素体。

    The test results showed that Nb could prevent recrystallization of deformed lath martensite structure at 600 ~ 680 ℃, and the aged structure was tempered sorbite kept lath martensite phase direction with no ferrite particles discovered .

  3. 结果表明,混合组织的接触疲劳寿命(No、Nf)高于单一回火索氏体组织。

    Ex-perimental results show that contact fatigue life of mixed structure is better than that of single tem-pered sorbite .

  4. 在生产高碳硬线时,通过添加微量合金元素Cr、V并配以合适的控冷工艺,可获得较完全的索氏体组织和较高的机械性能,满足更高级别的钢绞线生产要求。

    Through adding micro-amounted Cr , V to steel and using proper controlled cooling technology in producing high carbon wire rod , the more complete sorbite and higher properties are obtained and the need of producing high quality stranded wire can be met .

  5. 10CrMo910热影响区和T91热影响区的组织分别为索氏体和细的回火马氏体,韧性较好。

    The microstructures of heat affected zones of T91 / 10CrMo910 are tempered sorbite and thin tempered lath martensite and the toughness is good .

  6. 钒氮复合微合金化77B、82B钢索氏体团更加细化,索氏体片层间距有所增大。

    In the V-N complex micro-alloyed 77B and 82B steels , Sorbite clusters get more finer but the sorbite interlaminar spacing increase . 3 .

  7. 用全反向恒应变幅试验方法,研究了C-Mn轨钢珠光体及回火索氏体的应变疲劳行为,探讨了塑性应变在应变疲劳中的作用。

    Strain-fatigue properties of pearlite and tempered sorbite in a C-Mn eutectoid rail steel have been studied by fully reversed constant total strain amplitude and plastic strain behavior in strain fatigue process has been investigated .

  8. 钢筋典型的金相组织(Q235)表层为回火索氏体,过渡层为珠光体+铁素体且部分铁素体呈针状,心部为珠光体+铁素体,晶粒度8~10级;

    The typical microstructure ( Q235 ): the surface layer is tempered sorbite ; the transition layer is pearlite and ferrite , and the partial ferrite is acicular ; the core is pearlite and ferrite and the grain fineness is 8 ~ 10 grade .

  9. 高温回火后组织为回火索氏体。

    After high temperature tempering the microstructure transform into tempered Sorbite .

  10. 高碳钢盘条中索氏体含量的定量测定

    Quantitative Measurement of Sorbitic Content of High Carbon Steel Wire Rods

  11. 经热处理后的试样组织均为回火索氏体。

    After heat treatment , the microstructure of the steel is tempered sorbite .

  12. 对无扭控冷热轧高碳钢盘条索氏体含量金相检测方法几个关键问题的探讨

    Discussion on metallographic test method for sorbitic content of

  13. 低合金刃具钢的姜块状索氏体化处理

    Study on New Heat Treatment for Ginger like Sorbite of Low Alloy Cutlery Steels

  14. 电弧炉熔炼索氏体高强度球铁轧辊的实践

    Practice of Sorbitic High Strength Spheroidal Graphite Iron Roller by Electric Arc Furnace Melting

  15. 索氏体标准查询系统的开发

    The Development of Query System with Sorbite Standard

  16. 回火索氏体钢轨钢循环应变行为与位错结构关系的研究

    Relationship between Cyclic Strain Behavior of Tempered Sorbite in a Rail Steel and Its Dislocation Structures

  17. 用增量步进试验方法,研究了珠光体和回火索氏体共析轨钢的循环应力-应变行为。

    Cyclic stress-strain behavior in pearlitic and tempered sorbitic eutectoid rail steels has been studied by Incremental Step Test technigue .

  18. 铅锅进丝端安装冷风降温系统可保证钢丝索氏体化质量;

    Installing cold wind cooling system at steel wire input of lead pot can ensure sorbitic quality of steel wire .

  19. 对于YB/T169-2000高碳钢盘条索氏体含量金相检测方法评级依据的探讨

    Oppugning the foundation of the YB / T 169-2000 Metallographic test method for the sorbite percent in the high carbon steel wire rod

  20. 认为,根据各种回火组织的特性,船体钢的高温回火组织应归为回火索氏体。

    Based on these , according to characteristic of steel tempering structure , high temperature tempering structure of hull steel is called tempered martensite .

  21. 其基本特点是通过对钢水的球化处理使材料在铸态下得到一定量的球状石墨和碳化物,基体组织为片状珠光体或索氏体。

    In use of spheroidizing agency treatment , some spheroidal graphites and carbide on the matrix of lamellar or sorbitic pearlite can be achieved in as-cast state .

  22. 结果表明,宏观断口为脆性断裂,金相组织不仅有回火索氏体,还包含不应有的带状铁素体、魏氏体组织及明显的枝状晶和非金属夹杂物,从而导致钢的韧性降低。

    The results show that the banded ferrite structure , widmanstatten structure , dendritical microstructure and nonmetallic inclusion which decreasing the toughness of the steel cause the brittle fracture .

  23. 预应力钢丝拉拔断裂的原因是金相组织不合理,由索氏体、屈氏体和少量的贝氏体的混合组织组成,并有马氏体产生;

    The main conclusions are : The cause for prestressed wires breaking in drawing is the metallographic structure which is admixture of sorbide , troostite , bainite , and Martensite ;

  24. 结果表明,随轧制道次的增加,晶粒尺寸逐渐减小,索氏体的含量不断增加,屈服强度逐渐提高。

    The results indicate that , with the increase of rolling times , the grain size becomes smaller , the content of sorbite multiplicates , and the yield strength improves .

  25. 完全硬化区由细小针状马氏体、残余奥氏体和少量点状碳化物组成,过渡区由马氏体和回火索氏体(珠光体)组成;

    The completely hardening region is composed of fine acicular martensites , residual austenites and a few dot-like carbonides and the transition region is made up of martensites and sorbites ( pearlite ) .

  26. 该工艺在保证盘条钢具有良好的回火屈氏体和索氏体组织外,还减少了对环境的污染和对人体的危害。

    The technology not only guarantees that there are good microstructures of the tempered troostite and sorbite in the wire rod steel , but also makes environmental pollution and human harm decrease much .

  27. 指出,获得细小的高韧性索氏体组织是保证良好疲劳寿命的关键,稳定杆喷丸表面质量、游离铁素体也是影响疲劳性能的重要因素。

    It was pointed out that obtaining fine sorbite with high toughness was the key to good fatigue resistance . Other factors such as surface quality and free ferrite in sticks were also affect fatigue properties .

  28. 实验结果表明:马氏体的出现和基体为索氏体、屈氏体和少量的贝氏体的混合组织是断裂的主要原因;

    It is showed : the formation of martensite and mixture of sorbide , troostite and bainite which is caused by the low temperature at the beginning of cooling control is the main reason of fracture ;

  29. 提高桥梁缆索镀锌钢丝强度的主要方法是提高索氏体盘条的强度、提高加工硬化效果和减少热镀锌过程的强度损失。

    The main methods improving the strength of galvanized wire for bridge cable are to improve the strength of sorbite wire rod , increase drawing hardening effect and decrease strength lose in the course of galvanizing .

  30. 本文设计旨在既保留回火索氏体组织又能细化晶粒的多次调质热处理工艺,以期使其耐磨性得到提高。

    In this paper , repeated quenching and tempering processing was used to not only refine the grain size and but also keep the microstructure as tempered sorbite . Good wear resistance is also desired to be obtained by the processing .